Income Tax : Easily compare the old and new tax regimes for AY 2024-25 and AY 2025-26 with our simple income tax calculator. Make informed deci...
Goods and Services Tax : Use our GST ITC Utilization Tool to optimize your Input Tax Credit and minimize the challan amount. Our proposed methodology follo...
Income Tax : Download Interest Calculator U/s 234A, 234B, 234C of the Income Tax Act, 1961 - Date for Advance tax is nearing and all the Assess...
Corporate Law : A PDF tool with all the features users might need for personal and business use is either a hard thing to find or too expensive fo...
Income Tax : This Calculator calculates House Rent Allowance which is exempt from tax U/s. 10(13) of The Income Tax Act, 1961. The calculator i...
Goods and Services Tax : Continuing with this motive, the Indirect Taxes Committee of ICAI, has recently revised its Background Material on GST Acts and Ru...
Goods and Services Tax : This publication has now been revised with changes made in the Law in last year and as well as proposed by Finance Bill 2017 and c...
CA, CS, CMA : Guidance Note on Accounting for Oil and Gas Producing Activities, issued by Council of ICAI for entities to whom Ind ASs are appli...
Excise Duty : Introduction of CENVAT credit rules across goods and services in the year 2004 was one of the major steps in indirect taxes reform...
Company Law : The Auditing and Assurance Standards Board of ICAI has brought out Guidance Note on the Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2016...
Goods and Services Tax : Download Free e- Book on Andhra Pradesh (AP) Value Added Tax Act, 2005 – Updated Till 30th April 2015 Download Free e- Book ...
Communication is the procedure, which we use to exchange information by various methods and media is the medium or instrument of storing or communicating information. ‘Media’ the popular term inter-alia used as ‘Press’ denotes the print & electronic information carriers –the News Papers & Magazines, Radio, Television and currently includes Internet as new Media. Hailed as the ‘Fourth Estate’, media is the watchdog of the public affairs, informing the society and vice versa, acts as the forum to advocate the views of the society at large to those at the helm of public affairs.
A chartered accountant can play a vital role in the agricultural and rural development of our country. A chartered accountant is bestowed with highly appreciated qualities of integrity, technical excellence, knowledge, analytical skills and leadership with consistency of purpose. This professional initiative requires the help of Government by conducting awareness programmes on accounts, audit and […]
This excel base GAR-7 Challan for payment of service tax is Based on latest circular no 162/2012 dated on Negative List Approach. Has facility of building and saving assessee database to avoid repetitive work. It has built in check for Wrong Assessee Code Structure. Menu Driven and Help Section.
Cyber is a prefix used to describe a person, thing, or idea as part of the computer and information age. Taken from kybernetes, Greek word for steersman or governor, it was first used in cybernetics, a word coined by Norbert Wiener and his colleagues.
The Threat to the environment, posed by the global climate change is real. Human activities are increasing the atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases. All theoretical models predict that these increases in greenhouse gas concentrations will cause changes in climate, both regionally and globally — with adverse consequences likely for human health, as well as to ecological and socioeconomic systems.
Income tax Calculator in excel format calculates tax payable by you on various source of income. It can calculate tax for all categories of Individuals including senior citizens and very senior citizens. It can calculate tax on all categories of income including business income, house property income, capital Gains, income from other sources etc. Calculator is easy and user friendly. Calculator not only consider income from various heads but it also considers the following :-
This utility can be used for Government and Non Government Employees. Utility Automatically Prepares for 16, Form 12BA, Calculates TDS deductible, HRA Exemption , Deduction Under Chapter VIA etc.Utility is for Assessment year 2013-14 or Financial Year 2012-13 and can be used for upto 50 Employees.
Free eBook on Audit, Inspection & Enforcement under Delhi Value Added Tax, 2004. This Book deals with Section 58 to 65 (amended upto 18-06-2012) of DVAT Act, 2004 read with Rules 22, 23, 41, 43 and 46 of DVAT Rules, 2005. These give power to the department for proper enforcement of the Act, audit of the accounts of the dealer, inspection of records, power to enter premises and seize records and goods, power to stop, search and retain goods and deals with the custody and release of records, disposal of goods, goods vehicle and security.
eBook covers various complex topics such as Tax Audit, TDS, HUF and Capital Gains. Book provides brief analysis of various complex issues falling under the above mentioned topics duly supported by latest relevant judicial pronouncements and provisions of law.
In eBook on Survey, Search & Seizure under Income Tax Act, 1961 author has made every effort to compile all the latest developments in the field of Survey, Search & Seizure, which includes the prevalent law, its analysis, gist of significant judicial pronouncements of various courts, Frequent Asked Questions (FAQs), Performa’s of Panchnama & various forms and Important Circulars/ Notifications/ Press Notes, in updating the law. The book covers the following Topics.