F. No. A 22013/2 /2011-Ad.VI
Ministry of Finance
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
(Central Board of Direct Taxes)
New Delhi, the 7th April, 2011
ORDER NO. 60 OF 2011
The following officers in the grade of Deputy/Assistant Commissioner of income Tax arc hereby transferred and posted at the station indicated against each in the Directorate of International Taxation and Transfer Pricing with immediate effect and until further orders:
A. Officers who are being transferred within the same station/ region
B. Officers who are being transferred to other station/region:
Download the order to see the List of above:-
2. These transfer/posting have been made pursuant to the recommendations of the Selection Committee and the approval of the competent Authority in accordance with the Posting Policy for posting of officer (ITO& above) in the Directorate of International Taxation & Transfer Pricing, CBDT-2010 circulated vide F.No. HRD/CM/103/1/2010-11/1055 dated 15.12.2010 and subsequent modification approved by the Competent Authority on 28th March, 2011. Transfer & Placement Policy of officers of IRS, CIIDT-201 0 is not applicable in the case of officers posted in the Director of International Taxation and Transfer Pricing.
3. All the officers mentioned above should be relieved wherever applicable before 15th April, 2011 positively under intimation to the,: I3oard.The compliance reports regarding relieving/joining of the above officers may be forwarded by the concerned CC1T(CCA) to the Database Cell at dbc.cbdt@incometaxindia.gov.in by 18.4.2011 positively, except in respect of officers on Election Duty.
4. In respect of officers on Election Duty, if any, their order will be effective after completion of the election process and relieving of the officers by the Election Commission of India.
5. The CCIT(CCA) shall ensure that the officers before being relieved submit their Resume/ Self Assessment and report / review the ACRs for the period ending 31.3.2011 of their subordinates and submit them to the concerned Reviewing officers, as the case may be
6. Hindi version of this order will follow.
(Anand Upadhyay)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India