Income Tax : Explore key court rulings on reassessment under Section 148 post-2021 amendments, covering procedural changes, taxpayer rights, an...
Finance : Explore the complexities of India's central-state taxation conflicts, fiscal policies, and solutions to improve tax allocation and...
Income Tax : The Supreme Court upholds TOLA, validating extended income tax reassessment timelines despite previous High Court rulings on Secti...
Corporate Law : Explore the complexities of moonlighting under Indian labor laws, its implications, and the perspectives of various sectors on dua...
SEBI : Explore how aligning ESG compliance with SDGs can bridge gaps in corporate sustainability, ensuring a holistic approach to environ...
Income Tax : Explore Income Tax Day 2024s history, significance, and key updates from Budget 2024-25, including enhanced deductions and revised...
CA, CS, CMA : Explore the challenges faced by Charitable Trusts due to delays or errors in submitting applications under Section 12A(1)(ac) of t...
Finance : Interim Budget Session 2024 sees high productivity with 12 Bills passed, Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha exceeding performance targets....
Corporate Law : Stay vigilant against COVID-19 surge! Centre issues advisory to states, emphasizing vigilance, district-wise monitoring, and incre...
CA, CS, CMA : Join free BoS Live Learning Classes by ICAI for CA Final & Intermediate courses appearing in May 2024 exams. Get expert guidance a...
Income Tax : ITAT Pune cancels penalty imposed on Balbir Kaur Birdie for non-compliance with tax notices, citing reasonable cause due to COVID-...
Income Tax : ITAT Rajkot allows a 107-day delay in filing an appeal due to the assessee’s health issues and Covid-19, remanding the case to t...
Income Tax : ITAT Lucknow directs CIT(A) to reconsider limitation issue in Bharat Shetty’s case, factoring in COVID-19 period for a fresh dec...
Income Tax : ITAT Ahmedabad held that provisions of Sick Industrial Companies Act [SICA] would override the provisions of Income Tax Act. Thus,...
Goods and Services Tax : Patna High Court rules on extension of limitation for GST assessment orders in Barhonia Engicon Pvt Ltd case, addressing pandemic-...
Income Tax : For claiming exemption Section 54 to 54 GB of the Act, for which last date falls between 01st April. 2021 to 28th February, 2022 m...
Company Law : After the Covid-19 pandemic no Company Secretary from far of places shown interest to come and join in a hospital business as the ...
Income Tax : CBDT specifies conditions for exemption to money received from employer or other person in Covid cases by family of deceased ide N...
Income Tax : Clause (XII) of the first proviso of clause (x) of sub-section (2) of section 56 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 provides that any sum...
Income Tax : CBDT specifies Document to be submitted by employee to claim exemption on sum received for COVID-19 treatment vide Notification No...
Information is an important tool for successful organization. Information protection is imperative irrespective of size of organization. It’s not just a business practice of having information security policy in business; however, protecting data and sensitive information is a key for business survival. Data protection has positive impact on business reputation and has increased customer trust, […]
Due to COVID-19, the world is tremulous, which was not witnessed by the present generation. More than 4 million people have lasted their breath globally in the last 18 months on account of this disease. India accounts for about 10% of this death count.
Confederation of All India Traders urges Minister of Commerce and Industry Shri Piyush Goyal to initiate action against E-pharmacy companies flouting ecommerce laws & rules to invade trade of lakhs of chemists. Text of their letter is as follows:- “Vyapar Bhawan” 925/1, Naiwala, Karol Bagh, New Delhi-110005. Phone: +91-11-45032664, Telefax: +91-11-45082665 E-mail: Website: 25th August, 2021 Ref. No.: […]
Union Minister of Finance and Corporate Affairs Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman today unveiled the fourth edition of the Public Sector Bank (PSB) Reforms Agenda ‘EASE 4.0’ for 2021-22 – tech-enabled, simplified, and collaborative banking. She unveiled the annual report for the PSB Reforms Agenda EASE 3.0 for 2020-21 and participated in the awards ceremony to felicitate best performing banks on EASE 3.0 Banking Reforms Index.
(All about Capital markets: – Definition, Types, role of Company Secretaries etc.) Introduction: – Capital markets are the exchange system platform that transfers capital from investors who want to employ their excess capital to businesses that require the capital to finance various projects or investments. Types of capital Markets: – Capital markets primarily feature two […]
Exporters are requested to apply for export license by filing applications online through DGFT’s ECOM system for Export authorizations (Non-SCOMET Restricted items) — Please refer Trade Notice No. 50 dated 18.03.2019. There is no need to send any hard copy of the application via mail or post.
Considering the current crisis, ICSI requested Ministry of Corporate Affairs to grant an extension of time to the companies for holding AGM for the year ended 31st March, 2021 till 31st December, 2021 so as to provide relief to all the companies and stakeholders.
13th August, 2021 Announcement Extending the date for completion of ICITSS (ITT and OC) for provisionally registered students through Direct Entry Route for appearing in May, 2022 Intermediate Examination
The present-day Covid19 environment has hit small businesses very badly. The Small entrepreneurs /Service Providers who have been completely shut down without any work for many days is trying to recover out of the precarious situation but the stringent and strict rules of Bankers and other Regulatory Authorities are not allowing him any breathing space. […]
We know that COVID-19 is one of the major pandemic which has affected each and every person in the world. It has also created a big hole in the pockets of people on account of medical treatment for those affected by COVID. In this article we will discuss about how to claim refund of TDS […]