Corporate Law : As most you may aware that The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 is the bankruptcy law of India which seeks to consolidate the ...
CA, CS, CMA : The days have done when Company Secretaries (CS) was called up on to take minutes and due pure secretarial works. For layman knowl...
Company Law : CS Bilu Balakrishnan This write-up is all about the Internal Audit provisions of Companies Act 2013, read with relevant rules noti...
Company Law : This write-up invites the attention of readers to the seven sections / provisions (Sections 447 to 453) in the Companies Act 2013 ...
Company Law : National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA) is a new authority to be established when the new Companies Act is passed, to provid...
As most you may aware that The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 is the bankruptcy law of India which seeks to consolidate the existing framework by creating a single law for insolvency and bankruptcy. The Code received the assent of the President of India on 28 May 2016.
The days have done when Company Secretaries (CS) was called up on to take minutes and due pure secretarial works. For layman knowledge, a CS means an individual who has qualified as a CS and enrolled as a Member of The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI).
CS Bilu Balakrishnan This write-up is all about the Internal Audit provisions of Companies Act 2013, read with relevant rules notified by the Govt. of India (erstwhile Ministry of Corporate Affairs). An attempt to critically interpret the provisions in the Rules Vs. Act is made. At the conclusion, few suggestions to improve the effectiveness of […]
This write-up invites the attention of readers to the seven sections / provisions (Sections 447 to 453) in the Companies Act 2013 (which replaces the 1956 Act). It’s very essential to understand these seven sections; and reading of this write-up will be useful for every professional, student and all stakeholders too.
National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA) is a new authority to be established when the new Companies Act is passed, to provide for matters relating to accounting and auditing standards. The CA profession in India is having a hot debate about the powers and role of the proposed NFRA.
CS. Bilu Balakrishnan We have attached below a PPS / PPT – Company Secretaries in Companies Bill 2011 which is based on Companies Bill, 2011 passed in Lok Sabha on 18.12.2012. The Company Secretary (CS in short) profession has lot more in the new Bill. This presentation intents to have a birds eye view of […]
Its known to all that the law of amalgamation, mergers & acquisition is little bit complicated and cumbersome. In this write-up an attempt is made to ease the law to reach the readers and to highlight the beauty of the relevant legal provisions.