Securities and Exchange Broad of India
Dated- September 27, 2011
To All Registered Merchant Bankers
To All Stock Exchanges
To All Registered Bankers to an Issue
To All Registered Registrars to an Issue
Dear Sirs,
Sub.: Contents of Application-Cum-Bidding Form and Manner of disclosure
1. SEBI has reviewed the structure, design, format, contents and order of information of Application-Cum-Bidding-Form to make it investor friendly and also to ensure uniformity in bidding and accuracy.
2. The form has been standardized and it has been decided that henceforth there would only be a single form for ASBA and Non-ASBA applicants. It has also been decided that the Application-Cum-Bidding Form (accompanied with abridged prospectus) would be printed in a booklet form of A4 size paper.
3. In order to ensure uniformity and to facilitate easier identification, it has been decided to standardize the colour of the Application-Cum-Bidding Form as under:
- White form for Resident Indian, Eligible NRIs applying on a non repatriation basis
- Blue form for Eligible NRIs, FVCIs, FIIs, their Sub-Accounts (other than Sub-Accounts which are foreign corporates or foreign individuals bidding under the QIB Portion), on a repatriation basis
4. The full text of data fields required in Application-Cum-Bidding-Form is given in the Annexure-A hereto. A gist of major changes is given below:
a) the Yours faithfully,
Sanjay Purao
Deputy General Manager