Income Tax : Explore the differences between Form 16 and Form 16A, their purposes, eligibility, and significance in income tax filing. Understa...
Income Tax : Understand TDS and TCS compliance deadlines. Learn about deposit dates, return filing schedules, and issuance of certificates to a...
Income Tax : Unlock Form 16 PDFs with ease! Learn the steps to decode the password and access your TDS certificate for hassle-free income tax f...
Income Tax : Discover the intricacies of Income Tax Returns (ITR) in India, from types of forms to required documents and compliance measures, ...
Income Tax : Navigating tax compliances during a job change in India. Learn about Form 16, deductions, and avoiding legal pitfalls. Expert insi...
Income Tax : H&R Block, the India’s largest individual tax services company, offers you the first of its kind Form 16 generation tool, which ...
Income Tax : This utility can be used for Government and Non Government Employees. Utility Automatically Prepares for 16, Form 12BA, Calculate...
Income Tax : Automatic Form 16 with 12BA for Financial Year 2012-13 & Assessment Year 2013-14 in Excel Format Download Automatic Form 16 Ut...
Income Tax : Automated Form 16 Preparation Software which can prepare at Form 16 of 50 Employees from the details of 24Q Annual Return Form. ...
Income Tax : This Excel utility is fully automated. Just put the data in Data input sheet and it will prepare the Form-16 automatically. User c...
Income Tax : Navigate complexities of personal income tax in India for FY 2023-2024. Learn about filing returns, responding to notices, and opt...
Income Tax : In Ajit Chandrashekar Dighe Vs DCIT (ITAT Mumbai), learn about the importance of substantiating Form 26AS or Form 16 for claiming ...
Income Tax : We note that the assessee did not suppress the fact that no income incurred as such, but however it is reflected in Form 26AS data...
Income Tax : Taking into account the amount mentioned in Form 26AS it could not be said that the assessee had concealed amount or furnished ina...
Income Tax : The grievance which is voiced in the present petition by the assessee is that though deductor employer Amar Remedies Limited ...
Income Tax : CBDT notifies new Rule 26D.Furnishing of declaration and evidence of claims by specified senior citizen under section 194P, Amende...
Income Tax : The due date of furnishing of Return of Income for the Assessment Year 2021-22, which is 31st July 2021 under sub-section (1) of s...
Income Tax : CBDT revises Form No. 12BA (Statement showing particulars of perquisites, other fringe benefits or amenities and profits in lieu o...
Income Tax : Procedure, format and standards for issuance of certificate for tax deducted at source in Part B of Form No. 16 in accordance with...
Income Tax : CBDT notifies detailed format of Salary Certificate | Form No. 16 | Form No. 24Q vide [Notification No. 36/2019/ G.S.R. 304(E) dat...
H&R Block, the India’s largest individual tax services company, offers you the first of its kind Form 16 generation tool, which allows you to generate and distribute form 16 in a flash!
If you are salaried employee in an organization, then you will get the salary after deducting tax by the employer. Therefore Form 16 is a certificate issued to you by your employer stating the Personal details of the Employee including Name, Permanent Account Number (PAN) etc , details of the salary you have earned,
Though the due date for filing of your income tax returns is extended till 31st August 2015, I thought of writing about a few things which you as a tax payer should do before you actually sit down to prepare your income tax return yourself or visit your CA’s office. Even if you do not intend to file your return by 31st August, there are certain things which you should do before you the due date which is 31st July generally but is 31st August for this year.
For many applications on the TRACES website, deductor is required to provide KYC Validation. KYC Validation refers to three main details to be provided by the user to gain access to facilities such as downloading a justification report, filing an online correction in TRACES, download of Form 16A and so on.
Automatic Form 16 cum Income Tax Calculator for Salaried Person in excel format for Financial year 2014-15 / Assessment Year 2015-16. The Calculator calculates Automatically calculates your tax liability with surcharge and marginal relief (if any). Calculator have inbuilt capability to generates Your Form 16 alongwith Form 12BA. The Calculator further incorporated ₹ symbol at all the places where amounts are to be filled.
The grievance which is voiced in the present petition by the assessee is that though deductor employer Amar Remedies Limited had deducted TDS for total Rs.5,86,606/ and for which Form 16 A has been issued by it, department has not given credit of the said TDS to the petitioner assessee
Generate PDF automatically or Print automatically saving human time, energy and resources In my earlier Article How to send form 16, Form 16A and other Forms automatically , we saw how Form 16/16A can be sent to the Deductees automatically saving human time, energy and resources! Here you will see generating PDF and Printing automatically […]
Let us say you want to send Salary Slips to Employees on a monthly basis or Form 16 to Employees on a yearly basis or Form 16A to Deductees on a quarterly basis or any other Personnel specific attachment. Many Companies/Businesses send these Forms in hard copy by couriering it to the receiving Party which calls for the Courier cost and the company’s resources.
Downloading of TDS Certificates from TRACES is mandatory: In this regard, your attention is invited to the CBDT circulars 04/2013 dated 17.04.2013, CBDT Circular No. 03/2011 dated 13-5-2011 and CBDT Circular No. 01/2012 dated 9-4-2012 on the Issuance of certificate for Tax Deducted at Source in Form 16 and Form 16A. It is now mandatory […]
For Tax payers: Non/ Late filing of TDS statements results into the TDS Credit not being available to the deductees (employees / vendors) for claiming the amount of tax already deducted from the payments made to them besides generating correct TDS Certificates for them.