Income Tax : Explore 151 FAQs on Finance Bill 2025, covering tax provisions, IFSC benefits, TDS/TCS, transfer pricing, and more for informed fi...
Income Tax : Understand key changes in proposed Income Tax Bill 2025. This FAQ covers definitions, tax year, non-profits, exemptions, salary, h...
Income Tax : Learn about the simplification, stakeholder consultation, and structural reforms in the new Income-Tax Bill aimed at reducing redu...
Income Tax : Explore how new tax rebate under Section 87A allows individuals to avoid tax on incomes up to Rs 12 lakh. Learn through illustrati...
Income Tax : Learn the TDS process for NRI property sales in India, including rates, forms, and filing requirements. Ensure smooth compliance a...
Income Tax : Learn about advance tax, who needs to pay it, due dates, payment methods, penalties, and exceptions. Understand advance tax instal...
Finance : Learn about IFSCA regulations enabling foreign universities to set up branches in GIFT IFSC. Details include eligibility, fees, co...
Custom Duty : This FAQ guide provides clarity on key aspects of customs duties and tariff structure updates in Budget 2025-26. Basic Customs Dut...
CA, CS, CMA : Updates to UDIN portal include a shift from alphanumeric to numeric data type for figures across Certificates, GST & Tax Audit, an...
CA, CS, CMA : Detailed clarifications on ICAI's Peer Review Mandate, phases of implementation, applicability, and key definitions for audit prac...
SEBI : Learn about NSEs guidelines for filing Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reports (BRSR). FAQs, observations, and guidelin...
SEBI : Find answers to FAQs on Trading Window closure under SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015, in the National Stoc...
Fema / RBI : Explore the recent RBI action against Paytm Payments Bank under Section 35A of the Banking Regulation Act, its impact on accounts,...
Corporate Law : Explore the updated FAQs on the implementation of the EPFO judgment dated 04.11.2022. Understand proof requirements, pension compu...
Corporate Law : Explore frequently asked questions on the SOP for inspection of establishments by EPFO. Get insights from related circulars, guide...
With the advent of new Companies Act, 2013, Corporate Governance has become the essence of all Business Houses. Under the Companies Act, 2013, removal of name under Sections 248-252 is a privilege given to the Corporate to close their dormant entities legally without any hassles.
Different circumstances in which different parties are required to generate Eway Bill ?
1. What is the GST E-way Bill? E-way bill stands for Electronic Way Bill. It is usually a unique bill number generated for the movement of a specific consignment of goods. While the e-way bill was part of the original scheme of GST, it was deferred at the time GST came into existence on the […]
Article Answer FAQs related to E-Way Bill, E-Way Bill Portal, E-Way Bill Registration, E-Way Bill Enrollment, Updating Transportation/vehicle/Part-B details, Cancelling e-Way Bill , Rejecting e-Way Bill, Consolidated e-Way Bill and all other related queries.
1. What is form GSTR-11? GSTR-1 1 is to be filed by persons who have obtained Registration or assigned a Unique Identity Number (UIN). It is a statement of inward supply of goods or services or both. 2. When to file GSTR-11? UIN holder can claim refund on inward supplies by filing application in Form […]
1. What are the features of FORM GST ITC-03 Offline Utility? The Key Features of FORM GST ITC-03 Offline Utility are: The ITC-03 details can be prepared offline with no connection to Internet. Most of the data entry and business validations are in-built in the offline tool reducing errors upon upload to GST Portal. 2. […]
The only constant thing in the world is change and it is insidious, i.e., be it political, economic, social, technological and legal environment. It is imperative that one needs to keep himself / herself updated with the latest developments in order to surmount the soaring professional challenges.
Taxpayer has paid all liability along with late fees and interest, but is unable to file Form GSTR 3B due to system error. Will he/she have to pay more late fees?
The constitution of NFRA is enshrined in the section 132 of the Companies Act, 2013. NFRA stands for National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA), The NFRA will act as an independent regulator for the auditing profession which was one of the key changes brought in by the Companies Act 2013.
What are different payment status types? 1. Initiated – If no intimation has been received from Bank (during the re-ping in case of E-payment) 2. Paid – CIN received by taxpayer and status updated on portal as PAID 3. Not Paid – default status on challan generation 4. Failed – Failure of any online transaction initiated by taxpayer