CA, CS, CMA : Key controls for inventory valuation in Oracle Fusion: compliance, quality testing, and accurate reporting to avoid discrepancies ...
Company Law : Learn about internal audit obligations under Section 138 of the Companies Act, 2013, including criteria, auditors, and penalties f...
CA, CS, CMA : Understand the importance and role of internal audit in strengthening corporate governance, risk management, and internal controls...
CA, CS, CMA : Understand the guidelines for statutory auditors using internal audit work under SA 610, covering responsibilities, coordination, ...
CA, CS, CMA : The COSO Framework helps organizations design and assess internal controls, enhancing risk management and compliance through five ...
CA, CS, CMA : Discover the latest developments in the engagement of CA firms by PSBs. Explore changes in concurrent audit policies, RBI directiv...
CA, CS, CMA : Proposed amendments to Section 138 of Companies Act, 2013 by ICSI. Understand why Company Secretaries are equipped to conduct inte...
CA, CS, CMA : Firm of Chartered Accountants cannot accept branch Audit of the Bank if one of the partners has taken the loan from any branch of ...
CA, CS, CMA : The concurrent Auditor of a Branch can undertake the assignment of LFAR only with respect to Branches which are not subject to Sta...
CA, CS, CMA : Request for Proposal for Appointment of Chartered Accountant/Cost Accountants Firm as Internal Auditor of PFRDA for the F.Y.2021-2...
Company Law : Tanman Jewels Private Limited penalized for not appointing an internal auditor. Know the penalty details and implications....
Company Law : Government imposes a penalty of ₹2.5 lakh on Systematix Securities Ltd for not appointing an internal auditor during FY 2022-23,...
Company Law : Read the adjudication order on Kudos Finance & Investments Private Limited as MCA imposes a penalty of Rs. 4.50 lakh for violating...
Company Law : MCA imposed penalties on Muthootu Mini Nidhi Limited for non-compliance with provisions of Section 138 of Companies Act, 2013. Pen...
Company Law : ROC Hyderabad penalizes Thrissur Expressway Limited and its officers Rs. 3.75 Lakhs for not appointing an internal auditor, violat...
It has been observed that there is a multiplicity of overlapping audits in the Public Sector Banks (PSBs). While the audit is essential for the health of the PSBs, it has been observed that multiple overlapping audits throughout the year engage a lot of attention, resources and time of the PSBs. It has also been observed that there is a need to revamp the audit system in PSBs in the wake of increasing computerization and shifting of operations on I.T. based system. The present audit system is lagging behind the technological advancement achieved by PSBs.
Now, the world is in twenty first century, everywhere changes could be visualised but with respect to accounting, auditing etc, where is the change? Modern organisations have become more sophisticated and thus resulted in decentralisation of their activities and consequently the top management is remotely concerned with the day to day activities of the Organisation. With this backdrop the internal auditing has acquired a great deal of significance. The following are my opinion about modern Internal Audits. Let us see what it is……..
SEBI has modified the norms for appointment of its internal auditor, a move that enabled the capital market regulator to retain chartered accountants firm Chokshi & Chokshi for two more years. The decision to give a two-year extension to the firm was taken at the last Board meeting of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI).
Applicaions are invited from Partnership Firms only indicating details of the Firms as indicated below for appointment. The application shall contain the following details : (1) Year of establishment (2) Details of Partners (3) Photo copy of certificate of Institute of Chartered Accountants / Institute of Cost & Works Accountants of India, (4) Location of Registered Office & Branch of the Firm (5) Name of Qualified Assistants alongwith membership no. (6) Experience in Coal Industry specifying nature & year of audit and name of the Subsidiary (7) Audit experience in Public Sector Undertakings / Govt. / Scheduled Banks specifying nature & year of audit and name of the Company.
Effective use of technology for in-house audit processes could help prevent accounting fraud in a company, as it will be easier to monitor the flow of data online, says global consultant PricewaterhouseCoopers. A new PwC report, `2010 Internal Audit State of the Productivity of the Profession Survey’, said that about 48 per cent of Indian companies lack skill and knowledge of data tools used in internal audit softwares, while 18 per cent have no access to these tools.
The circular states that audit envisaged under Regulation 22 of the SEBI (Credit Rating Agencies) Regulations, 1999 shall include an internal audit to be conducted on a half yearly basis by Chartered Accountants, Company Secretaries or Cost and Management Accountants who are in practice and who do not have any conflict of interest with the CRA.
In terms of the decision taken by the Council of the Institute at its 260th meeting held in June 2006, the following Standard onInternal Audit shall be re-commendatory in nature in the initial period. The Standard shall become mandatory from such date as may be notified by the Council in this regard.
Explore the concept of internal audit and its evolving social accountability. Understand the World Banks definition of accountability and how internal audit, with its societal power, can contribute to effective risk management, control, and governance processes. Recent developments in regulations and guidelines reflect an increasing expectation for internal audit, emphasizing the need to recognize it as a distinct profession for improved enterprise governance in India.
The internal audit to be conducted on a half-yearly basis by chartered accountants, company secretaries or cost accountants, and will cover all aspects of CRA operations and procedures, including investor grievance redressal mechanism, the regulator said in its circular. The report will have to state the methodology adopted, deficiencies observed and consideration of response of the management on the deficiencies. Besides a summary of operations and of the audit, covering the size of operations, number of transactions audited and the number of instances where violations were observed will also have to be stated.
It is clarified that for the half-year October 2009 – March 2010, the CRA shall receive the report of the internal audit by May 31, 2010. Its Board of Directors shall consider the report and take appropriate measures to rectify the deficiencies and the CRA shall send the Action Taken Report to SEBI by July 31, 2010.