Case Law Details
Case Name : ITO Vs M/s. Dinal Diamonds (ITAT Mumbai)
Related Assessment Year : 2007-08
Courts :
All ITAT ITAT Mumbai
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ITO Vs M/s. Dinal Diamonds (ITAT Mumbai)
We find that in this case the sales have not been doubted. It is settled law that when sales are not doubted, 100% disallowance for bogus purchase cannot be done. The rationale being no sales is possible without actual purchases. This proposition is supported from the Hon’ble jurisdictional High Court decision in the case of Nikunj Eximp Enterprises (in writ petition no 2860, order dt. 18.6.2014). In this case, the Hon’ble High Court has upheld 100% allowance for the purchases said to be bogus when sales are
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