Income Tax : Learn about income tax rules for Indian Army personnel: exemptions, ITR filing requirements, salary details, and benefits. Explore...
Income Tax : Discover the intricacies of Income Tax Returns (ITR) in India, from types of forms to required documents and compliance measures, ...
Income Tax : Learn about different types of income tax returns (ITR) for salaried employees: ITR 1, ITR 2, ITR 3, and ITR 4. Understand which ...
Income Tax : Explore FAQs on filing income tax returns including required documents, taxes on business income, capital gains, gifts, crypto tra...
Income Tax : Understand the significance of filing Income Tax Returns (ITR), explore various forms, eligibility criteria, and tax planning stra...
Income Tax : Understand PFA and defective return queries for ITR 1-6 for AY 24-25, including MAT applicability, TDS/TCS claims, and income disc...
Income Tax : Learn who can file ITR-1, who cannot, necessary documents, and precautions. Understand the process of filing ITR-1 (Sahaj) online ...
Income Tax : CBDT has facilitated taxpayers to file their Income Tax Returns (ITRs) for the Assessment Year 2024-25 (relevant to Financial Year...
Income Tax : Central Board of Direct Taxes, e-Filing Project ITR 1 – Validation Rules for AY 2023-24 Version 1.0 – 23rd May 2023 Direc...
Income Tax : The Income Tax Department has enabled the Income-tax Returns Form ITR 1 and ITR 4 at the income tax e-filing portal in Online mode...
Income Tax : In CIT Vs Kelvinator of India Ltd. 256 ITR 1 the Full Bench of the Delhi High Court was considering a case of reopening u/s 147 wi...
Income Tax : CBDT notifies ITR 1 and ITR 4 for Assessment Year (AY) 2024-25 / Financial Year (FY) 2023-24 vide Notification No. 105/2023-Incom...
Income Tax : CBDT notifies ITR forms for AY 2023-24/ FY 2022-23 Except ITR-7 vide Notification No. 04/2023-Income Tax Dated: 10.02.2023 and not...
Income Tax : Vide Notification No. 8/2023-Income Tax| Dated: 28th February, 2023 CBDT notifies amendment in ITR forms for AY 2023-24 / FY 2022...
Income Tax : CBDT notifies Format & Particulars of Income Tax Return Forms ( ITR-1 SAHAJ, ITR-2, ITR-3, ITR-4 SUGAM, ITR-5, ITR-6, ITR-V) a...
Income Tax : CBDT notifies ITR Forms SAHAJ ITR-1, ITR-2, ITR-3, SUGAM ITR4, ITR-5, ITR-6, ITR-V and ITR- Ack for Assessment Year 2022-23/Financ...
ITR 1 – Validation Rules for AY 2021-22 Version 1.0 2nd April 2021 Directorate of Income Tax (Systems) E-2, A.R.A. Centre, Ground Floor Jhandewalan Extension New Delhi – 110055 Document Revision List Document Name: ITR 1 – Validation Rules for AY 2021-22 Version Number: 1.0 Revision Details Version No. Revision Date Revision Description Page Number […]
Introduction to ITR Offline utility Assessment Year 2021-22 ITR-1 and 4* * Enabled for ITR-1 & 4 as of now Steps to Download and install Offline Utility and fill the same Let us understand the execution steps for ITR 1 & ITR 4……. Step by Step Guide – Download & Install Offline Utility Step 1 […]
CBDT has decided to discontinue Excel & Java version of ITR utilities from AY 2021-22 and it has released JSON Utility for ITR1 & ITR 4 for Assessment Year 2021-22. The utility for other ITRs will be enabled shortly, the ITR 1 to 4 can be filled using single JSON Utility. Import of Prefill file […]
ITR Forms for A.Y. 2021-22: ITR-1 (Sahaj) -Resident Individual (Other than ordinarily resident) -Total income Upto Rs. 50 Lacs -Income from salary, one house property, other sources (interest etc.), family pension income and agriculture income upto Rs. 5,000 ITR-2 -Individual and HUF not having income from profit and gains of business or profession -A director […]
CBDT notifies all ITR Forms 1 to 7 for AY 2021-22 vide Notification no. 21/2021 in G.S.R 242(E) dated 31/03/2021. To facilitate taxpayers & to minimize the compliance burden, no significant changes have been made in the ITR Forms this year as compared to last year’s Forms. The Central Board of Direct Taxes has notified […]
Form ITR 1 popularly known as Sahaj is used by significant majority of tax payers. I am writing this article to help the taxpayers understand who can file it and who cannot. Who can submit ITR 1 ITR 1 can be used by an individual who is resident of India for tax purposes only. Moreover […]
These instructions are guidelines to help the taxpayers for filling the particulars in Income-tax Return Form-1 for the Assessment Year 2020-21 relating to the Financial Year2019-2020. In case of any doubt, please refer to relevant provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961 and the Income-tax Rules, 1962.
Central Board for Direct Taxes CBDT has come up with some changes in ITR Forms for AY 2020-21 like every year. Now taxpayers are requested to answer some more questions of high value transactions like deposits in current accounts more than 1 crore, electricity bills aggregating of more than 2 lakhs, etc., Changes in Form […]
It is advised to choose the correct ITR form in order to avoid further notice of defective return. Following forms below gives you insight to file correct ITR form as per Nature of Income and Status of person A.Y. 2020-21: ITR 1: (SAHAJ) 1. Resident Individual whose total income does not exceed 50 lakhs can […]
ITR 1, ITR 2, ITR 3 & ITR 4 for AY 2020-21 are available for e-Filing. Other ITRs will be available shortly. Please read the instruction given above before start downloading and using the ITR utility for for AY 2020-21. The utility by default will get downloaded in your system “download” folder in a compressed […]