Goods and Services Tax : Learn about claiming refunds for excess amounts in your GST Electronic Cash Ledger. Understand the process, requirements, and step...
Goods and Services Tax : Exporters face IGST refund restrictions due to FOB vs CIF valuation differences. Learn how GST law affects tax refunds on export t...
Goods and Services Tax : Madras High Court quashes SCN and refund order for lacking required particulars to contest the claim of erroneous refund under t...
Goods and Services Tax : Learn the proper method to calculate refunds under Rule 89(4) of CGST Rules for zero-rated supplies, based on CBIC clarifications ...
Goods and Services Tax : Rule 96(10) caused confusion for exporters due to restrictions on IGST refunds. Its deletion in 2024 offers relief, but unresolved...
Goods and Services Tax : CBI arrests Superintendent of Central GST & Central Excise in Berhampur for accepting Rs. 15,000 bribe from complainant regarding ...
Goods and Services Tax : While filing Annual Return GSTR-4, if composition taxpayers have deposited excess tax, they will now be able to file for GST refu...
Goods and Services Tax : Processing of Refund application of tax amount of more than Rs 2 Crore:- All the refund applications where the applicant has cl...
Goods and Services Tax : Important GST Update IFSC of below 8 banks are changed due to merger. Taxpayers may update their Bank Account details through non-...
Custom Duty : CBIC has extended the time limit for sanction of pending IGST refunds in such cases where records have not been transmitted to ICE...
Goods and Services Tax : Calcutta High Court rules in favor of an exporter, overturning a GST refund rejection due to portal issues, citing natural justice...
Goods and Services Tax : Orissa HC directs refund of GST differential amount for a contractor despite a locked payment system, ensuring reimbursement withi...
Goods and Services Tax : M/s. Elite International through its Proprietor Shri Rohan Arora Vs Commissioner of CGST Delhi North And Ors. (Delhi High Court) D...
Goods and Services Tax : Gujarat High Court directs refund of Rs. 40,00,000 GST deposit made by mistake, ruling that limitation cannot apply but interest i...
Goods and Services Tax : Allahabad High Court directs payment of interest on delayed GST refund of ₹38.10 lakhs under Section 56 of the CGST Act, resolvi...
Goods and Services Tax : Learn how exporters can claim refund of additional IGST paid due to price increases post-export. Details on application process an...
Goods and Services Tax : Circular No. 226/20/2024-GST outlines a procedure for refunding additional IGST paid due to upward price revisions post-export. Le...
Custom Duty : Learn about the IGST refund process for certain tobacco product exports, recent updates, and how to address issues. Get insights f...
Goods and Services Tax : CBIC notifies supplies and class of registered person eligible for refund under IGST Route vide Notification No. 05/2023 – Inte...
Goods and Services Tax : Read Circular No. 197/09/2023-GST from CBIC providing clarification on various issues related to GST refunds. Understand the clari...
GST REFUNDS & OTHER PAYMENTS TO TAXPAYERS (A Compendium of Notifications, Circulars, Instructions & Advisories Issued by Government) Compendium consolidates various Notifications, Circulars, Instructions & Advisories Issued by Government related to GST Refund in a single book to serve as a source of ready reference for all stakeholders. Download GST Refund Compendium of Refund Notifications, […]
‘Taxes should not be exported’. The commerce and finance ministry have applied this principle consistently over the decades to ensure that the products manufactured in India and the services exported from India are competitive in the global market. The export incentive schemes of drawback or refund or rebate have been designed with the objective to […]
Seeks to specifies retail outlets established in the departure area of an international airport, beyond the immigration counters, making tax free supply of goods to an outgoing international tourist, as class of persons who shall be entitled to claim refund.
Notification No. 10/2019–Integrated Tax (Rate) Dated 29th June, 2019- CBIC specifies retail outlets established in the departure area of an international airport, beyond the immigration counters, making tax free supply of goods to an outgoing international tourist, as class of persons who shall be entitled to claim refund. Government of India Ministry of Finance (Department […]
M/s. Amit Cotton Industries vs. Principal Commissioner of Customs (Gujarat High Court) Circular cannot run contrary to Statutory Provisions –Guj HC orders grant of IGST Refund. Facts: Writ-applicant had exported goods in July 2017. It is the case of the writ-applicant that it is eligible to seek refund of the IGST in accordance with the […]
Red Coin Paper Product Vs Deputy Commissioner of State Tax (Gujarat High Court) According to the writ applicant, the inaction on the part of the authority in not granting credit of input tax credit to the electronic credit ledger even after rejection of the refund claimed for the period of May, 2018, June, 2018 and July, […]
Some newspapers have today highlighted a perceived set-back to the automated process of refunds for exporters under GST on account of the introduction of manual checks to curb large scale frauds in IGST refunds. These news items regrettably create a misleading impression that genuine exporters would suffer on account of the newly introduced verification process.
No Automatic Refund of IGST Stringent Systems Put in Place to Detect Fraudulent Refund Claims by Exporters As per Sec 16. (3) of IGST Act, Exporters of Goods or Services are allowed to Export under Two Options 1. Export Without Payment of GST under Bond / LUT & Claim ITC Refund 2. Export On Payment […]
The procedure for claiming IGST refunds is fully automated as provided under Instruction 15/2017-Cus dated 09.10.2017. It has come to the notice of the Board that instances of availment of IGST refund using fraudulent ITC claims by some exporters have been observed by various authorities
nput tax credit on inward supplies received in 2017-2018 but availed in April, 2018 to March, 2019shall be declared in Table 8C of FORM GSTR-9. > Transactions relating to financial year 2017-18 but declared in returns from April, 2018 to March, 2019 shall be declared in Part V of FORM GSTR-9.