Income Tax : Discover essentials of PAN (Permanent Account Number) issuance, structure, and changes. Learn about Form-49A and Form-49AA require...
Goods and Services Tax : A PAN card is mandatory for GST registration, tax filing, and TDS compliance in India. Learn how non-compliance can lead to penalt...
Income Tax : A PAN (Permanent Account Number) is a unique 10-character alphanumeric identifier issued by the Income Tax Department of India to ...
Income Tax : The Income Tax Department (ITD) is upgrading the existing PAN card systems in India through a new e-governance project called PAN ...
Income Tax : PAN 2.0 project aims to simplify services, improve security, and provide a unified platform for all PAN/TAN-related services, enha...
Income Tax : Taxpayers face TDS demands post Aadhaar-PAN linking despite compliance. Key issues include undue demands, lack of redressal, and r...
Income Tax : PAN 2.0 focuses on process upgrades for taxpayers with no mandatory new PAN card. Existing cards remain valid. Estimated cost: ₹...
Income Tax : The PAN 2.0 Project simplifies PAN/TAN management with a unified platform, paperless processes, and faster services. Approved by C...
Income Tax : Cabinet approves PAN 2.0 project to enhance taxpayer registration services through technology-driven transformation, improving ser...
Income Tax : Starting October 2024, Aadhaar Enrolment ID can no longer be used for PAN applications or income returns. Quoting Aadhaar numbers ...
Income Tax : Jammu & Kashmir High Court directs tax authorities to correct PAN errors in challans and release pending refund to Kashmir Tubes. ...
Income Tax : ITAT directs fresh examination in Ambasa Babansa Raibagi case due to PAN linking error, remitting the Rs. 25.66 lakh addition back...
Income Tax : Madras High Court directs approach to appellate authority for a bank attachment notice issued over PAN fraud, pending statutory ap...
Income Tax : ITAT Jodhpur rules that possession of transport vehicles is sufficient for Section 194C TDS exception, emphasizing the significanc...
Income Tax : Learn about Bombay High Court's Quashing of Reassessment notice by the Tax Department against a non-existent entity with an active...
Income Tax : Income Tax Circular 08/2024 exempts higher TDS/TCS rates if deductee/collectee dies before PAN-Aadhaar linkage, addressing taxpay...
SEBI : SEBI issues circular on restricting trading by Designated Persons (DPs) through PAN freezing at security level for the top 1,000 B...
SEBI : NSE has recently issued a circular clarifying the implementation of the Securities and Exchange Board of India’s (SEBI) regu...
Income Tax : Rule 114AAA of the Income-tax Rules, 1962 related to Manner of making permanent account number (PAN) inoperative is applicable fro...
Income Tax : Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has extended the last date to link Permanent Account Number (PAN) with Aadhaar to June 30, 20...
Link PAN-Aadhaar Today Beneficial Tomorrow It is mandatory to link your PAN with Aadhaar! Last date to link PAN with Aadhaar is 31st March, 2019 How to link your PAN with Aadhaar Through SMS facility: Send SMS to 567678 or 56161 in following format: UIDPAN<SPACE><12 digitAadhaar><Space><10 digit PAN> Example: SMS to 567678 or 56161: UIDPAN […]
Thereafter, this Court has decided the matter and upheld the vires of section 139AA of the Income Tax Act. In view thereof, linkage of PAN with Aadhar is mandatory.
CBDT has prescribed procedure formats and standards for issue of permanent account number by which it prescribed that PAN card can be issued Both Physically and Electronically (Online) in PDF Format. Physically PAN card can be issued as Black & White Laminated Card or as Coloured laminated and credit card sized PAN card. F.No. ADG(S)-1/ease […]
CBDT on 19th November, 2018 vide Notification- G.S.R. 1128(E) changed the PAN (Permanent Account Number) card rules in order to prevent tax evasion. The new rules will come into effect from 5th December , 2018. ♣ In the case of a person, being a resident, other than an individual, which enters into a financial transaction of an amount aggregating to […]
GST Registration is PAN based & state specific, however more than one GSTIN can be obtained in a single state or union territory if a person carries on multiple business verticals or having multiple branches within the state or union territory as the case may be.
Whether mother is a single parent and you wish to apply for PAN by furnishing the name of your mother only? Yes No (please tick as applicable) If yes, please fill in mother’s name in the appropriate space provide below. Father’s Name (Mandatory except where mother is a single parent and PAN is applied by furnishing the name of mother only)
All you wanted to know about PAN What is PAN? All India UNIQUE 10 Alphanumeric Character allotted by the Income Tax Department. PERMANENT ACCOUNT NUMBER (PAN) does not change with, change of address or station or change of Assessing Officer, etc PAN is needed by > an Income Tax assessee, or > any person carrying […]
CBDT has vide CIRCULAR NO. 8/2013, Dated: Dated: October 10, 2013 said if annual rent paid by the employee exceeds Rs 1,00,000 per annum, it is mandatory for the employee to report PAN of the landlord to the employer.
Alamelu Veerappan Vs ITO (Madras High Court) Admittedly, the limitation period for issuance of notice for reopening expired on 31.3.2017. The impugned notice was issued on 30.3.2017 in the name of the dead person. On being intimated about the death, the Department sent the notice to the petitioner – his spouse to participate in the […]
Facility to Search Taxpayer PAN wise is now available on GST Portal Search taxpayer functionality has been amended now, to search the taxpayer details using PAN of the taxpayer, in pre-login and post-login mode. This search (by PAN) will fetch all the GSTINs registered against the entered PAN in different States/ UT’s, along with status […]