Income Tax : This blog will examine the causes of tax evasion in India, the effects it has on society, and possible remedies to guarantee a mor...
Income Tax : Explore the impact of OECD Two-Pillar tax rules on Indian MNEs. Key changes include taxing profits where value is created and a gl...
Income Tax : Explore the complexities and solutions of taxing the digital economy, including BEPS Action-1, Pillar-1 reforms, and the challenge...
Income Tax : Explore India's taxation laws on international e-commerce transactions, including equalisation levy, withholding tax, and implicat...
Income Tax : Delve into the complexities of digital taxation, exploring its evolution, significance, and global responses. Learn about fair ta...
Income Tax : Eight years ago, you mandated the OECD to address corporate tax avoidance by multinationals, which cost countries at least $240 bi...
Income Tax : Tax Inspectors Without Borders (TIWB), a joint initiative of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Organisation ...
Income Tax : Majority of the members OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting(including India)adoptedyesterday ahigh-le...
Income Tax : CBDT has released the synthesised text for India-Slovak Republic tax treaty. It represents their shared understanding of the modif...
Income Tax : CBDT has released the synthesised text for India-Poland tax treaty. It represents their shared understanding of the modifications ...
Income Tax : It is not at the whim or fancy of a tax authority to decide as to what constitutes 'beneficial ownership'; it is absolutely fundam...
Income Tax : A reader should be able to come to his / her own conclusion by applying the legislative enactments and judicial pronouncements to ...
Income Tax : High Court held that to say that the person being prosecuted or proceeded against can only be 'shown' such documents, but not prov...
SEBI : PR No. 297/2015 Sixth Meeting of the International Advisory Board of SEBI The Sixth meeting of the International Advisory Board (I...
Income Tax : To combat the problem of offshore tax evasion and avoidance and stashing of unaccounted money abroad requiring cooperation amongst...
Dive into BEPS 2.0 with an in-depth analysis of Pillar One & Pillar Two proposals, reshaping international tax. Explore the impact, India’s stance, and global implications.
Understand what qualifies as ‘stewardship activities’ for taxation in India with the Supreme Court’s single-entity approach. Taxes on stewardship activities, Morgan Stanley & Co v India judgement explained
OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework (IF) on BEPS released technical guidance to assist governments with implementation of the GMT, which will ensure Multi-National Entities (MNEs) will be subject to a 15% effective minimum tax rate.
Stay updated with the latest OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines for 2022. Learn how these guidelines tackle tax avoidance and promote transparency in international tax rules.
Dive into the evolution of taxation for MNEs with Pillar 2 – Global Minimum Tax. Understand the mechanics, implications, and exceptions of this groundbreaking framework to stay informed in the changing landscape of global taxation.
Explore the recent introduction of Federal corporate tax in the UAE, marking a significant change as the country moves towards taxing income. Learn about the applicability of corporate tax, rates for different income brackets, exclusions, exemptions, and filing requirements. Understand the impact on businesses and individuals as UAE undergoes this taxation shift effective from June 2023.
Understanding the role of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in international taxation and transfer pricing.
It is not at the whim or fancy of a tax authority to decide as to what constitutes ‘beneficial ownership’; it is absolutely fundamental that as what constitutes beneficial ownership must also be examined and categorical findings are given as to how these requirements of beneficial ownership are satisfied in the present case.
Learn about Mutual Agreement Procedures (MAP) and how they help resolve double taxation and non-taxation issues in cross-border transactions.
Exploring the new taxation developments in the UAE: learn about the introduction of corporate tax and its impact on the country’s tax-free economy.