Company Law : Understand purpose, filing requirements, due dates and penalties of Form MSME-1 for companies with outstanding dues to MSME suppli...
Goods and Services Tax : Understanding how taxation affects SMEs is essential for business owners, policymakers, and investors. This blog explores the vari...
Income Tax : The Indian government remains married to promoting entrepreneurship and profitable development through duty impulses for startups ...
Income Tax : Explore corporate tax reforms expected in Union Budget 2025-26, including CSR deductions, TDS rationalization, MSME payment rules,...
Corporate Law : Learn MSME eligibility criteria, how to apply for Udyam registration, and access benefits like tax exemptions, low-interest loans,...
Corporate Law : Union Budget 2025-26 enhances MSME investment and turnover limits, increases credit guarantees, introduces new schemes for women a...
Finance : The Government outlines criteria and steps to improve MSME loan access, including collateral requirements, schemes, and credit fac...
Corporate Law : IBBI proposes amending CIRP regulations to require MSME status disclosure in the Information Memorandum to reduce resolution proce...
CA, CS, CMA : Explore recent updates on corporate tax rates, MSME concerns over tax deductions, and GST rates for shawls as addressed in Lok Sab...
Income Tax : Punjab Accountants Association urges Finance Minister to amend Section 43(B)(h) for MSMEs, proposing better payment timelines and ...
Corporate Law : Supreme Court held that Banks/ Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) are obliged to adopt restructuring process of MSME as conte...
Corporate Law : Supreme Court dismisses plea under Article 32 against 45-day payment rule. Detailed analysis of the judgment and implications for ...
Corporate Law : Explore Allahabad High Court's judgment on predeposit under Section 19 of MSMED Act in the case of Docket Care Systems Vs. Hariwil...
Corporate Law : Mankind Life Sciences Private Limited Vs State of Himachal Pradesh & Anr (Himachal Pradesh High Court) The legal landscape sur...
Corporate Law : The petitioner filed an application for stay of an arbitral award passed by the West Bengal State Micro Small Enterprises Facilita...
Fema / RBI : RBI extends Interest Equalization Scheme on Rupee Export Credit for MSME exporters until August 31, 2024, with a cap of ₹1.66 Cr...
Company Law : Read about the Specified Companies Order amendment under Companies Act 2013 to enhance reporting on payments to micro and small en...
Income Tax : Understand the implications of the corrigendum to Income Tax Notification No. 27 of 2024. Get insights into the changes and their ...
Corporate Law : Discover the Air Cooler and Air Filters Quality Control Order 2023 by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. Learn about standards...
Corporate Law : Explore the Ministry of Commerce and Industrys latest order on Potable Water Bottles (Quality Control) 2024 in New Delhi. Learn ab...
01. About ReSTART Package -Government of Andhra Pradesh announced ReSTART package -This package provides certain financial benefits to the MSME and large units located in Andhra Pradesh. -This package is announced vide G.O.Rt.No.103 dated 15-5-2020 and G.O.Rt.No.104 dated 19-05-2020. -The objective of this package is to support the industrial units to enable them to restart […]
What are Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Under Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development(MSMED) Act, 2006, the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises(MSME) are classified into two categories 1. Manufacturing Enterprises: These are those enterprises which are engaged in the manufacture or production of goods relating to industry specified in the first schedule to the industries(Development […]
OPPORTUNITIES OUT OF CRISIS > The Prime Minister, has launched a historic support and outreach programme for the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector. > MSMEs are one of the principal employment generators in India and the Prime Minister recalled the glorious Indian traditions of small scale industry. > However, MSME Sector are facing […]
The big industrial houses or the MSME (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) no one is left untouched with the impact of COVID-19. Therefore it would not be wrong to say that the industry is trying to survive the impact with all available resources. But are we judiciously using the resources available with us? Asking the […]
A] Lets under the Limitation Act, 1963, in brief: The Limitation Act plays a very vital role in ensuring that the non-vigilant aggrieved party does not enjoy the rights of legal remedy. The major purpose of the Limitation Act, 1963 is not to destroy or infringe the rights of an aggrieved person but to serve the public […]
Date of Amendment in the definition of MSME : On 13.05.2020, Finance Minister Smt. Nirmala Sitaraman added the additional principle of Turnover along with the Investment, under definition of the MSME. Purpose: > To refine the business scenario for Indian enterprises. > To Change the Criteria to classify MSME from “INVESTMENT IN PLANT AND MACHINARY […]
After the announcement made by the Finance Minister Smt. Nirmala Sitaraman on 13th May, 2020 regarding the measures taken by the government for the businesses covered under the MSME Sector, it is become the Hot Topic of discussion that what is MSME and how to get registration under MSME and what are the benefits that […]
To facilitate an economic recovery and build greater resilience to the crisis, we suggest few additional support of the India’s Revival Mission where the governmental support India’s MSME sector may need to relieve it of its economic plight. Considering these facts and Present Position of MSMEs we suggest further relief package with approximate amount of 2 lac Croreand based on experience in finance as well economics we assure that benefit to government in form of Higher than this amount by way of payment of Direct and indirect Taxes, lower NPA to Banks, lower job losses, uses of power accordingly this additional support will not be wasted but it will be invested. These suggestion are given under.
So far as the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises are concerned, in India, a separate ADR mechanism with an object of facilitating expeditious recovery of amount due to an MSME is provided by a special legislation namely the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006
अर्जुन : मित्र कृष्ण , मुझे ये बताए कि MSME क्या हैं? कृष्ण: अर्जुन, MSME का मतलब सूक्ष्म, लघु और मध्यम उद्योग से हैं। 1. सूक्ष्म उद्योग (Micro Enterprises) अगर किसी उद्योग में निवेश 1 करोड़ से कम हैं और उसकी टर्नओवर 5 करोड़ से कम हैं तो वह सूक्ष्म उद्योग के अंतर्गत आएगा। 2. […]