Income Tax : Non-residents without TIN should use passport numbers, and directors of foreign companies should select "foreign company." Reporti...
Income Tax : Discover the intricacies of Income Tax Returns (ITR) in India, from types of forms to required documents and compliance measures, ...
Income Tax : Understand the significance of filing Income Tax Returns (ITR), explore various forms, eligibility criteria, and tax planning stra...
Income Tax : Discover the revamped Income Tax Return (ITR) forms by CBDT for 2023-24, promising efficiency and transparency. Explore key highli...
CA, CS, CMA : Discover the types of Income Tax Returns (ITR) and their eligibility criteria, including ITR-1 (SAHAJ), ITR-2, ITR-3, ITR-4 (Sugam...
Income Tax : CBDT has facilitated taxpayers to file their Income Tax Returns (ITRs) for the Assessment Year 2024-25 (relevant to Financial Year...
Income Tax : CBDT notified Income-tax Return Forms (ITR Forms) for Assessment Year 2023-24 vide Notifications No. 04 & 05 of 2023 dated 10.02.2...
Income Tax : These instructions are guidelines for filling the particulars in Income-tax Return Form-6 for the Assessment Year 2022-23 relating...
Income Tax : Income Tax Department Government of India Central Board of Direct Taxes, e-Filing Project AY 2021-22 – ITR 6 – Schema ...
Income Tax : Taxguru Team compiled Rule 12 of Income Tax Rules considering amendment vide Notification No. 21-2021/Income Tax Dated 31st March,...
Income Tax : ITAT Chennai held that an AO is not permitted to take different stand on the same issue and same set of facts over different years...
Income Tax : CBDT notifies ITR-6 form for AY 2024-25. Companies who don't have income from property held for charitable or religious purposes c...
Income Tax : CBDT grants a filing extension for Form 10-IC related to AY 2021-22. Learn the conditions for this extension and the new deadline ...
Income Tax : CBDT notifies ITR forms for AY 2023-24/ FY 2022-23 Except ITR-7 vide Notification No. 04/2023-Income Tax Dated: 10.02.2023 and not...
Income Tax : Vide Notification No. 8/2023-Income Tax| Dated: 28th February, 2023 CBDT notifies amendment in ITR forms for AY 2023-24 / FY 2022...
Income Tax : CBDT notifies Format & Particulars of Income Tax Return Forms ( ITR-1 SAHAJ, ITR-2, ITR-3, ITR-4 SUGAM, ITR-5, ITR-6, ITR-V) a...
Taxguru Team compiled the Rule 12 of Income Tax Rules based on the RECENT amendment in rule 12 vide Notification No. 32/2019-Income Tax Dated 01/04/2019 for ready reference of our readers. Changes are Marked in Red Coloure. Rule 12 of Income Tax Rules as applicable from 01st April 2019 i.e. for Income Tax Return of Assessment […]
CBDT vide notification No. 32/2019 dated 1st April 2019 amended the Income Tax Rules 1962 and added certain clauses to Rule 12 and released Income Tax Return Form Sahaj (ITR-1), Form ITR-2, Form ITR-3, Form Sugam (ITR-4), Form ITR-5, Form ITR-6, Form ITR-7 and Form ITR-V as applicable for return filing of Financial Year 2018-19 / Assessment Year 2019-20.
CBDT notifies Form Sahaj (ITR-1), Form ITR-2, Form ITR-3, Form Sugam (ITR-4), Form ITR-5, Form ITR-6, Form ITR-7 and Form ITR-V for A.Y. 2019-20 / F.Y. 2018-19 vide Notification No. 32/2019 dated 1st April, 2019. MINISTRY OF FINANCE (Department of Revenue) (CENTRAL BOARD OF DIRECT TAXES) Notification No. 32/2019 New Delhi, the 1st April, 2019 […]
In this article we have discussed which ITR is applicable for a Particular Assessee for Assessment Year 2018-19 i.e. for Financial Year 2017-18.
WHAT IS ITR-6 Form ITR – 6 can be used by a company, other than a company claiming exemption under section 11 (exemption under section 11 can be claimed by a charitable/religious trust). ITR 6 APPLICABLE FOR: ITR-6 form is to be used when the assesse is one of the following: Companies WHO IS NOT […]
1. Changes in ITR 1 Applicable for A.Y. 2018-19 This from has been made applicable only for resident individuals. Conditions: Income from salaries, one house property, other income and having total income up to Rs.50 lakhs and his total income should not include any income from betting, gambling, etc. There is a requirement to furnish a […]
Today CBDT has finally released after 55 days of start of Assessment Year 2018-19 Java Utility of ITR-6 applicable to Companies other than companies claiming exemption under section 11. It is worthy to note that CBDT is failed to release excel utility of ITR-6 and released only Java utility of ITR-6. Further in respect of […]
ITR-6- For Companies other than companies claiming exemption under section 11.Download ITR-6 E-filing Return Preparation Software for A.Y. 2010-11. Download New Saral-II (ITR-1) Excel Based Return Preparation Utility for the F.Y. 2009-10, A.Y. 2010-11
The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has notified the Income-tax Return (ITR) Forms applicable for the Assessment Year 2018-19. The new forms incorporate the changes made by the Finance Act, 2017 in the Income-tax Act, 1961. It is apparent that the new ITR Forms have shifted the entire onus on the taxpayers to prove their claim for deductions, expenses or exemptions refer table 2
The new form for Filing of Income Tax Return for the Companies i.e. ITR-6 for the AY 2018-19 has been notified by the CBDT on April 5, 2018 vide notification no. 16/2018 which has brought enormous changes in requirement of disclosures. Implementation of GST, demonetization, application of Ind AS, ICDS, increasing international transactions and OECD […]