Goods and Services Tax : Duty Credit Scrips are goods as held by many Courts and the supply of the same liable to GST. Duty Credit Scrips covered under HSN...
Income Tax : Waiver of interest u/s 234B and 234C of Income Tax Act on delay in deposit of advance tax/self-assessment (SA) tax on MEIS/RODTEP ...
CA, CS, CMA : As we all are aware that online E Com portal for filing of MEIS, SEIS, ROSL and ROSCTL scheme was not working for a long which was...
Goods and Services Tax : Though the exporters were opting the RoDTEP Scheme, they had no idea about the rates to be notified under the scheme. However, the...
DGFT : In a major move aimed at boosting exports and offering relief to exporters, the government on 17th August 2021 notified Remiss...
DGFT : Government has released Rs 56,027 crore in order to clear pending export incentive dues to exporters, which is for various Schemes...
DGFT : Many of us are awaiting for DGFT online portal to start with online application filing of MEIS, SEIS and RoSL / RoSCTL for the exp...
DGFT : This report contains significant results of the performance audit on Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS) and Service Expo...
Corporate Law : The Government has restricted import of pulses like tur, moong and urad since August, 2017 with annual Quota Restriction of 5 lakh...
Custom Duty : Under section 14 of the Customs Act, 1962, Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) notifies the rate of exchange for th...
Custom Duty : Delhi High Court held that rejection of Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS) benefit merely because amended shipping bills...
DGFT : Delhi High Court grants MEIS benefits to JSW Steel Limited despite procedural errors in shipping bills. Detailed analysis of the j...
Custom Duty : Read the full text of the CESTAT Delhi order on C. L. International vs Commissioner of Customs. Analysis of mis-declaration of Mai...
DGFT : Petitioner’s intended to take benefit of MEIS scheme. Thus, error of not marking ‘Y’ against reward column is clearly an ina...
DGFT : Due to technical error or lacunae in electronic system, petitioner cannot be deprived of its benefit/incentive under MEIS - Madras...
Custom Duty : This Advisory is being issued to handle the post EGM amendment of shipping bill cases of MEIS scheme (since discontinued from Janu...
DGFT : MEIS and SEIS scheme have now been discontinued w.e.f. 01.01.2021 and 01.04.2020 respectively, and are on the verge of final closu...
DGFT : Extension of MEIS / Ad-hoc Incentive Scheme / ROSCTL / ROSL The last date for submitting applications under MEIS (for exports made...
DGFT : The last date of submitting applications under MEIS, SEIS, ROSCTL, ROSL and 2% additional ad hoc incentive (under para 3.25 of FTP...
DGFT : The last date of submitting applications under MEIS, SEIS, ROSCTL, ROSL and 2% additional ad hoc incentive (under para 3.25 of FTP...
Every country believes in keeping foreign reserves on a higher side to balance the economy. For that purpose, every economy tends to encourage the exports and motivate the indigenous production. To encourage the exporter every country provides a lot of benefits in terms of Duty Drawback etc. India is not behind compared to any other […]
REWARD SCHEMES – MERCHANDISE EXPORTS FROM INDIA SCHEME (MEIS) Article explains what is Reward Scheme, Objective of MEIS Scheme, Eligibility Criteria for MEIS Cheme, Reward under the MEIS scheme, Ineligible categories under MEIS, Entitlement under MEIS for Export of goods through courier or foreign post offices and Note to MEIS Scheme. Very Simple analysis of […]
Inox India Pvt Ltd Vs. Union of India (Gujarat High Court) Conclusion: Since on noticing that the declaration of intent on the shipping bill for claiming the benefit under the reward scheme was made mandatory w.e.f 01.06.2015 under the Foreign Trade Policy, 2015-20 or the Handbook of Procedure, 2015-20, therefore, there could be no exclusion […]
The objective of the MEIS scheme is to provide rewards to exporters to offest infrastructural inefficiencies and associated costs. In other words, the objective of Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS) is to promote manufacture and export of notified goods / products to notified markets and once this is done, such exporter is required to be rewarded by duty credit scrips which can be utilized by the exporter.
Merchandise Exports from India Scheme is popularly known as MEIS Scheme. MEIS is a duty scrip given as a reward by the government to an exporter of goods. The value of the scrips is ranging from 2% to 5% of the FOB value of goods exported.
It is to inform that the Competent Authority has approved the allocation of an amount of Rs. 39,097 Crore for MEIS benefits for exports made during the FY 2019-20. Further, allocation totalling Rs. 15,555 Crore for MEIS benefits for exports made during the period 01.04.2020 to 31.12.2020 is conveyed with the approval of the Competent Authority.
This report contains significant results of the performance audit on Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS) and Service Exports from India Scheme (SEIS), which was conducted to seek an assurance on the success of facilitation measures introduced for simplifying the process of issuance of scrips and to examine effective linkage of rules and procedures of the Schemes in Directorate General of foreign Trade (DGFT) Electronic Data interchange (EDI) system.
India lost the battle before the WTO panel (panel) when number of export incentive schemes that were (are) in vogue were called off as illegal per the SCM agreement. The mischief of MEIS, as pointed out by the panel, was that instead of providing countervailing rates for setting of the input taxes, the rates were […]
Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS) is introduced in the Foreign Trade Policy of India 2015-20, as a part of the Exports from India Scheme. The Government of India has brought in the Merchandise Exports Incentive Scheme (MEIS), replacing five other similar incentive schemes present in the earlier Foreign Trade Policy 2009-14. The schemes that […]
Certain amendments have been made in the MEIS schedule Table 2 of Appendix 313 to harmonize it with the Notification no. 38 dated 01.01.2020 and the changes in the Finance (No. 2/ Act. 2019. Fifth Schedule as notified by CHIC.