Income Tax : Learn about TAN (Tax Deduction and Collection Account Number), its necessity, application process, and the differences between TAN...
SEBI : Discover NSDL's revolutionary vision through its Draft Red Herring Prospectus for the upcoming IPO. Explore the digital era of sec...
Income Tax : Whether Hitches In E-Payments of Taxes Will Be Resolved In NSDL Website/New I-T Portal While we make payment of Direct Taxes via t...
Income Tax : We are always worried about the fact that whether our TDS deductor/collector has filed quarterly TDS/TCS statement and provided ou...
Income Tax : eTutorial - Online TAN Registration and Request for Consolidated TDS/TCS file from TIN - Download Step by step guideline on how to...
Income Tax : Latest updates in RPU Version 4.7 for Regular & Correction quarterly e-TDS/TCS statements starting FY 2023-24. Discover key featur...
Income Tax : Latest updates in File Validation Utility (FVU) versions 2.178 and 8.2 for e-TDS/TCS statements. Learn about new columns, features...
Income Tax : A. e-TDS/TCS Return Preparation Utility Ver. 4.2 for Regular & Correction Statement(s) from FY 2007-08 onwards Key Features ...
Income Tax : NSDL releases e-TDS/TCS Return Preparation Utility (RPU) version 3.7 for Regular & Correction quarterly e-TDS/TCS statements f...
Income Tax : A. e-TDS/TCS RPU version 3.5 for Statement(s) from FY 2007-08 onwards is released (01/01/2021). Key Features – Return Prepar...
Income Tax : Machine Tools India Ltd. Vs ACIT (ITAT Kolkata) CBDT has issued instruction from time to time to the AO’s qua the manner of proc...
Goods and Services Tax : The assessee was printing PAN cards for the Income Tax Department, Government of India. Service tax was paid on such activity. Sal...
Corporate Law : Common Application Form (CAF) will be available for the FPI applicants on the website(s) of the Depositories viz. NSDL (www.nsdl.c...
Corporate Law : Depositories (Procedure for Holding Inquiry and Imposing Penalties) (Amendment) Rules, 2021 shall come into force on the date of t...
SEBI : All issuers / RTAs are hereby informed that as a part of our continuous endeavor to service the Issuers/RTAs, NSDL has enhanced it...
Income Tax : All the due dates, prescibed or notified under the Income Tax Act which fall during the period from March 20, 2020 to June 29, 202...
Company Law : In respect of shares held in the unclaimed suspense account opened by the company as directed by SEBI, the procedure to be followe...
It has been directed that ITR-1 to ITR-8 shall require the quoting of the relevant UTN for every TDS or TCS claim made by an assessee and that the credit for any TDS/TCS claim will be allowed only if the assessee quotes the relevant UTN and the said UTN matches with that in the database […]
Income Tax Department has introduced a scheme for centralized processing of annual income-tax returns which envisages no interface with the tax payer and processing of returns to be done in an automated jurisdiction-less manner. Implementation of such scheme requires having a robust system for information relating to payment of TDS and TCS so that the credit for TDS and TCS can be granted accurately and the risk of financial fraud is minimized.
The I-T department has found over Rs 1,200 crore lying unaccounted in lakhs of frozen demat accounts across the country and has sought a detailed probe on the possibility of their use for illegal transaction and tax evasion. The department has now sent the reports of such accounts to the respective Chief Commissioners of Income […]
CIRCULAR NO. 02 / 2009 One of the fundamental principles of financial accounting is that if a person claims credit for payment of money to a third person, the credit should be allowed only if the payment and the information relating to the transaction have been received from the third person. The advance tax and self assessment tax is paid directly by the assessee by filling a challan whichbears a unique Challan Identification Number (CIN)
NSDL has hiked the fees for E-Filing of TDS, TCS & AIR Return & TAN application. Revise fees structure is as follows:-
W.e.f. 01.04.2009 the NSDL has stepped up the cost for PAN Cards (New PAN / Change / Correction) from present Rs. 60 [plus Service Tax to Rs 85 plus service Tax. Thus, now one will have to pay Rs.94.
From 1st April 2008, payment of tax has been made mandatory for all corporate and firms covered under tax audit. During the first month, many practical issues were faced by depositors. Some of these are discussed below: Only few Banks authorised Only 27 banks are authorised to accept online payments. Persons not having account with […]
The Income-tax Department is required to give credit for TDS based on the annual information in NSDL site. The assessee can register his PAN and view the status of TDS, advance tax and self-assessment tax (annual tax statement AS 26). Credit for TDS is given to deductees based on the returns submitted by the deductor. In the event of the returns being rejected for mismatch of challans or non- quoting of PAN numbers of some of the deductees, assessees have no remedy to get credit for TDS in the absence of rectification of returns by the deductor.
ITD has notified revised file formats for preparation of TDS and TCS returns in electronic form. Deductors/collectors can prepare the e-TDS/TCS returns as per these file formats using in-house software or any other third party software and submit the same to any of the TIN-FCs established by NSDL. Deductors/collectors can also directly upload the e-TDS/TCS returns through NSDL-TIN website. NSDL has developed software called e-TDS/TCS Return Preparation Utility (RPU) to facilitate preparation of e-TDS/ TCS returns. This is a freely downloadable MS excel based utility. Separate utilities are available for preparation of each type of return.
Income Tax Department has notified the file format (data structure) for preparation of Annual Information Returns. Filers can prepare the AIR as per the file format using in-house software or any other third party software or the return preparation utility developed by NSDL (AIR RPU) and submit the same to any of the TIN-FCs established by NSDL or directly upload through the NSDL-TIN website.