Deputy General Manager
Market Regulation Department
MAPIN/Cir – 17/2004
March 31, 2004
1.All the Stock Exchanges
3.Approved intermediaries under the Securities Lending Scheme, 1997
4.All Registered Merchant Bankers
5.Registrars to an Issue and Share Transfer Agents
6.Debenture Trustees
7.Bankers to an Issue
9.Credit Rating Agencies
10.Mutual Funds
11.Venture Capital Funds
12.Portfolio Managers
13.Collective Investment Schemes
14.Custodian of Securities
15.Investors’ Associations
Dear Sir / Madam,
Sub: Central Database of Market Participants Regulations, 2003.
Please refer to the following circulars issued by SEBI, on the captioned subject:
Circular No. MAPIN/Cir-01/2004 dated 01.01.2004
Circular No. MAPIN/Cir-02/2004 dated 01.01.2004
Circular No. MAPIN/Cir-03/2004 dated 01.01.2004
Circular No. MAPIN/Cir-04/2004 dated 02.01.2004
Circular No. MAPIN/Cir-14/2004 dated 18.03.2004
In view of the representations received from various market participants and taking into account the extent of work and logistics involved in obtaining the Unique Identification Number (UIN), it has been decided that the notified date for the purpose of sub – regulation 1 of regulation 4 of the captioned Regulations would be June 30, 2004 instead of March 31, 2004. The necessary notification to this effect is being issued by SEBI.
This circular is being issued in exercise of powers conferred under Section 11 (1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992, to protect the interest of investors in securities and to promote the development of, and to regulate the securities market.
Yours faithfully,