Securities and Exchange Board of India
October 23, 2013
All Registered Merchant Bankers All Recognized Stock Exchanges
Dear Sir / Madam,
Sub.: General Information Document
1.In terms of regulation 58 (1) read with General Instructions (I) of Schedule VIII, Part D of SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2009, information which is of generic nature and not specific to the issuer shall be brought out in the form of a General Information Document (GID) as specified by the Board.
2. To this end, the generic disclosures to be brought out in the General Information Document are enumerated at Annexure. All Merchant Bankers are advised to take note of the contents of GID in Annexure. Accordingly, generic information need not be provided in the Abridged Prospectus.
3. Lead Manager(s) shall ensure that:
3.1. the GID should explicitly incorporate the date of last updation;
3.2. the number of GIDs printed by every issuer company shall not be less than five per cent of the total Abridged Prospectus/ Application Forms printed or 50,000 in number, whichever is lower;
3.3. copy of GID is provided to an investor as and when requested, in form and manner so requested by the investor;
3.4. the updated GID is made available to investors; and
3.5. the updated GID is made available on the websites of the:-
3.5.1. Stock Exchange(s) where the shares pursuant to an issue are proposed to be listed; and
3.5.2. the respective Lead Manager(s) to the issue, where DRHP / RHP / Draft Prospectus / Prospectus is made available.
4. This circular would become applicable to all RHP / Prospectus not filed with Registrar of Companies as on the date of this circular.
5. This circular is issued in exercise of the powers conferred under Section 11 read with Section 1 1A of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 read with SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2009.
6. This circular is available on SEBI website.
Yours faithfully,
Harini Balaji
Deputy General Manager