Goods and Services Tax : सुधीर सर , आपका इस बातचीत में आपका स्वागत है . आइये ...
Goods and Services Tax : On 28th April Today I have with me one of the renowned GST Personality CA SUSHIL GOYAL B.Com (H), FCA, DISA (ICAI). He is a Charte...
Goods and Services Tax : Interview of GST expert 'CA Sudhir Halakhadi' by 'CA Ajay Sharma' -Today I have with me GST Personality, Professional, author and ...
Goods and Services Tax : Today I have with me GST Personality, author and Youtuber CA Divya Bansal in my program KNOW YOUR GST PERSONALITY BY SUDHIR HALAKH...
Goods and Services Tax : Dear Friends Namaskar! The Interview of Advocate Jatin Harjai, a renowned GST Expert has been taken by me on one of the Whats Grou...
सुधीर सर , आपका इस बातचीत में आपका स्वागत है . आइये सबसे पहले बात करें कोरोना लॉकडाउन के दौरान आपका समय कैसे निकल रहा है . आप अपनी गतिविशियों में लगातार व्यस्त रहते हैं तो इस समय थोड़ी परेशानी तो हो रही होगी . इस समय लेखन और कार्टून कैसे चल रहें हैं . वैसे आज लगभग 45 दिन हो गये हैं…
On 28th April Today I have with me one of the renowned GST Personality CA SUSHIL GOYAL B.Com (H), FCA, DISA (ICAI). He is a Chartered Accountant from 1996; He is author of a Book on Service Tax and has immense contributions on GST to his credit. CA Sushil Goyal has developed a system of […]
Interview of GST expert ‘CA Sudhir Halakhadi’ by ‘CA Ajay Sharma’ -Today I have with me GST Personality, Professional, author and writer SUDHIR HALAKHANDI. Sudhir Halakhandi has More 500 Taxation articles to his credit and a very popular GST writer in Hindi.
Today I have with me GST Personality, author and Youtuber CA Divya Bansal in my program KNOW YOUR GST PERSONALITY BY SUDHIR HALAKHANDI. She is a Chartered Accountant of 2016 and already written 3 GST Books and running a GST Channel in the name “Tax Without Tears” having subscriber more than 1.32 Lakhs subscribers. She […]
Dear Friends Namaskar! The Interview of Advocate Jatin Harjai, a renowned GST Expert has been taken by me on one of the Whats Group of 256 GST Professionals which includes some of the Top class GST Experts from the country also. A Native from Bayana (Bharatpur-Rajasthan). Advocate Jatin Harjai is a qualified Chartered Accountant (2004). […]
Imagine having a dream in your life, but you find that your education, your profession and your life have taken you down on a totally different path. Do you chuck everything you’ve built thus far so that you can pursue your passion? Or you just stay on course and vow to go after the dream later
Hello Readers! The Team of had a word with the All India Rank 3 holder of IPCE May 16, Sree Bhavishya Amisagadda. Let’s See what message she has to convey to the upcoming IPCC students…
We recently got a chance to meet Young & Dynamic CA Lalit Bajaj who has been elected as a Regional Council Member of WIRC, ICAI. CA Lalit Bajaj has more than 18 years of experience in the field of Statutory Compliances, Management Audits, Valuations, Fund Raising and is actively involved in ICAI’S activities since 1998.