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1. What is form GSTR-11?

GSTR-1 1 is to be filed by persons who have obtained Registration or assigned a Unique Identity Number (UIN). It is a statement of inward supply of goods or services or both.

2. When to file GSTR-11?

UIN holder can claim refund on inward supplies by filing application in Form GST RFD-10 once in every quarter. Filing of GSTR-11 is pre-requisite for claiming refund.

3. What details are required to be filed in GSTR-11?

The invoice level details of inward supplies of goods or services or both are required to be filed in GSTR-1 1.

4. What are the features of GSTR-11 Offline Utility?

The Key Features of GSTR-1 1 Offline Tool are:

  • The GSTR-1 1 details can be prepared offline with no connection to Internet.
  • Most of the data entry and business validations are in built in the off line tool reducing errors upon upload to GST Portal.

5. How can I download and open the GSTR-11 Offline Tool in my system from the GST Portal?

1. Login to the GST Portal www.gst.gov.in .

2. Go to Downloads > Offline tools > GSTR-11 Offline Tool button and click on it.

3. Unzip the downloaded Zip file which contain GSTR_1 1_Offline_Utility.zip excel sheet

4. Open the GSTR_1 1_Offline_Utility.xls excel sheet by double clicking on it.

5. Read the ‘Read Me’ instructions on excel sheet.

6. What are the basic system requirements/ configurations required to use GSTR-11 Offline Tool?

The offline functions work best on Windows 7 and above and MSEXCEL 2007 and above.

7. How do I open or launch the GSTR-1 1 Offline Tool?

One can launch the GSTR-11 Offline Tool by double clicking the downloaded GSTR_1 1_Offline_Utility.xls sheet.

8. Where can I find the detailed user manual of the GSTR-11 Offline Tool?

The detailed user manual gets downloaded along with the GSTR-1 1 Offline Tool as a Read me text document and Help instructions on excel sheet.

9. Is Offline tool mobile compatible?

As of now GSTR-1 1 Offline tool cannot be used on mobile. Currently, GSTR-1 1 Offline tool can only be used on desktop/ laptops.

10. What is Generate JSON File to Upload’ button for in excel?

‘Generate JSON File to Upload’ button is used to create the data file (in .JSON format) of details and modifications in off line tool. The data file will be uploaded in the online GST portal for further processing of GSTR-1 1.

11. What is use of ‘Open Downloaded GSTR-11 Error JSON Files’ button in excel?

‘Open Downloaded GSTR-11 Error JSON Files’ button is used to import the data file or the error file, downloaded from the online portal (in. json format) and open it in offline tool for modification. This will auto populate the details in the offline tool on the basis the data entry sections in this file.

Download FAQs and User Manual – GSTR-11 Offline Tool

(Republished with amendments)


Disclaimer: The contents of this article are for information purposes only and does not constitute an advice or a legal opinion and are personal views of the author. It is based upon relevant law and/or facts available at that point of time and prepared with due accuracy & reliability. Readers are requested to check and refer relevant provisions of statute, latest judicial pronouncements, circulars, clarifications etc before acting on the basis of the above write up. The possibility of other views on the subject matter cannot be ruled out. By the use of the said information, you agree that Author/TaxGuru is not responsible or liable in any manner for the authenticity, accuracy, completeness, errors or any kind of omissions in this piece of information for any action taken thereof. This is not any kind of advertisement or solicitation of work by a professional.

Source- gst.gov.in


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