Income Tax : Explore wishlist for Budget 2024 from an income tax perspective. From standard deduction to LTCG tax rates, discover key proposals...
Income Tax : The scope of this article is primarily focused on the compliance of individuals with the tax system, excluding corporate entities ...
Income Tax : Explore the applicability of Marginal Relief in both old and new tax regimes, designed to ease the tax burden on individuals with ...
Income Tax : Explore the old vs new income tax regime for FY 2023-24. Compare tax slabs, benefits, exemptions, and deductions to determine whic...
Income Tax : Discover the impact of Budget 2023 on Personal Income Tax, including changes in tax rates, exemptions, deductions, and the choice ...
Income Tax : Discover the Ministry of Finance's latest tax changes: ₹75,000 standard deduction, enhanced pension benefits. Potential savings ...
Income Tax : Rates of income-tax in respect of income liable to tax for the assessment year 2021-22 i.e. Financial Year 2020-21 In respect of i...
Income Tax : Union Budget proposed to remove the Dividend Distribution Tax. Currently, companies are required to pay DDT on the dividend paid t...
Income Tax : Tax Bar Association made a Pre Budget Memorandum to Finance Minister and requested for increase in Income Tax Slab Rate, Increase ...
Income Tax : Punjab Accountants Association hs requested Honourable Union Finance Minister, Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman to revise Income-tax Slab fo...
Income Tax : t under the proposed section 194K, a Mutual Fund shall be required to deduct TDS @ 10% only on dividend payment and no tax shall b...
Income Tax : As you are aware the Hon'ble Finance Minister in her Budget Speech on lst February 2020 announced a new Scheme namely Vivad se V...
Income Tax : It is clarified that in case of an Indian citizen who becomes deemed resident of India under this proposed provision, income earne...
Discover the Ministry of Finance’s latest tax changes: ₹75,000 standard deduction, enhanced pension benefits. Potential savings of ₹17,500/year for salaried employees.
Explore wishlist for Budget 2024 from an income tax perspective. From standard deduction to LTCG tax rates, discover key proposals for financial relief and reforms in this detailed analysis.
The scope of this article is primarily focused on the compliance of individuals with the tax system, excluding corporate entities and other legal persons. The objective is to assess the overall impact of compliance costs on a broader scale by applying determinants of compliance costs to various categories of taxpayers.
Explore the applicability of Marginal Relief in both old and new tax regimes, designed to ease the tax burden on individuals with incomes slightly above certain thresholds. Gain insights through examples and understand its impact on tax calculations. Stay informed about tax-saving opportunities.
Explore the old vs new income tax regime for FY 2023-24. Compare tax slabs, benefits, exemptions, and deductions to determine which regime is better for you. Make an informed decision with expert insights.
Discover the impact of Budget 2023 on Personal Income Tax, including changes in tax rates, exemptions, deductions, and the choice between old and new tax regimes.
Budget 2023s new tax regime: A mix of flexibility and choice with potential for reduced savings. Understand the benefits and drawbacks before deciding.
आम बजट में जिस तरह से नए कर ढ़ांचे की पेशकश की गयी है उससे तो यही संकेत मिलता है कि सरकार आने वाले वर्षों में पुरानी व्यवस्था को कहीं स्थगित ही न कर दे हालांकि अभी तक तो हमें पुरानी व्यवस्था को अपनाने का विकल्प दे रखा है। नये कर ढांचे में हम जैसों […]
Learn all about the new tax slabs from Union Budget 2023 and understand the computing of individual taxes for FY 2023-24. Budget 2023- Individual Tax Slabs
Old Tax Regime Vs. New Tax Regime Updated Calculator for Financial Year 2023-24 i.e. Assessment Year 2024-25 after considering new tax slabs proposed by Union Budget 2023. Various slabs and Tax Rates created chaos and raised multiple questions among Salaried employees. In order to bring simplicity I have created a Excel based utility which will […]