Reserve Bank of India
February 8, 2012
All State and Central Co-operative Banks /
Regional Rural Banks
Dear Sir,
Unclaimed Deposits / Inoperative Accounts in Banks –
Display List of Inoperative Accounts
Please refer to our Circulars RPCD. CO. RF. BC. No.89/07.38.01/2008-09 dated February 18, 2009 and RPCD. CO. RRB. BC. No.108/03.05.33/2008-09 dated May 22, 2009 where in detailed instructions have been given to State and Central Co-operative Banks / Regional Rural Banks on dealing with unclaimed deposits / inoperative accounts. They have been advised to find the whereabouts of the customers and their legal heirs. These instructions, inter alia, include i) annual review of accounts in which there are no operations, ii) operations in such accounts to be allowed after due diligence and iii) no charge to be levied for activation of inoperative account, etc.
2. Keeping in view public interest, it has been decided that State and Central Co-operative Banks / Regional Rural Banks should, in addition to the instructions contained in the above mentioned circular, play a more pro-active role in finding the whereabouts of the accountholders of unclaimed deposits/ inoperative accounts. They are, therefore, advised to display the list of unclaimed deposits/inoperative accounts which are inactive / inoperative for ten years or more on their respective websites. The list so displayed on the websites must contain only the names of the account holder(s) and his/her address in respect of unclaimed deposits/inoperative accounts. In case such accounts are not in the name of individuals, the names of individuals authorized to operate the accounts should also be indicated. However, the account number, its type and the name of the branch shall not be disclosed on the bank’s website. The list so published should also provide a “Find” option to enable the public to search the list of accounts by name of the account holder.
3. State and Central Co-operative Banks / Regional Rural Banks should also give on the same website, the information on the process of claiming the unclaimed deposit / activating the inoperative account and the necessary forms and documents for claiming the same. Adequate operational safeguards may be put in place to ensure that the claimants are genuine.
4. State and Central Co-operative Banks / Regional Rural Banks should complete action as above by June 30, 2012 and keep their websites updated at regular intervals.
Yours faithfully,
Chief General Manager
The nationalised banks and private banks are having unclaimed deposits,inopertive SB,Current accounts..There are having the addresses with them. They should be compelled by the RBI to send intimation to the concerned customers. The postage can be debited to the respective accounts. I had some experiences in getting back the balance from my accounts. You can represent to RBI in this connection. Putting the names of the unclaimed deposits, and inopertive account list in the notice board regularly.
with kind regards