Income Tax : Learn about tax audit under Section 44AB, including objectives, requirements, forms, and penalties for non-compliance....
Income Tax : Understand the provisions of Sections 269SS, 269ST, and 269T under Indian tax law, their implications, and reporting requirements ...
Income Tax : Learn about the amendment to Clause 22 of Form 3CD under Section 43B(h) and its impact on reporting requirements for payments to M...
Income Tax : CBDT's notification no. 27/2024 dated 05.03.2024 introduces several key amendments to Form 3CD, effective from AY 2024-25, impacti...
Income Tax : CBDT updates Form 3CD for AY 2023-2024, including major amendments for tax audit reporting. Essential insights for professionals a...
Income Tax : Explore the latest 2023 revision of the ICAI's Guidance Note on Tax Audit under Section 44AB of the Income-tax Act, 1961. Learn ab...
Income Tax : Exposure Draft of Revised ‘Guidance Note on Tax Audit under section 44AB of Income-tax Act, 1961’ is issued by ICAI Direct Tax...
Income Tax : Members may to raise any issues related to Tax Audit where elucidation, clarification or further elucidation is desired at email i...
Income Tax : Representation requesting to scrap Clause No. 44 of Tax Audit Report (Form 3CD) under the Income Tax Act, 1961...
Income Tax : More than 6.63 crore Income Tax Returns (ITRs) and 99.27 lakh statutory forms filed on the new e-filing portal of the Income Tax D...
Income Tax : Discover how Chennai ITAT's verdict affects assessments. Learn how a typographical error in Form 3CD impacts additions to an asses...
Income Tax : In Uttam Narayanmal Mehta S K Metal Vs ITO case, ITAT Mumbai directs AO to re-adjudicate mistake in ITR filing regarding double ta...
Income Tax : In the case of SVT Wholesale Pvt. Ltd. Vs JCIT, the ITAT Bangalore evaluates the penalty imposed under Section 271D for violating ...
Income Tax : ITAT Delhi held that initiation of action u/s. 154 of the Income Tax Act on the basis of shortfall in TDS on year end provisions r...
Income Tax : M/s. PMC Rubber Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd. Vs ACIT (ITAT Kolkata) We note that the assessee has filed form no. 3CD and 3CB and the ...
Income Tax : Understand the implications of the corrigendum to Income Tax Notification No. 27 of 2024. Get insights into the changes and their ...
Income Tax : Stay updated with CBDT's Form 3CD Tax Audit Report Format, Form 3CEB & Form No. 65 revision. Learn about changes in tax audit rep...
Income Tax : The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) deferred the Tax Audit Clause 30C and 44 till 31st Mar 2022 due to COVID-19. F.No. 3701...
Income Tax : Amendment of the Income-tax Rules, 1962 to prescribe manner relating to option under section 115BAC and 115BAD, and that of determ...
Income Tax : Reporting requirements under clause 30C (pertaining to General Anti-Avoidance Rules (GAAR)) and clause 44 (pertaining to Goods and...
CBDT has vide Notification No. 33/2018, Dated: July 20, 2018 Amended Income Tax Audit Form No. 3CD with effect from 20th August, 2018 to incorporate further reporting requirement related to Goods and Service Tax (GST) , Transfer pricing, Statement of Financial Transactions, Section 32AD, Income from other sources as referred to in clause (x) of […]
This Article contains a detailed analysis of ICDS notified u/s 145 of Income-tax Act, 1961 alongwith Suggested Reporting in Form 3CD. The Article is extremely relevant for Tax Audits.
Adjustments under ICDS will mean additions to arrive at total income in beginning and in later years same additions will have to be deducted in computation of Total income. The adjustments thus are in the nature of only timing difference – advancing the revenue collection – But Tax neutral in the long run. Disclosure with respect to ICDS to be done in Form 3CD – only if assesse is subject to tax audit. Impact of ICDS would be more to those who were Never following Accounting Standards of ICAI / Companies Accounting Standard Rules
a. Inventories are valued at lower of Cost and Net Realizable Value. The cost has been measured at FIFO / Weighted average basis and includes cost of purchase, cost of services, cost of conversation and other costs incurred in bringing them into their present location and condition. Also refer clause 14 (b) to Form 3CD
Are you worried about the recent changes in Tax Audit Report and disclosure requirements as per ICDS for Assessment Year 2017-18 in Form 3CD? No problem! I ve put together in this attached excel sheet all 41 clauses along with necessary enclosure of Form 3CD after considering
Form 3CD reflecting effect of adjustments and disclosures on account of ICDS notified u/s 145(2) and more details of loan/deposits/advances u/s 269SS, 269T vide Notification No. 88/2016-Income Tax dated 29th September, 2016 and Notification No. 58/2017 dated 3rd July, 2017 and Notification No. 60/2017 dated 6th July, 2017.
I. Changes in Tax Audit Report – Form 3CD for AY 2017-18 relating to ICDS Reporting Adjustments CBDT Notification No.88/2016 dt. 29 Sept. 2016 – ICDS Rules 2016 The CBDT has amended/ revised Form 3CD, applicable from AY 2017-18 (i.e. corresponding to Financial/ Previous Year 2016-17) to facilitate changes relating to ICDS Reporting Adjustments thru […]
As you may be kindly aware that the due date for filing the tax audit report in Form No 3CA/3CB/3CD is 30th September, 2017 for AY 2017-18. In this regard, we wish to inform the members that CBDT has made the following amendments in Form No. 3CD:
G.S.R. 841(E).—In the notification of the Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue (Central Board of Direct Taxes), number 58/2017, dated the 3rd July, 2017, published vide number G.S.R. 821(E) dated the 3rd July, 2017, in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, Sub- section (i), at page 4
In the Income-tax Rules, 1962, in Appendix II, in Form No. 3CD, for serial number 31 and the entries relating thereto the following shall be substituted, namely: 31. (a) Particulars of each loan or deposit in an amount exceeding the limit specified in section 269SS taken or accepted during the previous year :‑