Securities and Exchange Board of India
Cir No. IMD/FII&C/36/2009
January 05, 2009
All Custodians of Securities
Dear Sir! Madam,
Sub: Revisions in submission of reports on two way fungibility of ADRs/GDRs
Ref:- SEBI circular no. IMD/CUST/11/2003 dated December 11, 2003
1. The report prescribed in the above mentioned circular shall now be submitted by the custodians as part F of the monthly report specified in SEBI circular dated July 21, 2008. For ease of reference the format is appended herewith.
2. In view of the above custodians need not submit the said format in hard copy or in floppies separately.
3. It has also been decided to do away with the submission of copies of contract notes to SEBI. As and when required, SEBI shall requisition the custodians to provide the copies of the contract notes.
4.The custodians of securities are requested to take note of the above mentioned revisions.
A copy of this circular is available at the web page “F.I.I.” on our website
Yours faithfully,
Jeevan Sonparote
Encl: mentioned as above