Rule 12- Services provided on board conveyances
1 What are services provided on board conveyances?
Any service provided on board a conveyance (aircraft, vessel, rail, or roadways bus) will be covered here. Some examples are on-board service of movies/music/video/ software games on demand, beauty treatment etc, albeit only when provided against a specific charge, and not supplied as part of the fare.
2 What is the place of provision of services provided on board conveyances?
The place of provision of services provided on board a conveyance during the course of a passenger transport operation is the first scheduled point of departure of that conveyance for the journey.
A video game or a movie-on-demand is provided as on-board entertainment during the Kolkata-Delhi leg of a Ban gkok-Kolkata-Delhi flight. The place of provision of this service will be Bangkok (outside taxable territory, hence not liable to tax). If the above service is provided on a Delhi -Kolkata-B angkok-Jakarta flight during the Bangkok-Jakarta leg, then the place of provision will be Delhi (in the taxable territory, hence liable to tax).