Fema / RBI : The FCRA Amendment Rules 2024 introduce new reporting requirements, fund carry-forward provisions, and stricter auditing standards...
Finance : Learn about key changes in FCRA Amendment Rules, 2024, including unspent administrative expense carry-forward, tax refund transfer...
Corporate Law : Learn the key FCRA compliance guidelines and best practices for registered associations in India, including registration, utilizat...
CA, CS, CMA : Explore the NSEL internal audit case, uncovering gaps in compliance, fraudulent practices, and the crucial lessons learned for cor...
Corporate Law : Discover how registering on NGO Darpan can amplify your NGOs impact. Government recognition, increased visibility, and easy access...
Corporate Law : CBI registers a case against a Delhi-based private company and its Director for alleged violations of FCRA provisions, involving u...
Company Law : List of agencies of the United Nations, and other international agencies and organizations notified by the Central Government to b...
Corporate Law : During preceding 3 years (2019, 2020, 2021) registration certificates of 1811 number of Associations have been cancelled under the...
Corporate Law : A case was registered against 36 accused including 7 public servants of FCRA Division of MHA & NIC and middlemen, representatives ...
Corporate Law : MHA did not freeze bank accounts of Missionaries of Charity (MoC) State Bank of India informed that Missionaries of Charity itse...
Corporate Law : Noel Harper & Ors Vs Union of India (Supreme Court of India) Sub-Whether amendment made to Section 7, 12(1A),12A and 17(1) of ...
Fema / RBI : Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative Vs Union of India (Delhi High Court) Delhi High Court upheld the decision of Centre to suspen...
Finance : The citizen cannot be penalised for a discrepancy in the form prescribed by the respondent which has resulted in the form being un...
Fema / RBI : Whether Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act 2010 (FCRA, 2010) (read with rules) allows Central Government to freely decide wheth...
Corporate Law : M/s Advantages India & Anr Vs Union of India & Ors (Delhi High Court) This Court is of the opinion that there is a princip...
Corporate Law : MHA reminds NGOs to ensure valid FCRA registration for receiving and utilizing foreign contributions. Non-compliance may result in...
Corporate Law : Ministry clarifies TDS refund transfer to FCRA accounts, stating it’s not a violation and must be reported as "other income" in ...
Corporate Law : Govt extends FCRA registration validity to March 31, 2025, for pending renewals and expiring registrations. Non-renewal will prohi...
Corporate Law : Government urges timely responses to queries in FCRA registration, renewal, and permission applications to avoid denial....
Corporate Law : The Ministry of Home Affairs lists reasons for denial of FCRA registration and renewal applications, clarifying common issues like...
Central Government exempts all the Government organisations from the operation of all the provisions of Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010 with effect from 30th January, 2020 if such organisations are under compulsorily audited by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG). MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS ORDER New Delhi, the 30th January, 2020 S.O. 459(E). Whereas […]
Every association registered under Foreign Contribution Regulations Act (FCRA) has to submit an Annual Return (Form FC-4) to the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), online before 31st December for its foreign fund receipts for the previous financial year. The MHA has recently done major amendments in the FC-4, the revised FC-4 has been provided in […]
Foreign Contribution Individuals, Associations and Non-Profit Companies intending to receive the funding in India from foreign source are needed to comply with and are subject to the regulations made by government in this regard. Earlier Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act 1976 (FCRA, 1976) was in force to regulate and facilitate the acceptance and utilization of foreign […]
1. CONCEPT OF CHARITABLE COMPANY/NGO’S: Charitable Company or Non Governmental Organization (NGO) is a group, organization, Non Profit establishment or non Profit association of individuals, activists, voluntary and social persons. Non Government Organization (NGO) is citizen based non–profit group works for social welfare and sustainable development. The main aim and objective of any NGO is […]
Foreign Contribution (Regulation) (Second Amendment) Rules, 2019 – Increased the value of articles gifted for personal use from Rs 25000 to Rs 1 lakh in a financial year by amending rule 6A. Under Rule 7 – In case of emergency medical aid during a visit abroad, the acceptance of foreign hospitality has to be intimated […]
M/s Advantages India & Anr Vs Union of India & Ors (Delhi High Court) This Court is of the opinion that there is a principle and/or policy for guidance of exercise of discretion by the Government in the matter of selection of an investigative agency and there is no arbitrary, vague and uncontrolled power with […]
And whereas, the associations mentioned in the annexed list have now opened their bank account(s)as mandated under section 17 of the FCRA, 2010 in PFMS-integrated banks and have complied with the Government directions issued under section 46 of the Act. 8. Now therefore, the suspension of the registration under FCRA, 2010 of these ten associations mentioned in the annexed list is hereby revoked with immediate effect.
ll associations/persons who have been granted a certificate of registration and who have effected any change/modification in the details of their office bearers/key functionaries after their registration are hereby called upon to submit online application for additions/deletion/change of details in the statutory FORM FC-6E about such office bearers/key functionaries within one month from the date of issue of this Public Notice, failing which penal action shall he initiated under the appropriate provisions of the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010 and the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Rules, 2011.
Section 8 (Companies Act, 2013) company will become Holding Entity and other entity will become its subsidiary. Holding entity will do all the marketing, fundraising, financial, future planning for whole group. This process involves member restructuring, change in authorise signatories with banks and government authorities. Now the main issues related to restructuring of these entities […]
In view of repeated representations made by many such associations, it has been decided to give a one-time exemption in public interest to such associations from the restrictive condition of section 14(3) to enable them to apply for registration within three months from the issuance of this notice. Government has further decided that for uploading missing ARs on the FCRA Portal, no penalty shall be imposed.