ARA Centre, Ground floor, E-2, ]handewalan Extension,
New Delhi-110055
F.No. DGIT(S)/OIT(S)-3/ITBA /2016-17
All Principal Chief Commissioner of Income-tax/CCsIT(By Name)
AO to process Paper returns filed for AY 2015·16 or earlier AYs expeditiously
Sub: Expeditious Completion of Processing of Paper ITRs 1, 2, 2A & 4S or E-filed ITRs transferred by CPC for AY 2015·16 or earlier AYs in AST -reg
Please refer to the above captioned subject
2. It is to bring to your kind notice that one of the main modules of ITBA Le. ITR Processing module is in its advance stage of development and is expected to be rolled out very shortly. Once the module is rolled out, AOs will be mandatorily required to process all paper returns filed for AY 2016-17 and onwards in ITBA only. It is important mention in this context that AST module of ITO will not be enhanced to support processing of paper returns filed for AY 2016-17 and onward.
3. As we are in a preparatory phase of rolling out the above mentioned module, it is desirable that Paper ITRs filed for AY 2015-16 (lTR 1, 2, 2A & 4S) or earlier AYs or E·filed ITRs transferred by CPC and pending for processing in AST,as on date, is completed at the earliest without waiting for the statutory due date. This will help this Directorate to make a smooth transition from legacy application to the new application i.e. from ITO to ITBA.
4. In view of the above,it is requested that the AOs may be accordingly instructed to under take processing of pending Paper ITRs, filed for AY 2015-16 or earlier AYs, or E-filed ITRs transferred by CPC, on AST within next two weeks and complete positively before 15th March 2017.
5. This is issued with the approval of the Pro DGIT(S) Yours sincerely,
Yours sincerely,
Ramesh Krishnamurthi
ADG(S)-3, New Delhi
Copy to:
1. PPS to Chairman, PPS to Member(lnv.)/Member(P&V)/ Member(L&C)/Member(A&J)CBOT for information.
2. PSto ProDGIT(S).
3. Database cell to upload on website: and to upload on DGIT(S) corner