Income Tax : Treatment of income from different sources Each income has different source of earning and so the provisions for its taxability. I...
Income Tax : Learn what constitutes salary, allowances, and perquisites under the Income-tax Act. Includes details on taxability of pensions, b...
Corporate Law : Explore the complexities of including allowances and upper caps in gratuity regulations. Learn from legal precedents and understan...
Income Tax : Understand the nuances of Gratuity - eligibility, exemptions, tax implications for employers & employees, and recent regulatory ch...
Corporate Law : Understand the implications of Karnataka's new Gratuity Insurance Rules 2024 on employers. Learn about registration, exemptions, t...
Corporate Law : Whether Government is considering to increase the Gratuity payment from 15 days’ salary for each completed year to 30 days’ sa...
Corporate Law : The Government has issued Notification the same day wherein gratuity limit has been increased from Rs.10 lakhs to Rs.20 lakhs un...
Corporate Law : Decision:The Payment of Gratuity (Amendment) Bill, 2018 has been passed by Lok Sabha on 15th March, 2018 and by the Rajya Sabha on...
Corporate Law : The Payment of Gratuity (Amendment) Bill, 2018 has been passed by parliament today. The bill ensures harmony amongst employees in ...
Corporate Law : Clause 3 of the Bill seeks to amend the provision relating to calculation of continuous service for the purpose of gratuity in cas...
Corporate Law : SC rules criminal conviction not needed for gratuity forfeiture if misconduct involves moral turpitude. Upholds forfeiture in frau...
Corporate Law : Some workmen had continued with IIT-Bombay through multiple contractors, therefore, for the limited purpose of payment of gratuity...
Income Tax : ITAT Nagpur quashed the penalty on Ravindra Kharche, finding no misreporting of income due to bona fide claims regarding gratuity ...
Income Tax : Analysis of ITAT Pune's criticism of the Assessing Officer's hasty penalty imposition at a 200% rate without proper application of...
Income Tax : Twinings Pvt. Ltd. vs. DCIT: ITAT Kolkata allows gratuity payment as salary expense u/s 37(1) of IT Act, rejecting disallowance u/...
Corporate Law : Government of India enhances maximum limit of gratuity for Central Government employees to Rs 25 Lakh, implementing Seventh CPC re...
Corporate Law : Explore the Karnataka Compulsory Gratuity Insurance Rules 2024 introduced by the Government of Karnataka. Learn about coverage, co...
Income Tax : Govt increases Gratuity exemption limit u/s Section 10(10)(iii) to ₹ 20 lakhs from existing Rs. 10 Lakh vide Notification No. ...
Corporate Law : (1) This Act may be called the Payment of Gratuity (Amendment) Act, 2018. (2) It shall come into force on such date as the Central...
Corporate Law : Central Government hereby specifies for the purposes of the said clause that the total period of maternity leave in the case of a ...
As far as the expression ‘gratuity’ is concerned, there is no definition of what ‘gratuity’ is, even under the Payment of Gratuity Act; yet, a monetary relief to an employee at the time of his retirement or termination of service is treated as ‘gratuity’.
The Payment of Gratuity Act 1972:- Gratuity is a voluntary Payment made by the employer to the employee in recognition of continuous, meritorious services and sincere efforts by the employee towards the organization.It is governed under the Payment of Gratuity Act 1972.It is an Act to provide for a scheme for the payment of gratuity to employees engaged in factories, mines, Oilfields, plantations, ports, railway companies, and shops or other establishments.
The first respondent filed a claim petition before the second respondent seeking payment of gratuity for the period, which he has rendered services to the petitioner’s lorry transport, from 01.04.1991 to 19.04.2007, on which date he had voluntarily stopped himself from services. He claimed gratuity for a period of 10 years and a monthly salary of Rs.3,600/-. The total gratuity claim was Rs.28,800/-. The said application filed by the first respondent was taken on file by the second respondent as P.G.No.90 of 2007 and notice was issued to the petitioner.
Every employer other than an employer of an establishment belonging to, or under the control of, the Central Government or a State Government, shall subject to provisions of sub section (2) under section 4A of the Act, obtain an insurance in the manner prescribed under sub-section (4) of section 4A of the Act for his liability for payment towards the gratuity under this Act, from the Life Insurance Corporation of India or any other Insurance Company incorporated under the Company’s Act, 1950.
The Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India at its 304th meeting held on 23rd March 2011 considered the prudential regulatory treatment prescribed by the Reserve Bank of India vide its above mentioned circular vis a vis the impact thereof on the auditor’s report since the said treatment is a departure from the requirements of the Accounting Standard (AS) 15, Employee Benefits. 3. On a consideration of the matter, the Council of the Institute decided that since the accounting treatment for such expenditure is prescribed under the prudential regulatory framework of the Regulator, the auditors need not qualify their audit report on account of this. The matter should, however, be brought out by the auditors in the audit report by way of an “Emphasis of Matter Paragraph” in accordance with the Standard on Audit (SA) 706, “Emphasis of Matter Paragraphs and Other Matter Paragraphs in the Independent Auditor’s Report, provided the matter of departure from the requirements of AS 15 pursuant to the aforesaid circular of RBI is appropriately disclosed, with quantification, by the bank by way of the notes to the accounts in the financial statements.2
In its order, the Court, while dismissing the writ petitions filed by Indian Rare Earths Ltd, Manavalakurichi, Kanyakumari District, a Government of India undertaking, challenging, inter alia, the common order dated September 23, 2005 of the Regional
The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972, did not provide for forfeiture of gratuity amount due to employees in any other contingency except the one covered under Section 4(6), viz., recovery of dues from them. Also, the law stipulated that for invoking the
This Court, while defining as to who was an employee under Section 2(e) of the Act in Arunachalam S. vs M.D. Southern Structurals reported in 2001 2 LLJ 1457 had held that all employees were entitled to gratuity except an apprentice. This ruling was
An employee becomes eligible for gratuity on the termination of his employment after he has rendered continuous service for not less than five years, according to Section 4(1) of the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972. He is also entitled for interest on
Under the direct taxes code (DTC) regime, what happens if a salaried employee withdraws money from his/her approved Provident Fund (PF)/Superannuation fund (SF) /Gratuity and other retrial benefit schemes? How will the DTC affect pension plans?