Access significant and up-to-date high court judgments for legal insights and precedent. Stay informed about the latest legal decisions and their impact on various areas of law.
Income Tax : Bombay High Court rules on tax evasion by Buniyad Chemicals, addressing unexplained credits, money laundering, and regulatory acti...
Goods and Services Tax : Bombay HC ruled that an SCN cannot be issued without considering the reply to a pre-consultation notice, emphasizing procedural fa...
Corporate Law : The J&K&L HC quashed Nazir Ahmad Ronga’s detention under the Public Safety Act, citing vague allegations and lack of evidence, s...
Goods and Services Tax : AP High Court invalidates unsigned GST orders without DIN, citing CBIC guidelines. Learn key legal takeaways and compliance requir...
CA, CS, CMA : Summary of tax and regulatory updates: income tax bonds, GST rulings, SEBI amendments, customs tariffs, and DGFT trade policy chan...
Corporate Law : Key IBC case law updates from Oct-Dec 2024, covering Supreme Court and High Court decisions on CoC powers, resolution plans, relat...
Corporate Law : SC rules on Special Court jurisdiction; NCLAT redefines financial debt; HC upholds IBBI regulations and addresses various insolven...
Goods and Services Tax : HIGH COURT OF CALCUTTA: Ramesh Kumar Patodia v. Citi Bank [WPO NO. 547 OF 2019 JUNE 24, 2022 ] Facts: ♦ Petitioner is a holder ...
Goods and Services Tax : CGST, Gurugram (Anti Evasion) Vs Gaurav Dhir (Chief Judicial Magistrate, District Courts, Gurugram) U/s 132(1)) r/w 132(1)(b)(C)(e...
Corporate Law : In order to dispense with the physical signatures on the daily orders (which are not important/final orders and judgments) of the ...
Goods and Services Tax : Andhra Pradesh High Court rules that GST assessment orders without a DIN or signature are invalid, following past judgments and CB...
Corporate Law : Karnataka High Court rules that payments to Fugro for geological surveys do not qualify as fees for technical services under DTAA ...
Goods and Services Tax : Madras High Court dismisses Ragem Motors' writ petition on GST demand for non-taxable receipts, citing availability of statutory r...
Income Tax : Bombay HC quashed Trent Ltd.’s tax refund adjustment under Section 245 of the IT Act, citing a violation of natural justice. Rev...
Corporate Law : Bombay High Court removes a bail condition restricting overseas travel, ruling that passport retention violated the Passports Act,...
Corporate Law : Bombay High Court implements "Rules for Video Conferencing 2022" for all courts in Maharashtra, Goa, and union territories, effect...
Income Tax : CBDT raises monetary limits for tax appeals: Rs. 60 lakh for ITAT, Rs. 2 crore for High Court, and Rs. 5 crore for Supreme Court, ...
Corporate Law : The Delhi High Court mandates new video conferencing protocols to enhance transparency and accessibility in court proceedings. Rea...
Income Tax : Income Tax Department Issues Instructions for Assessing Officers after Adverse Observations of Hon. Allahabad High Court in in Civ...
Corporate Law : Delhi High Court has exempted the Lawyers from wearing Gowns practicing in the High Court with effect from March 2, 2022 till furt...
Whether on the facts and in the circumstances of the case and in law, the Tribunal was right in holding that the amount of Rs.1.69 Crores credited to the profit and loss account on account of securitization of lease rentals receivable in subsequent years is chargeable to tax in the assessment year 2002-03 ?.
Where assessee utilized only a small part of eligilble FSI remaining part was sold, then assessee was not entitled deduction under section 80IB. In respect profits assessee for sale of unutilized part.
Here we have compiled Status of Writ Filed in Various High Court for Extension of Tax Audit Due Date. As per our knowledge 12 writ petition been filed with various High Courts out of which Six Writ petition been already disposed off, Five are pending and status of one is not known to us. 1. […]
OEN India Ltd. Vs Union of India & Others (Bombay High Court) HC directs Petitioners to file representation to CBIC. This representation would be considered by the CBIC for verification and the bona fides of the claim made by the Petitioners. If satisfied, Petitioners would be allowed to amend the Trans1 form to reflect the […]
Vodafone Mobile Services Limited Vs Commissioner Of Service Tax (Delhi High Court) Tribunal had denied CENVAT credit to the assessee on the premise that the towers erected result into an immovable property, which is erroneous and contrary to the judgment of the Supreme Court in the case of Solid and Correct Engineering (supra). The towers […]
Further, the remuneration paid to managing director in the previous year cannot be a criterion for invoking the provisions of section 40A(2) of the Act as the assessee’s turnover stood at ₹ 283 lakhs as compared to ₹ 99 lakhs in immediately previous year. This has resulted into rise of 185% in turnover.
Krishna Enterprises Vs State of U.P. & Ors. (Allahabad High Court) Heard Shri Aditya Pandey, learned counsel for the petitioner and the learned Standing Counsel on behalf of the State-respondents. The goods of the petitioner under transportation along with the vehicle have been seized vide order dated 08.05.2018 passed under Section 129(1) of UP GST […]
TVS Motor Company Ltd. Vs Asstt. Commr. of CGST & CE (Madras High Court) The respondent states that the impugned order is only a show cause notice (SCN). This Court is unable to agree with the said stand taken by the learned Senior Panel Counsel appearing for the Revenue, as a show cause notice cannot […]
Armour Steel Buildings India (P) Ltd. Vs Asstt. State Tax Officer (Kerala High Court) The petitioner, an assessee under the GST Act in Tamil Nadu, sent goods across to the State. The Assistant State Tax Officer intercepted the goods and detained them. After the initial procedural formalities the petitioner suffered an order under section 129 […]
Ramchandran Ananthan Pothi Vs UOI and Ors. (Bombay High Court) In the event, the petitioner seeks a stay of the order passed by the Assessment Officer by making a stay application, then, during the pendency of such application, the criminal prosecution Section 276(C)(1) of the Income Tax Act 1961 should not be launched and, if it has been already launched, the same shall not proceed. […]