Income Tax : Learn how to smartly allocate your tax savings in 2025—repay loans, invest in mutual funds, boost spending, or explore business ...
Income Tax : Budget 2025 has brought significant simplification in the tax treatment of house properties, particularly for self-occupied proper...
Finance : Learn how preparing a budget—whether personal, business, or government—ensures financial stability and discipline in daily lif...
Goods and Services Tax : The recent GST notifications introduce various changes aimed at streamlining compliance and addressing specific sectors. Let’s b...
Goods and Services Tax : Gujarat High Court rules that the assignment of leasehold rights is not subject to GST, providing relief to taxpayers by clarifyin...
Corporate Law : Right now, MSME’s are in a bind, there are lot of suppliers who are not paying MSME’s their dues on time and it's causing MSME...
Following are the major 10 Burning Issues under GST: The September 2018 GST Return, The Annual GST Return, GSTR 2A, Reversal of Credit, Extra Tax payment in Cash Ledger, Composition Scheme- purchase reporting, Issues of GSTR 3B, Issues of GSTR 1, Taxation of Agricultural Commission agent and Joint Development Agreement and Trans 1 issues.
Recently TDS was made applicable under GST w.e.f. 1-10-2018. But it is a good old concept under income tax. How dandiaya will be played between these two players i.e, TDS of Income tax and GST, is there any similarities between the two?
TDS is being made applicable under GST Law from 1st October,2018. What is this new Provision now? section 51 of the CGST Act,2017 prescribes the authorities who need to deduct tax, which are as follows-(a) A department or an establishment of the Central Government or State Government; or
Arjuna, CA’s and tax consultant are one of the important pillars of Nation Building.The financial situation of the country would not improve ,if these nation builders land up in these stressful problems. It is prayed to Lord Ganesha to give wisdom to Govt. authorities, as just extension of 15 days when 5 days where remaining in like justice delayed is justice denied and incomplete justice is not a true justice.
Arjuna, everywhere the hustle and bustle of Income Tax Audit is being seen. In amidst of it Lord Ganesha has arrived with GST Audit Report. Also, on 13th Sept, 2018 the GST Department has issued some notifications for amending the GST law.
Arjuna (Fictional Character): Krishna, Lord of knowledge Ganesha would arrive soon to bless his devotees. Everywhere the preparations to welcome Ganesha have begun. Amidst the preparation Government has introduced yearly annual return under GST. What do you say about it? Krishna(Fictional Character): Arjuna, Ganesha is also named as “Vignaharta”. He removes all the obstacles in […]
he official Gazette published have the amendments in relation to –Definition of supply, Input Tax credit, Refund, Registration, Issuance of debit/credit note, Cross utilization of credit, also amendments to schedules under CGST Act have been made.
In GST matching and mismatching of purchase/sale bond needs to be done to ensure the promise to claim ITC. This can be done by matching the details of GSTR-2A with purchases as shown in the Books of Accounts.
If a taxpayer forgets to claim ITC in relation to a purchase invoice dated 23rd Dec 2017, then in such case he can claim ITC in relation to this invoice ,any time before filing of annual return or filing any return on or before the return of September month .It is to be noted that this credit can be claimed in any return but before filing September month’s return, As Annual return is not yet made available.
Arjuna (Fictional Character): Krishna, On 15th August India’s Independence Day is celebrated enthusiastically. Nowadays its very difficult to maintain one’s own independence from slavery of another person. The introduction of new Income Tax Audit Report on August 20 for the financial year 2017-18 would require to give details of GST alongwith Income Tax. Due to […]