Our database shows that, you have verified your E-filed Income Tax Returns, by sending signed physical copy of the ITR-V to CPC, Bengaluru. We would like to inform you about simplified electronic verification (EVC) process which is more secure, instant and hassle free. You may instantly E-verify the ITR, using any of the following options:
1. Through Aadhar OTP (The fastest way recommended for individual taxpayer)
2. By logging into e-filing account through Net Banking.
3. EVC through pre-validating Bank Account.
4. EVC through pre-validating Demat Account.
5. EVC through bank ATM.
6. Using Digital Signature Certificate (DSC).
For more information, please go through the help document provided in e-Filing Website www.incometax.gov.in. or contact our helpdesk on 18001030025/18004190025 or email us at efilingwebmanager@incometax.gov.in
e-Filing, Income Tax Department