CA, CS, CMA : Overlapping deadlines for MCA, tax audits, and GST filings are creating difficulties for professionals, leading to late fees and c...
CA, CS, CMA : Key updates in Income Tax, GST, Customs, and SEBI from 9th to 15th Sep 2024, including audit guidelines, ITC rules, and export pol...
CA, CS, CMA : Stay updated on GST, Income Tax rulings, SEBI notifications, and Excise duty exemptions issued during the week of 2nd-8th Septembe...
CA, CS, CMA : Key updates from Income Tax, GST, Central Excise, Customs, DGFT, and SEBI for the week of August 26 - September 1, 2024, including...
CA, CS, CMA : Summary of key updates in Income Tax, GST, Customs, and SEBI regulations for the week of 19th-25th Aug 2024. Important clarificati...
Company Law : The Government acknowledges MCA-21 glitches, highlights improvements, ensures data security, and implements new features for bette...
Corporate Law : MCA addresses stakeholder concerns with a new team to ensure compliance on the MCA21 Portal and streamline business processes for ...
Corporate Law : Join the discussion on MCA's proposed changes to Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code rules. Learn how to participate and share your ins...
Corporate Law : Explore the Ministry of Corporate Affairs draft policy for pre-legislative consultation and a comprehensive review of rules and re...
Company Law : Ministry of Corporate Affairs is launching STK-2 form along with C-PACE functionality on 01st May 2023 at 12:00 AM....
Company Law : Kunhi Muhammed Etayattil Vs Asst. Registrar of Companies (Kerala High Court) HC remarked that,The facts of the case disclose a sor...
Company Law : Circular No. 06/2024 MCA has waived the additional fee for filing various IEPF e-forms (IEPF-1, IEPF-1A, IEPF-2, IEPF-4) and e-ver...
Company Law : The NFRA fines Shridhar & Associates and CA Ajay Vastani for professional misconduct in auditing RCFL's financials for FY 2018-19....
Company Law : MCA imposes Rs. 2.25 Lakh Penalty on M/s. Martin Windfarms Pvt. Ltd. & Directors for erroneous disclosure under Section 134 of Com...
Company Law : Learn about M/s. Daison Land and Development Pvt. Ltd.'s penalty under Section 454 for breaching Section 134(3)(h) of the Companie...
Company Law : Authorized Representative of the company highlighted the company's status as a private limited entity during the fiscal year 2015-...
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs vide its General Circular No.30/2012 Dated 28.09.2012, mandates the due date of filing of e‐forms 23AC(Non‐XBRL) and 23ACA (Non XBRL) as per new schedule VI extended in following manner without any additional fee :‐ • Company holding AGM or whose due date for holding AGM is on or before 20.09.2012, the time limit will be 03.11.2012 or due date of filing, which ever is later.
MCA is pleased to announce that a refund process will be introduced by 16th September, 2012 for the unlinked incorrect NEFT payments. Revised refund e-Form along with instruction kit will be available on the MCA21 portal. Users are requested to avail this facility.
1. Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Accounts are to be filed as two separate documents with different e-Forms; 2. Each e-Form along with the relevant attachment(s) should be less than 2.5 MB. 3. The Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Account and Annual Return are filed as attachments to the respective e-Forms.
It is important to check the status of Private Limited Company, if the shareholder of such Private Limited is Body Corporate incorporated outside India. It is also important from the audit point of view since if the status of such Private Limited Company is established as Subsidiary of Public u/s 4(7) of Companies Act, 1956 then all the Compliances under Companies Act, 1956 has to be been taken care as it is a Public Company.
Applicability of Service Tax on Commission Payable to Non-Whole Time Directors of a Company Under Section 309 (4) of the Companies Act, 1956- Approval of Central Government Under Section 309/310 of the Companies Act
As you may be aware, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs vide its circular number 14/2012 dated 21.06.2012 had imposed fees on Form 23B (Information by auditor to Registrar) w.e.f. 22/07/2012. Subsequently, the Ministry vide its circular number 19/2012 dated 27.07.2012 has extended the last date for filing the Form 23B without fee for two weeks.
A Notification vide No. G.S.R. 716(E). dated 23.09.2011 was issued, in view of the order of the Hon’ble High Court of Delhi dtd. 21.04.2011 in the matter of M/s. S.E. Investment Limited Vs Union Of India and Others {W.P. (c) 2393/2010 and CM Appl. 4794/2011}, the Hon’ble Court had inter alia held that there is no provision in Delhi Stamp Act for payment of stamp duty on Increased authorized share capital.
Imposing Fees on Certain E-Forms Filed with ROC, RD OR MCA(HQ) under MCA-21 Where at Present No Fee is Prescribed The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has decided to impose a certain amount of fee on the following forms at the rates indicated in the table below:- S.No. Form No. Particulars of the Form Fee […]
Kindly note that the last date for filing the Form 23B without fee has been extended for two weeks. Fee shall be charged on any eForm 23B filed on or after 5th August, 2012. You are therefore advised to file the pending eForms within the time limit to avoid any last minute rush.
The information is to be filed in Form 5- INV as per the above mentioned rules; and thereafter an excel sheet containing detailed investor wise details is to be filed separately. The e Form, the excel template and detailed steps are provided in the IEPF application link on the portal financial year ended on 31st March 2011, the eForm should be filed latest by 31st July 2012.