Reserve Bank of India
July 26, 2022
All Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks
Madam / Dear Sir,
Board approved Loan Policy – Management of Advances – UCBs
Please refer to para 1 of the Master Circular DOR.CRE.REC.No.17/13.05.000/2022-23 dated April 8, 2022 on Management of Advances – UCBs in terms of which, UCBs are required to lay down, with the approval of their boards, transparent policies and guidelines for credit dispensation, in respect of each broad category of economic activity, keeping in view the credit exposure norms and various other guidelines issued by Reserve Bank from time to time.
2. It has been observed in several UCBs that these policies not only lack comprehensive coverage, but also do not require a periodic review. In order to ensure that the loan policy reflects approved internal risk appetite and remains in alignment with the extant regulations, it is advised that the loan policy of the bank shall be reviewed by the Board at least once in a financial year.
3. The above instructions will come into effect immediately.
Yours faithfully,
(Manoranjan Mishra)
Chief General Manager