Income Tax : Discover the implications of a significant Delhi ITAT ruling on cash sales pre-demonetization. Learn how it affects taxation and f...
Income Tax : Explore the impact of demonetization on cash deposits in India and the key legal insights from Section 69A vs. Section 44AD cases....
Fema / RBI : Public can continue to use ₹2000 banknotes for their transactions and also receive them in payment. However, they are encouraged...
Finance : Understand the implications of depositing the Rs. 2000 note in banks amid its withdrawal from circulation. Explore challenges, inc...
Income Tax : Explore the potential pitfalls and opportunities of the new income tax amnesty scheme. Learn how to convert black money into white...
CA, CS, CMA : SFIO, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, arrests CA Nalin Prabhat Panchal in Hyderabad for failure to honor summons related to Nityank...
Income Tax : No study on effect of withdrawal of legal tender character of the Specified Bank Notes (SBNs) on Indian economy has been published...
Income Tax : Demonetisation, inter alia, led to detection of black money, increase in tax collection and widening of tax base: Union MoS for Fi...
Fema / RBI : Value of counterfeit notes detected in banking system reduced from ₹43.47 crores in 2016-17 to ₹8.26 crores in 2021-22 since d...
Income Tax : An analysis of the search cases, conducted by Income Tax Department (ITD), involving cash seizures of more than Rs 5 crores in the...
Income Tax : ITAT Chennai deletes additions under Section 69A for cash deposits made during demonetization by P. Tamilmani. Case highlights pro...
Income Tax : ITAT Chennai remands case for fresh assessment, allowing Ramesh Sreenivasalu to submit documents on demonetization cash deposits. ...
Income Tax : ITAT Ahmedabad sets aside assessment order on demonetization cash deposits, citing natural justice violations. Case remanded for f...
Income Tax : ITAT Chennai allows reassessment of ₹54.70 lakh cash deposits during demonetization, granting the assessee another opportunity s...
Income Tax : Delhi HC dismisses revenue's appeal, affirming that cash sales during demonetization, accounted for and taxed, cannot be treated a...
Fema / RBI : RBI provides an update on the withdrawal status of ₹2000 banknotes, with 98% of notes returned by October 31, 2024....
Fema / RBI : RBI has extended deadline for withdrawal of ₹2000 banknotes to October 7, 2023. Learn about new guidelines and arrangements....
Fema / RBI : Reserve Bank of India's decision to withdraw ₹2000 banknotes has been highly effective, with 93% of these notes already returned...
Company Law : Introduction: In a significant move towards ensuring financial transparency and accountability, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs ...
Fema / RBI : Addressing circulating media reports, the Reserve Bank of India emphatically denies allegations of missing banknotes. The RBI stre...
During the last Election PM Narendra Modi promised abolition of Income Tax. In his this Independence Day Speech he said There is a class in the country, especially the middle class, the upper middle class, who is more troubled with income tax officials than the police. I have to change this situation, I am trying and I will change it
It has been 58 days since the launch of NITI Aayog’s two incentive schemes – Lucky Grahak Yojana and Digi Dhan Vyapar Yojana to promote digital payments and the public response has been quite encouraging.
Income Tax Department is enquiring/seeking information and analysing instances of deposits to identify cases involving risk of tax evasion. Based upon vast amount of information of cash deposits collected and analysed by CBDT, a number of persons have been identified in whose case the cash transactions did not appear to be in line with their profile available with the Income-tax Department (‘ITO’)
The online verification has been enabled on e-filing portal (for taxpayers) which will be synchronized with the internal verification portal (AIMS module of ITBA) of ITD. The salient features of online verification mechanism are as under:
The retail inflation may have been hovering at quite a reasonable level of 3.17 per cent for January, 2017 on an all-India basis, but there is no respite for people right in Delhi along with a couple of other states, suffering the price rise at double the national average, with demonetization leaving its possible impact,
The government of India offered incentives bonanza for small traders going digital. The government has announced 2% rebate in income tax for small traders and businesses having a turnover of up to INR 2 crores annually for receiving payments via digital mode instead of cash.
The Income Tax Department (ITD) had initiated ‘Operation Clean Money’ on 31st January, 2017 for the e-verification of large cash deposits made during 9th November to 30th December, 2016. Email and SMS were sent to 18 lakh taxpayers for submitting online response on the e-filing portal.
As indicated thereat, a review was undertaken and it has been decided that till further instructions SBNs deposited in the currency chests, since November 10, 2016, will be considered as part of the chest balance in the soiled note category but such deposits will not be reckoned for calculating Chest Balance Limit / Cash Holding Limit.
If the cash deposit amount displayed is not correct, how do I mention the correct amount? If the cash deposit amount displayed is not correct, please mention the correct amount under A.5. Such cases may be sent to the information source for confirmation.
Effective February 20, 2017, the limits on cash withdrawals from the Savings Bank accounts will be enhanced to ₹ 50,000 per week (from the current limit of ₹ 24,000 per week); and Effective March 13, 2017, there will be no limits on cash withdrawals from Savings Bank accounts.