Income Tax : Treatment of income from different sources Each income has different source of earning and so the provisions for its taxability. I...
Income Tax : Learn what constitutes salary, allowances, and perquisites under the Income-tax Act. Includes details on taxability of pensions, b...
Corporate Law : Explore the complexities of including allowances and upper caps in gratuity regulations. Learn from legal precedents and understan...
Income Tax : Understand the nuances of Gratuity - eligibility, exemptions, tax implications for employers & employees, and recent regulatory ch...
Corporate Law : Understand the implications of Karnataka's new Gratuity Insurance Rules 2024 on employers. Learn about registration, exemptions, t...
Corporate Law : Whether Government is considering to increase the Gratuity payment from 15 days’ salary for each completed year to 30 days’ sa...
Corporate Law : The Government has issued Notification the same day wherein gratuity limit has been increased from Rs.10 lakhs to Rs.20 lakhs un...
Corporate Law : Decision:The Payment of Gratuity (Amendment) Bill, 2018 has been passed by Lok Sabha on 15th March, 2018 and by the Rajya Sabha on...
Corporate Law : The Payment of Gratuity (Amendment) Bill, 2018 has been passed by parliament today. The bill ensures harmony amongst employees in ...
Corporate Law : Clause 3 of the Bill seeks to amend the provision relating to calculation of continuous service for the purpose of gratuity in cas...
Corporate Law : SC rules criminal conviction not needed for gratuity forfeiture if misconduct involves moral turpitude. Upholds forfeiture in frau...
Corporate Law : Some workmen had continued with IIT-Bombay through multiple contractors, therefore, for the limited purpose of payment of gratuity...
Income Tax : ITAT Nagpur quashed the penalty on Ravindra Kharche, finding no misreporting of income due to bona fide claims regarding gratuity ...
Income Tax : Analysis of ITAT Pune's criticism of the Assessing Officer's hasty penalty imposition at a 200% rate without proper application of...
Income Tax : Twinings Pvt. Ltd. vs. DCIT: ITAT Kolkata allows gratuity payment as salary expense u/s 37(1) of IT Act, rejecting disallowance u/...
Corporate Law : Government of India enhances maximum limit of gratuity for Central Government employees to Rs 25 Lakh, implementing Seventh CPC re...
Corporate Law : Explore the Karnataka Compulsory Gratuity Insurance Rules 2024 introduced by the Government of Karnataka. Learn about coverage, co...
Income Tax : Govt increases Gratuity exemption limit u/s Section 10(10)(iii) to ₹ 20 lakhs from existing Rs. 10 Lakh vide Notification No. ...
Corporate Law : (1) This Act may be called the Payment of Gratuity (Amendment) Act, 2018. (2) It shall come into force on such date as the Central...
Corporate Law : Central Government hereby specifies for the purposes of the said clause that the total period of maternity leave in the case of a ...
New income tax rates proposed in budget 2010 for male resident individual and Hindu undivided family for assessment year 2011-12/ financial year 2010-11. No Surcharge. Education and SHE cess will be applicable . Impact of Budget 2010 on taxation of resident individuals below the age of 65 years and HUF
In order to reduce compliance burden of small businesses and professionals, it is proposed to increase the aforesaid threshold limit from forty lakh rupees to sixty lakh rupees in the case of persons carrying on business and from ten lakh rupees to fifteen lakh rupees in the case of persons carrying on profession.
The existing provisions of section 40(a)(ia) of Income-tax Act provide for the disallowance of expenditure like interest, commission, brokerage, professional fees, etc. if tax on such expenditure was not deducted, or after deduction was not paid during the previous year.
Section 9 provides for situations where income is deemed to accrue or arise in India. Vide Finance Act, 1976, a source rule was provided in section 9 through insertion of clauses (v), (vi) and (vii) in sub-section (1) for income by way of interest, royalty or fees for technical services respectively.
For the purposes of the Income-tax Act, “charitable purpose” has been defined in section 2(15) which, among others, includes “the advancement of any other object of general public utility”. However, “the advancement of any other object of general public utility” is not a charitable purpose,
Note: Changes come into effect immediately unless otherwise specified. Major proposals about Central Excise duty are the following:A. General CENVAT Rate for non-petroleum goods:The standard rate of excise duty of 8% on non-petroleum products is being increased to 10% with a few exceptions where exemptions/concessions have been given.
Statutory taxes charged by the foreign governments are being excluded from taxable value for levy of service tax under the Air passenger transport service. 2) Exemption from service tax is being provided to services relating to ‘Erection, Commissioning or Installation’ of,-
The existing taxable service ‘Intellectual Property Right (IPR)’ excludes copyright from its scope. Copyrights on (a) cinematographic films and (b) sound recording are being brought under the ambit of service tax. However, copyright on original literary, dramatic, musical and artistic work would continue to remain outside the scope of service tax.
Income up to Rs 1.6 lakh – nil. Income above Rs 1.6 lakh and up to Rs 5 lakh – 10 per cent. Income above Rs 5 lakh and up to Rs 8 lakh – 20 per cent. Income above Rs 8 lakh – 30 per cent
# Income up to Rs 1.6 lakh – nil Income above Rs 1.6 lakh and up to Rs 5 lakh – 10 per cent Income above Rs 5 lakh and up to Rs 8 lakh – 20 per cent Income above Rs 8 lakh – 30 per cent. # Income Tax department ready with two-page Saral-2 return forms for individual salaried assesses.