Access significant and up-to-date high court judgments for legal insights and precedent. Stay informed about the latest legal decisions and their impact on various areas of law.
Income Tax : Bombay High Court rules on tax evasion by Buniyad Chemicals, addressing unexplained credits, money laundering, and regulatory acti...
Goods and Services Tax : Bombay HC ruled that an SCN cannot be issued without considering the reply to a pre-consultation notice, emphasizing procedural fa...
Corporate Law : The J&K&L HC quashed Nazir Ahmad Ronga’s detention under the Public Safety Act, citing vague allegations and lack of evidence, s...
Goods and Services Tax : AP High Court invalidates unsigned GST orders without DIN, citing CBIC guidelines. Learn key legal takeaways and compliance requir...
CA, CS, CMA : Summary of tax and regulatory updates: income tax bonds, GST rulings, SEBI amendments, customs tariffs, and DGFT trade policy chan...
Corporate Law : Key IBC case law updates from Oct-Dec 2024, covering Supreme Court and High Court decisions on CoC powers, resolution plans, relat...
Corporate Law : SC rules on Special Court jurisdiction; NCLAT redefines financial debt; HC upholds IBBI regulations and addresses various insolven...
Goods and Services Tax : HIGH COURT OF CALCUTTA: Ramesh Kumar Patodia v. Citi Bank [WPO NO. 547 OF 2019 JUNE 24, 2022 ] Facts: ♦ Petitioner is a holder ...
Goods and Services Tax : CGST, Gurugram (Anti Evasion) Vs Gaurav Dhir (Chief Judicial Magistrate, District Courts, Gurugram) U/s 132(1)) r/w 132(1)(b)(C)(e...
Corporate Law : In order to dispense with the physical signatures on the daily orders (which are not important/final orders and judgments) of the ...
Goods and Services Tax : Madras High Court directs appellate authority to hear Nirman Encon's GST appeal, citing lack of opportunity in original assessment...
Income Tax : Allahabad HC quashes GST demand against Solvi Enterprises, ruling that the selling dealer was registered at the time of transactio...
Income Tax : PCIT Vs Greenply Industries Ltd (Gauhati High Court) The Gauhati High Court’s recent judgment in “The Principal Commis...
Corporate Law : Delhi High Court held that imposition of penalty under section 271DA of the Income Tax Act is justifiable since there is no inordi...
Income Tax : Delhi High Court held that reassessment order is liable to be set aside as it was based on information that was fully examined in ...
Corporate Law : Bombay High Court implements "Rules for Video Conferencing 2022" for all courts in Maharashtra, Goa, and union territories, effect...
Income Tax : CBDT raises monetary limits for tax appeals: Rs. 60 lakh for ITAT, Rs. 2 crore for High Court, and Rs. 5 crore for Supreme Court, ...
Corporate Law : The Delhi High Court mandates new video conferencing protocols to enhance transparency and accessibility in court proceedings. Rea...
Income Tax : Income Tax Department Issues Instructions for Assessing Officers after Adverse Observations of Hon. Allahabad High Court in in Civ...
Corporate Law : Delhi High Court has exempted the Lawyers from wearing Gowns practicing in the High Court with effect from March 2, 2022 till furt...
Pr. CIT Vs M/s RST India Ltd. (Bombay High Court) It is not disputed that upon termination of the contract, the assessee’s entire business of soliciting freight on behalf of the US based company came to be terminated. It may be that assessee had, other business. Insofar as the question of taxing the receipts arising […]
Electricity has all the necessary trappings of ‘articles’ or ‘things’ and the benefit of additional depreciation cannot be denied. As held by the Constitution Bench, electricity is capable of abstraction, transmission, transfer, delivery, possession, consumption and use like any other movable property.
Veena Devi Karnani Vs ITO (Delhi High Court) Rule 127(2) clearly states that the addresses to which a notice or summons or requisition or order or any other communication may be delivered or transmitted shall be either available in the PAN database of the assessee or the address available in the income tax return to […]
It appears that instead of tracing out the real culprit, the respondents are seeking the easy way out by penalising the transporter who prima facie does not appear to have doubted the person who engaged it for transport of the goods as an invoice and e-way bill were produced by him, and recovering the tax, penalty and fine from him.
Pr. CIT Vs State Bank of India (Bombay High Court) The Assessing Officer has been given no discretion in the matter of granting interest. The amount of interest has to be paid to an assessee in terms of Section 244A of the Act. The only limitation provided therein under Section 244A of the Act is […]
Pr. CIT Vs Roshan Lal Sancheti (Rajasthan High Court) it must be held that statement recorded under section 132(4) of the Act and later confirmed in statement recorded under section 131 of the Act, cannot be discarded simply by observing that the assessee has retracted the same because such retraction ought to have been generally […]
Naitik Enterprise Vs Union of India (Gujarat High Court) In terms of sub-section (25) of section 2 of the Customs Act, once the goods are cleared for home consumption, they no longer retain the identity of the imported goods. Under the circumstances, once the goods have been cleared, such goods no longer remain to be […]
Vasu Corporation Vs State of Gujarat (Gujarat High Court) 1. Mr. Uchit Sheth, learned advocate for the petitioner has, inter alia, submitted that upon the vehicle in question together with the goods being detained under section 129(1) of the Gujarat Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (hereinafter referred to as “the GST Act”), the petitioner has […]
G.V. Infosutions Pvt. Ltd Vs DCIT (Delhi High Court) The rejection of the petitioner’s application under Section 119(2)(b) is only on the ground that according to the Chief Commissioner’s opinion the plea of omission by the auditor was not substantiated. This court has difficulty to understand what more plea or proof any assessee could have […]
The DlSCOMs provided certificates to the assessees, stating that supplies made by Schneider to DlSCOMs need not be included in the taxable turnover being valid deduction allowed under the Act read with Rule 11 of the DST Rules. Schneider (as well as other assessees in appeal, in this batch) claimed the exemption under the said Rule 11 (XII) for the relevant period for such sales made to DlSCOMs. The assessees complied with the provisions of Rule 11 (XII) and submitted the certificates issued by the said companies.