Company Law : Understand why independent directors are prohibited from receiving ESOPs under Indian law, while profit-based commissions are perm...
Company Law : Independent Directors cannot acquire sweat equity shares or ESOPs due to restrictions under the Companies Act and SEBI regulations...
Income Tax : Learn about Employee Stock Option Schemes (ESOPs), their lifecycle, SEBI regulations, and tax calculations under the Finance Act 2...
Income Tax : Understand the taxation on ESOPs, including when options are exercised and shares are sold, and related TDS provisions for employe...
Corporate Law : Explore the differences between the ESOP Trust route and Direct route for employee stock options, including advantages and disadva...
Income Tax : From April 1, 2025, Section 47 will exclude transfers of capital assets under gifts or wills from capital gains tax, with specific...
Income Tax : Delve into complex tax implications of ESOPs, Sweat Equity, CSOPs, Phantom Shares, and Stock Appreciation Rights in our live webin...
Income Tax : The section states that ESOPs issued free of cost or at concessional rates will be taxed on the date of exercise on the differenc...
Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai held that the Employee Stock Option Plans [ESOP] expenses should not be regarded contingent or notional and it should ...
Income Tax : The Karnataka High Court, upholding the ITAT's order, reiterated that discounts on the issuance of ESOPs are allowable deductions ...
Income Tax : Madras High Court held that compensation paid to ESOP holders qualifies as perquisite and hence taxable under the head ‘salaryâ€...
Income Tax : Tribunal upholds CIT(A) decisions in DCIT Vs Astral Limited case, offering key insights on TP adjustments, ESOP expenses, and Sect...
Income Tax : In the case of Sanjay Baweja Vs DCIT, the Delhi High Court ruled that one-time payments in lieu of ESOPs do not constitute salary ...
Goods and Services Tax : CGST Circular 213/07/2024 clarifies GST applicability on ESOP/ESPP/RSU provided by foreign holding companies to Indian subsidiarie...
Company Law : The Ministry of Corporate Affairs penalizes WURKNET PRIVATE LIMITED for violating Companies Act, 2013 by not disclosing ESOP detai...
Company Law : Company at its Board Meeting convened on 05.04.2021 unanimously accorded its approval for grant of 327 options under the Scheme to...
SEBI : Q. Upon listing of the Company, will it be permissible, as per the SEBI SBEB & SE Regulations, for stock options to be granted...
SEBI : As per Regulation 9(2) of the SEBI (Share Based Employee Benefits) Regulations, 2014 (SBEB Regulations) Â the company may permit t...
Introduction Traditionally, ESOPs were given to remunerate senior employees and to acknowledge their proven contribution to the company. However, in modern times, ESOPs are used as compensation and motivational tool as startups can’t afford to spend high salaries in the beginning stage. Employee Stock Options in India has gained immense popularity in the recent times […]
DCIT Vs M/s. Info Edge India Ltd. (ITAT Delhi) From the order of ld. CIT(A), it is clear that the ld. CIT(A) has relied on various decisions and has per the decisions relied by the ld. CIT(A), the ESOP has been treated as Revenue expenditure. The Revenue did not bring any contrary decision against the […]
Employees Stock Option Scheme (ESOP) Section 62 of Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 12 of Companies (Share Capital and Debenture) Rules, 2014 Sl. No. Compliance Brief Compliance Description Reference Section/ Clause/ Rule Act/Rules/Regulations/ Notification/ Agreement Details required from client 1 Check the Articles for any specific provision on issue of share under ESOP Check […]
In a layman’s language, Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP) is an option given as a right and not an obligation to the employees of the Company to purchase the Company’s shares at a fixed price during a specified period of time. We can say that ESOP drives benefit to the both the Company and the […]
CA Gourav Goyal Brief about Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP) Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP) is a frequently used incentive mechanism used by organizations. There are various reasons for which the employees of a company are given such stock options. The phenomena of stock options is more prevalent in start-up companies which cannot afford to […]
Gain arising on transfer of ESOP options should be taxed as long term capital gains where the holding period was more than 3 years as assessee acquired a valuable and transferable right and the right of share constituted capital assets from the date of grant.
In this Article we will Discuss about Taxation of ESOPS for Employer and Employee and After Sale of Such Esops. Employee Share Options Plan is the option that a company provides to its employees to purchase the company’s shares on future dates at a pre-determined price. It is popular these days and many a times part of salary offer given to newly hired executives
Employee Stock Ownership Plan also commonly known as ESOP, is a skillful and well defined plan that is meant to provide advantage to both the employee as well as the employer, in which an employee mainly invests in the stock of the sponsoring company.
Period of holding ESOP options transferred by the assessee in course of buy-back scheme of his employer was to be counted from the date of grant of ESOP option and date of vesting was not relevant as options were transferred without any exercise.
Dr. Muthian Sivathanu, Vs ACIT (ITAT Chennai) Conclusion: Gains arising from sale of the shares allotted in the ESOP (Employees Stock Option Plan) scheme when the assessee was non-resident, not to be assessed as perquisites instead of assessed as capital gain as the stock viz., the asset was already vested on the assessee during the […]