Corporate Law : Insights into recent Supreme Court and High Court judgments on IBC cases, covering corporate guarantees, auction timelines, liquid...
CA, CS, CMA : Review of recent notifications and circulars for Income Tax, GST, SEBI, and IBBI from November 4-10, 2024, covering updated polici...
CA, CS, CMA : Overview of recent notifications and circulars from Income Tax, GST, Customs, and IBBI for the week of October 14-20, 2024, impact...
CA, CS, CMA : Discover recent Income Tax and GST notifications and circulars issued during the week of October 14-20, 2024, focusing on key exem...
Corporate Law : Despite Supreme Court rulings, authorities continue to raise demands for periods before NCLT orders under IBC, violating judicial ...
Corporate Law : IBBI dismisses multiple RTI appeals citing misuse of the RTI Act through repetitive filings. The order emphasizes responsible use ...
Corporate Law : RTI Act permits access only to information held by a public authority and does not require the creation or interpretation of infor...
Corporate Law : IBBI denies RTI appeal citing fiduciary exemption under Section 8(1)(e). The requested MSME-related information was withheld. Appe...
Corporate Law : IBBI proposes key amendments to CIRP, liquidation, and personal guarantor insolvency, aiming to enhance efficiency, transparency, ...
Corporate Law : IBBI revises technical standards for information utilities under the Insolvency Code, effective January 2025, focusing on user ide...
Company Law : NCLAT Chennai held that order not falling under Part II of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 [IBC] is not appealable under ...
Corporate Law : NCLAT Chennai held that liquidator cannot resort to proceedings under section 61 of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code for the purpos...
Corporate Law : NCLT Mumbai held that entertaining objection raised by the applicant after the sale is confirmed unjustified as there is no allega...
Corporate Law : The Bombay High Court rules on the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India's circular regarding liquidation fees, clarifying IP's...
Corporate Law : Delhi HC rules on Sundaresh Bhat vs IBBI, emphasizing ethical conduct and fairness for liquidators under IBC. Key insights into th...
Corporate Law : IBBI rejects RTI appeal seeking detailed breakup of Dalmia Cement claims in Jaiprakash insolvency case, citing unavailability of d...
Corporate Law : IBBI rejects RTI appeal seeking clarifications on valuer registration, stating that opinions and justifications do not fall under ...
Corporate Law : IBBI disposes of SCN against IP in CIRP case, addresses claims dispute, and ongoing RoC investigation. Details of findings and DC'...
Corporate Law : The IBBI Disciplinary Committee has suspended Ms. Sonu Jain for one year due to delays and procedural lapses in the liquidation pr...
Corporate Law : IBBI suspends valuer for six months for non-transparent valuation in CIRP and liquidation of Base Corporation Ltd., citing violati...
he DC notes that the Indian Institution of Valuers, a registered society was recognized by IBBI on 20.04.2018. As per Rule 12(3) of the Valuers Rules, the RVO which is an entity under proviso to sub-rule (1), i.e., a society or a trust, then within period of one year, conversion of such entity into a […]
For violating Code of IBC, IBBI cancels the registration of an insolvency professional and debars him from seeking fresh registration as an insolvency professional or providing any service under the Code for a period of one year from the date of this Order.
Invitation of comments from public on proposed changes to the Corporate Insolvency Resolution and Liquidation Framework under Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016
Supreme Court Franklin Templeton Trustee Services Private Limited and another Vs. Amruta Garg and others etc. [Civil Appeal Nos. 498-501 of 2021 with other appeals] The Supreme Court (SC) held that home buyers are to be treated as creditors till the ownership rights in the property are not transferred to them, but they do not […]
An IRP / RP is appointed by the AA and is duty bound to conduct CIRP with fairness and diligence and must maintain absolute independence in discharge of his statutory duties without any external influences. The entire resolution process of a CD is dependent on the IRP/ RP who is primarily responsible for efficiently and […]
The Code of Conduct in the IP Regulations is the grund norm which all IPs are to follow in letter and spirit. Clause 22 of the Code of Conduct provides that an IP must refrain from accepting too many assignments as he may be unable to devote adequate time to each assignment. The processes under […]
Insolvency Professionals to act as Interim Resolution Professionals, Liquidators, Resolution Professionals and Bankruptcy Trustees (Recommendation) Guidelines, 2021
The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India hereby publishes the syllabus and details of the Limited Insolvency Examination (Examination) under regulation 3 (3) of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Insolvency Professionals) Regulations, 2016 for the examination to be conducted from 1st March 2022.
‘Cross-border insolvency’ denotes circumstances in which an insolvent debtor has assets and/or creditors in more than one country. With the rapid increase in globalisation and the advent of sophisticated communications technology, cross-border trade and investment has increased the dependence of national economies on each other.
The DC notes the submission of Mr. Garg as to the allegation of charging the fee of the independent auditors to CIRP cost that there was a complete mistrust between the allottees & the Corporate Debtor. To bridge that mistrust between the Corporate Debtor & the allottees and for ensuring disclosure and greater transparency in […]