Income Tax : Explore wishlist for Budget 2024 from an income tax perspective. From standard deduction to LTCG tax rates, discover key proposals...
Income Tax : The scope of this article is primarily focused on the compliance of individuals with the tax system, excluding corporate entities ...
Income Tax : Explore the applicability of Marginal Relief in both old and new tax regimes, designed to ease the tax burden on individuals with ...
Income Tax : Explore the old vs new income tax regime for FY 2023-24. Compare tax slabs, benefits, exemptions, and deductions to determine whic...
Income Tax : Discover the impact of Budget 2023 on Personal Income Tax, including changes in tax rates, exemptions, deductions, and the choice ...
Income Tax : Discover the Ministry of Finance's latest tax changes: ₹75,000 standard deduction, enhanced pension benefits. Potential savings ...
Income Tax : Rates of income-tax in respect of income liable to tax for the assessment year 2021-22 i.e. Financial Year 2020-21 In respect of i...
Income Tax : Union Budget proposed to remove the Dividend Distribution Tax. Currently, companies are required to pay DDT on the dividend paid t...
Income Tax : Tax Bar Association made a Pre Budget Memorandum to Finance Minister and requested for increase in Income Tax Slab Rate, Increase ...
Income Tax : Punjab Accountants Association hs requested Honourable Union Finance Minister, Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman to revise Income-tax Slab fo...
Income Tax : t under the proposed section 194K, a Mutual Fund shall be required to deduct TDS @ 10% only on dividend payment and no tax shall b...
Income Tax : As you are aware the Hon'ble Finance Minister in her Budget Speech on lst February 2020 announced a new Scheme namely Vivad se V...
Income Tax : It is clarified that in case of an Indian citizen who becomes deemed resident of India under this proposed provision, income earne...
Income Tax : Net direct tax collections during first quarters of the present fiscal (up to June 2010) stood at Rs.68,675 crore, up from Rs.59,4...
New section 80TTB to allow a deduction upto Rs 50,000/- in respect of interest income from deposits held by senior citizens. However, no deduction under section 80TTA shall be allowed in these cases.
This article would contain major amendments proposed vide union Budget 2018 along with the impact of the same on Taxpayer/citizen as well as revenue to the govt /remarks & one more column would be for rating of the amendment. You would have to invest 20 minutes in order to gain yourself an understanding of the budget proposal related to taxation.
The new budget which was introduced by Mr Jaitley saw the reintroduction of tax on Long term capital gain @10% with certain restrictions. The pivotal part of this restriction can be entirely put into one word i.e GRANDFATHERING as on 31st January 2018 , which certainly is inspired by tweets of Mr Shashi tharoor considering the usage of such a rare word.
Section 80DDB of the Act, inter-alia, provide that a deduction is available to an individual and Hindu undivided family with regard to amount paid for medical treatment of specified diseases in respect of very senior citizen upto Rs 80,000/-
Rates of income-tax for financial year 2018-19 or Assessment Year 2019-20 A. Income Tax Rates for financial year 2018-19 for Individual below the Age of Sixty Years, Hindu undivided family, association of persons, body of individuals, artificial juridical person are as under- Upto Rs. 2,50,000 Nil. Rs. 2,50,001 to Rs. 5,00,000 5 per cent Rs. […]
Section 80D, inter-alia, provides that a deduction upto Rs 30,000/- shall be allowed to an assessee, being an individual or a Hindu undivided family, in respect of payments towards annual premium on health insurance policy
A new section 112A in the Act to provide that long term capital gains arising from transfer of a long term capital asset being an equity share in a company or a unit of an equity oriented fund or a unit of a business trust shall be taxed at 10 per cent. of such capital gains exceeding one lakh rupees .
It is proposed to allow a standard deduction upto Rs 40,000/- or the amount of salary received, whichever is less. Consequently the present exemption in respect of Transport Allowance (except in case of differently abled persons) and reimbursement of medical expenses is proposed to be withdrawn.
Clause (a) of the said sub-section provides that at the time of processing of return, the total income or loss shall be computed after making the adjustments specified in sub-clauses (i) to (vi) thereof.
Under the existing provisions of the clause (12A) of section 10 of the Act, an employee contributing to the NPS is allowed an exemption in respect of 40% of the total amount payable to him on closure of his account or on his opting out.