Income Tax : Learn about Tax Deducted at Source (TDS), its purpose, applicable payments, and the rates for various categories including residen...
Income Tax : Dive into the essentials of Form 15CA & 15CB, requirements, penalties for non-compliance, and exemptions. Learn how to ensure tax ...
Income Tax : Gain insights into Form 15CA and 15CB, essential for cross-border transactions. Learn their significance, types, and procedures to...
Income Tax : Understand Form 15CA/15CB and their filing process for cross-border transactions. Ensure compliance and transparency in internatio...
Income Tax : Learn what compliance regulations Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) must follow when selling property in India. Check TDS and TAN regula...
Income Tax : Guidance on uploading of Manually submitted Form 15CA and Form 15CB with Authorised Dealers between 7th June to 15th August 2021 i...
Income Tax : We are listing around 38 issues in portal and this is the beginning only because still we are working on preliminary aspects and f...
Income Tax : fter launching of the website by the Income Tax Department on 07th day of June, 2021 the members are facing the problems as discus...
Income Tax : As per the Income-tax Act, 1961, there is a requirement to furnish Form 15CA/15CB electronically. Presently, taxpayers upload the ...
Income Tax : The Income Tax Department is going to launch its new e-filing portal on 7th June, 2021. The existing portal o...
Income Tax : Assessee was engaged in the business of manufacturing of diamond by cutting and polishing of rough diamond and sale thereof. Durin...
Corporate Law : Delhi High Court held that unauthorized outward remittance by forged Form 15CB certificates has not fulfilled the ingredients of t...
Income Tax : As per the Income-tax Act, 1961, there is a requirement to furnish Form 15CA/15CB electronically. Presently, taxpayers upload the ...
Income Tax : In view of the difficulties reported by taxpayers in electronic filing of Income Tax Forms 15CA/15CB on the portal www.incometax.g...
Income Tax : Notification No. 93/2015 - Income Tax G.S.R. 978(E) dated 16th December, 2015 A CA certificate in Form No. 15CB will be required t...
Income Tax : Notification No. 67/2013 - Income Tax DATED 2-9-2013 Income-tax (14th Amendment) Rules, 2013 - Furnishing of information by the p...
Section 195 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 mandates deduction of income tax from payments made or credit given to non-residents at the rates in force. The Reserve Bank of India has also mandated that except in the case of certain personal remittances which have been specifically exempted, no remittance shall be made to a non-resident unless a no objection certificate has been obtained from the Income Tax Department.