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KSCAA have worked closely with multiple stakeholders to understand the issues at hand with respect to New Income Tax E-Filing Portal and made efforts to consolidate the same and enumerating 36 issues and also made few suggestions with respect to new e-filing portal. Please read Full text of the representation to Smt. Nirmala Sitaraman
Hon’ble Union Minister for Finance and Corporate Affairs on Issues in New Income Tax E-Filing Portal.


CA. Kumar S Jigajinni | President, KSCAA

CA. Pramod Srihari | Secretary, KSCAA


Date: 18th June 2021


Smt. Nirmala Sitaraman
Hon’ble Union Minister for Finance and Corporate Affairs
Government of India, North Block
New Delhi

Respected Madam,


The Karnataka State Chartered Accountants Association (R) (in short ‘KSCAA’) is an Association of Chartered Accountants, registered under the Karnataka Societies Registration Act, in the year 1957. KSCAA is primarily formed for the welfare of Chartered Accountants and represents before various regulatory authorities to resolve the problems / hardships faced by Chartered Accountants and business community.

We would like to convey our gratitude and congratulate you and your ministry for taking up the pro-active, ambitious and forward looking step of development and launching of new Income tax e-filing portal with the objective of realising many functional improvements, and addition of new features in to the new e-filing portal which inter-alia includes faster processing of refunds to taxpayers, complete reduction of processing time of Income tax returns filed from current level of 63 days to almost 1 day, and to bring in many more better and improved functionalities. The new e-filing portal was expected to replace the existing e-filing portal, it was viewed to create a strong technology backbone by enabling host of new functionalities to the taxpayers including enhancement of look, feel and usage experience.

Despite the sincere, honest and best efforts of the team working behind in the development of this new portal, it was disheartening to realise that this new portal is almost non-functional from the day of its launch on 7th June 2021 and has witnessed many defects which completely disabled the taxpayers and other stakeholders from performing their legal compliances. The most fundamental and basic defect observed in case of many users which ideally should not have been there was that, the new portal did not even allow the users to login and enter inside their accounts on the portal, which was bizarre.

We at KSCAA have worked closely with multiple stakeholders to understand the issues at hand with respect new portal, we have made efforts to consolidate the same and are enumerating the following issues and also few suggestions with respect to new e-filing portal (these issues are as on 17th of June 2021) –


SL No Issues Category Partly or fully Not-functional
1 The field ‘Country’ in the Profile section is not available as a drop down option Data entry Not functional
2 Challan Numbers are not being validated Data validation Partly functional
3 BSR/Challan code which starts with first character ‘0’ is not being recognised & hence error of invalid input is being encountered. Data validation Partly functional
4 Response to outstanding demand is though operational, the tax computation of demand amount could not be still downloaded. Demands Partly functional
5 As required by new portal, the existing DSC’s as registered under legacy portal could not be reregistered on the new portal DSC Partly functional
6 The Chartered Accountants could not add themselves as such and register their DSCs DSC Not functional
7 The tab or option ‘e-Proceedings’ is not available in complete form e-Proceedings Partly functional
8 The existing information and documents related to tax demands raised in legacy portal and are pending for payment by taxpayers could not be found in the new portal e-Proceedings Partly functional
9 The option of filling Form 35 for filing Appeal to CIT(A) not yet available e-Proceedings Not functional
10 The process of generating Form 15CA and 15CB could be only Partly executed but could not be  completed till the end due to specific error messages are being encountered Form


Partly functional
11 The existing Grievances registered on the legacy portal along with trail of interactions on the same could not be found Interaction data access Partly functional
12 The trail of earlier replies given by taxpayers in response to departmental notices could not be found Interaction data access Partly functional
13 Income tax returns for AY 2021-22 could not be filed ITR Filing Partly functional
14 On selection of option ‘Self’ in the Verification segment of ITR form, the taxpayers name disappears and eventually it ends up with validation errors ITR Filing Partly functional
15 Intimations generated for IT returns processed for AY 20-21 could not be accessed or downloaded ITR Filing Partly functional
16 Application could not be submitted for rectification of IT returns u/s 154 ITR Filing Partly functional
17 Aadhar OTP not enabled for verification of ITR for AY 2021-22. Therefore ITR could not be filed. ITR Filing Partly functional
18 The Json files could not be uploaded for filing of ITR ITR Filing Partly functional
19 The pre-fill option while filing the IT returns is not automatically pulling in the TDS details. ITR Filing Partly functional
20 The ‘Forget password’ feature of the portal not operational Login related Partly functional
21 The login page does not require the taxpayer to enter Captcha code Login related Partly functional
22 In some cases an error message with code ITDEXE2002 is encountered while logging in. Login related Not functional
23 DIN Numbers of Company Directors are not being auto populated in the new portal. Master data Partly functional
24 Newly incorporated companies or firms could not register themselves New user registration Partly functional
25 After generation of instant E-PAN, the same could not be downloaded. PAN Partly functional
26 The validity status of PAN not available PAN Partly functional
27 In the legacy portal a profile section as available wherein one could view Assesse’s details as per the PAN database. The same is now not visible in the new portal. PAN Not functional
28 The option for raising Refund re-issue requests is not available Refund Not functional
29 In filing of E-TDS, the only DSC mode of signing has been enabled. Other signing options based on Aadhar OTP, Net banking, etc. not enabled Signing Partly functional
30 The bank accounts were although pre-validated in the legacy portal, however in the new portal the same bank accounts are wrongly displayed as not prevalidated Signing Partly functional
31 The new portal is working at very Slow speed Speed Partly functional
32 Cannot successfully register the TAN TAN Partly functional
33 Neither the previously filed IT Returns nor their acknowledgements could be downloaded in PDF format. Transactional data access Partly functional
34 The ITR details related to AYs prior to 2013-14 could not be accessed and downloaded. These details would be required to deal with outstanding demands related to those years. The taxpayers do not normally keep records of ITR details related to such past years. As corollary the form 26AS can be generated from Traces portal even for AYs prior to 2013-14. Transactional data access Partly functional
35 Unable to file Form 10A along with relevant attachments as error of Invalid PDF is being encountered. Trust reregistration Not functional
36 The tab or option or the complete functionality of filing application under VSV Scheme not available VSV Scheme Not functional


SL No Suggestion Category
1 The launch of new portal should be done in a phased manner after it has been thoroughly and exhaustively tested and all defects are removed.  The ideal time for launch of new portal should be on or after Jan 2022 next year after the current years compliances are completed by taxpayers on old IT portal… New IT Portal
2 Until the new system is completely ready and fully operational without any major defects, the old portal should be brought back for use by the taxpayers and tax professionals. Old IT Portal
3 Any process executed by the taxpayer and expected to run for few minutes before the output is produced, the system should provide a pop up message on the screen to keep the taxpayer informed about the same. Processing
4 After the launch of new IT portal the initial handholding in the form of providing user manuals, walk through videos, webinars, etc. be provided to the taxpayers for ensuring ease in transition to new portal. Training

Our Representations:

We implore upon your goods selves to kindly take cognizance of requests we have enumerated as below and kindly take necessary steps to resolve them to the best satisfaction of taxpayers and other stakeholders –

1. The ‘e-Proceedings’ functionality is not yet operational in the new portal due to which the taxpayers could submit their timely response to various notices. Until new portal is properly functioning, necessary directions be given to the officers to follow the principles of natural justice and such officers to stop passing any adverse orders owing to non-receipt of timely responses from the taxpayers to notices.

2. Provide relaxations by way of extensions as necessary in all specific compliance dates which would fall until the new portal starts functioning in a normal mode.

3. The pandemic situation is still prevailing in several parts of the country and many taxpayers are under distress, the refunds that are due to the taxpayers may be processed in a manual mode until the new portal is up and running.

4. There are multiple lacunas, issues in the functions of the new portal, there are few issue which are yet to be operational and stakeholders are left with no choice but to wait at threshold. A consolidation of list with date of operation would reduce the uncertainty amongst all the stakeholders.

5. Allow important multiple stakeholders who can bring about the change in new portal by providing updates, expectation and bridge the issues. Going forward, any development of, or major modifications in any portal or software should consider feedback from its users on its efficiency and efficacy. In this context, we request you to consider involving independent and important stakeholders like KSCAA who can bring on to the table objective expectations of the stakeholders to the development team, especially when the system is being in its initial period of implementation. This would also streamline the multiple similar feedbacks received from numerous stakeholders that would eventually clog the feedback system/loop.

6. Provide us an opportunity to participate and share our thoughts in the forthcoming interactive meeting scheduled for 22nd June 2021.

We at KSCAA are confident that the various issues that are present and as discussed above in the newly developed portal would be taken up by your good selves on a war footing and that they would be resolved at the earliest of time to enable taxpayers to comply with law and perform tasks which are required. We at KSCAA are also sure that our representations enumerated as above would be given proper considerations by your good selves and would be accepted and approved for implementation.

Yours sincerely,

For Karnataka State Chartered Accountants Association ®

Kumar S Jigajinni

CA. Pramod Srihari

CA. Ganesh V Shandage
Representation Committee

Copy to –

1. Shri. Anurag Thakur, Hon’ble Union Minister of State for Finance, Government of India

2. Shri. P. C. Gaddigoudar, Hon’ble MP, Bagalkot, Karnataka

3. Shri. Tarun Bajaj, Revenue Secretary, Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance, Government of India

4. Shri. J B Mohapatra, Chairman – Central Board of Direct Taxes

Download Issues in the New Income Tax E-Filing Portal


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  1. beharasanthoshkumar says:

    sir why old it portal stopped i cant under stand the after working of new portal then only the old portal have to stop so many people suffered from the new portal some time return not validated properly some time e-verify not possible and so many quaries sent still now they are not attend

  2. Mahesh says:

    Unable to e-verify return after filling the form completely and selecting the e-verify later option.

    Clicking on e-verify return button for the ITR form, do nothing.

    1. Shankar says:

      This problem persists even today.. 26th July 2021. Nothing happens on clicking “verify”. From bank, it says name mismatch.. this was never an issue for the past 10 yrs. What a royal mess!

      1. vswami says:

        Shankar says:
        This problem PERSISTS EVEN TODAY .. 26th July 2021. Nothing happens on clicking “verify”. From bank, it says name mismatch.. this was never an issue for the past 10 yrs. What a royal mess!
        One MOre (as brought out elsewhere herein above):

        “30 The bank accounts were although pre-validated in the legacy portal, however in the new portal the same bank accounts are wrongly displayed as not prevalidated – /Signing
        Partly functional

        Going by one’s guess this has something to do with the recently gone-ahead- with, Mergers of some of the PSBs with certain others named ‘ nodal banks’ (!). Premised so, taxpayers could conceivably have been saved, ab- initio, from the problem /hardship to taxpayers,- not inevitable,- had anyone or more of those having concerns/vested interests- principally the ITD itself, kept in focus /mind the referred ‘ bank mergers’ , which has been or expected to have been within the common knowledge of them.
        All the more regretable is the fact that , as complained of above, even as on / till 26th July, (y’day) the cause of the faulty function has been left to be identified and resolved ?!-

        Anyone with like contributory thoughts to spare and share, for THE COMMON GOOD, aimed at helping to salvage / resolve the present crisis situation.


        1. Aishwariya says:

          Very aptly written letter! I am not able to e-verify or file returns. I submitted returns for AY 2021-22 and I did not get acknowledgement number. I am not sure if I am supposed to file again or leave it as it is. For one of my returns I did receive the acknowledgement number but I am unable to see it reflected in the profile. So many problems in the site which you have correctly mentioned. Thanks for the heads up!

    2. Prithykumar says:

      Same issue for me, trying past 3days, nothing works. Don’t know how to fix the issue. Some please help me to resolve the issue.


    I tried to fill data in ITR2 and when trying to verify it says return already submitted for AY 2021-22.
    When tried to make e verification it says no record available. Tax deducted was partially taken into account. How to solve. It directs me to file revised return. How one can file revised return u/s 139(5) when original return not e verified nor records available. I request the forum to help me.
    K.VIJAYA CELL 9840994104

      1. janani says:

        Even today am facing same issue – I submitted IT return but didnt receive any acknowledgement also i couldnt find the data in portal but when i try to submit again it says ‘Returns already submitted’ .Please help if any solution. Thanks

  4. TAPAS SARKAR says:

    Form 35 not e-filing in new income tax e-Filing 2.0

    Appeal to Commissioner (Appeals) [Form No. 35]
    Appeal to the Commissioner of Income-tax (Appeals). This form is in compliance with rule 45

    Submission failed!
    Response form server: No Response received from server

  5. T.P.Gopalakrishnan says:

    .I am unable to validate the return in new software as the name does not pop up automatically and does not allow filling manually.The error says ” name not filled”
    I would suggest that in India with different people having single word to multiple words in their names the concept of first name,second name and surname should be replaced with simply” name”,to avoid confusion.I have not been able to upload the return for this simple issue

  6. T.P.Gopalakrishnan says:

    My sister’s name is shown as last name in Incometax portal.I am unable to validate the return in new software as the name does not pop up automatically and does ot allow filling manually.The error says ” name not filled”
    I would suggest that in India with different people having single word to multiple words int their names the concept of first name,second name and surname should be replaced with simply” name”,to avoid confusion.I have not been able to upload the return for this simple issue

    1. vswami says:

      The problem highlighted, as personal experience shows, has something to do with the respecive family tradition; also the state and place of birth of individual taxpayer. Looking back, when confronted with a similar obstacle in getting the family members’ names included in the voters’ list, had to represent to the person principally in-charge of ‘EC’ and convince him as to why natives of TN don’t have two names called- first name or second name ; but have only own name, prefixed with letters denoting individual’s state/place of birth and father’s name. For that matter, even in the ITR Forms applicable to individuals ,for identity, in the Verification portion at the bottom , accordingly, only individual’s name and father’s name are required to be filled in.It is really sad that, the ‘identity problem’ , despite the predominant requirement of holding a PAN- and / or Aadhaar -card, is still being kept alive and kicking ; obstinately so, mostly by the political bureaucrats/authorities in-power , in the ITD and other governmental departments. And, in effect, have yet to realise that those outdated requirements, bo no logic, serve no other purpose except to add to the prevailing long list of woes !?!

      1. vswami says:

        Apropos of the Pr. Reply >
        By no reasoning the taxpayer’s grievance as dealt with therein could be attributed to and regarded a ‘tech. glitche’, for which the supplier of soft ware is be blamed, even remotely. To be precise, had this particular item been left unchanged and built in exactly the same way as in the old portal, the now attendant problem would not have arisen. Further, some such like problems complained of would have not at all cropped up had ‘PAN’ been left as the only link for ‘identity’, as before; that is, without requiring also ‘Aadhaar’ to be linked.😣
        The seemingly only way forward is to sincerely try and identify similar items forthwith , discard the changes made in the new portal and revert to the extant requirements as in the old portal. Better do so fast now, with no reservation any longer.
        < Agree ?!
        Is the FM / CBDT chief listening !


    In ITR Form 2 in Part B – TTI although in the final Part after point 17 for “Did you at any time in the previous year” click “No” when I go to preview in this section point 19 is reflected as YES. How should I get this resolved



  9. Mallikarjuna says:

    When my client ITR is submitted for e-filing after e-verification through OTP using Adhaar or through EVC using pre-validated Bank account, the error displayed is ‘Schema error occurred …. please try later’. Not able to file ITR

  10. Mallikarjuna says:

    When ITR is submitted for e-filing after e-verification through OTP using Adhaar or through EVC using pre-validated Bank account, the error displayed is ‘Schema error occurred …. please try later’. Not able to file ITR

  11. Alexander Thomas says:

    1.My Date of birth (DOB) appears in the new New IT Portal for AY 2021-’22 is One day prior to my actual date of birth.
    2. The same thing is seen as happened in my spouse’s IT database also.
    3. All the previous year’s IT Returns the DOB was shown as correctly. The mistake appears in AY 2021-’22 database only..I do not know what to do.

    1. Balbir says:

      In my case, Pre-filled Date of Birth in Personal Information shows up as one day earlier. Initially it comes correct in the format of YYYY-MM-DD. Then in a split of a second (just blinking of eye) changes to one day earlier date in the format DD-MM-YYYY. Very frustrating. You cannot edit this. Date of birth in PAN is correct. DOB in profile shown is correct. On comparing the Profile and PAN, it matches exactly and correct DOB is displayed in both. Really frustrated and unable to solve the problem. Hope somebody helps.

      1. vswami says:

        The grievance given vent seems to be something which could easily have been avoided had the related slots been pre-filled or left to be filled in only in case of any change as called for !?

    2. Saurabh Bhatteja says:

      1.My Date of birth (DOB) appears in the new New IT Portal for AY 2021-’22 is One day prior to my actual date of birth.
      2. All the previous year’s IT Returns the DOB was shown as correctly. The mistake appears in AY 2021-’22 database only..I do not know what to do.
      Is there any resolution for this ?

  12. DAPINDER says:

    REGISTER TAN ON INCOME TAX PORTAL AND AFTER THAT LOGIN AND ENTER TAX ON LOGIN PORTAL MASSAGE SHOW——The e-filing account associated with the above User Id has not been activated, kindly activate your user ID to login to e-filing portal.

  13. DAPINDER says:

    REGISTER TAN ON INCOME TAX PORTAL AND AFTER THAT LOGIN AND ENTER TAX ON LOGIN PORTAL THIS MASSAGE SHOW——The e-filing account associated with the above User Id has not been activated, kindly activate your user ID to login to e-filing portal.

          1. Sanat Shetty says:

            Thank you this worked. I was frustrated for days, as when you apply they said, an activation link will be sent to my Email and Mobile Number. I kept checking my mail everyday, yet could not find any link and was increasingly frustrated.

          2. Arjun says:

            How many days will it take for it to reflect in the worklist. In my case its still not reflecting and its been a week since i got the message of activation link will be received on my mail and mobile.


    Bank accounts could not be updated. One account with erstwhile Allahabad Bank since merged with Indian Bank is continuously shown as ‘validation in progress’ with date since as 04.03.2021 (may be date of migration to new efiling site). Can’t delete or amend the details. Even the same is ticked by default for refund. Lodged grievance twice but both the times closed stating resolved within no time without actually addressing the issue


    When ITR is submitted for e-filing after e-verification through OTP using Adhaar or through EVC using pre-validated Bank account, the error displayed is ‘Schema error occurred …. please try later’. Not able to file ITR

  16. Ashok Khugshal says:

    Something went wrong, please try later. Tried 50 times to everify after completing all steps successfully. This message erupts everything. I haven’t seen this low any central govt. This BJP govtvis absurd govt.

  17. satisj Naik says:

    facing different issues. while Birth date & all personal data is correct on first page, it shows birth date one day less on update profile, At the end , on summary page for review, date of birth is missing.At last, showing error after submit button( as faced by Many). Fed up. never faced such issues in last 10 yrs.

  18. satisj Naik says:

    facing different issues. while Birth date & all personal data is correct on first page, it shows birth date one day less on update profile, At the end , on summary page for review, date of birth is missing.At last, showing error after submit button( as faced by Many). FEdup. Was never such issues in last 10 yrs.

  19. Jayesh says:

    Unable to submit ITR after completing successful Validation and entering Bank generated EVC. Getting error message “Something went wrong”. Also, tried using OTP generated using Aadhar linked mobile number but still getting error message “Something went wrong”.

  20. Chandrakant sant says:

    While submitting income tax return ,a message”something went wrong ,try later “. While trying later same massage obtain . What can I do .Please guide .

  21. Satyaban Pradhan says:

    I am also getting error message as “some thing went wrong , please try after some time” while trying to validate using OPT and submit.

  22. Madan Deshmukh says:

    I am facing same problem, when I submitting itr.
    Message arriving ” something went wrong.”
    I think Infosys is working for opposition (sp. For congress), wantedly Infosis who develop this new portal, doing this, for damage Modi govt. image.
    In taxpayer make negative thinking for present govt.


    Today I submitted my ITR online through Aadhar based validation, I received a message “Something went wrong” and when clicked on cancel, it did not come to previous window even after hours hours of waiting.


    When finished partly, on next opening I don’t find my previous work there nd needed to redo it. Also second or third file for my other family members is not saved and appear on next sitting. Can any body suggest.

  25. Syed Tafazal Hussain Madni says:

    When I finally submit my ITR online through AAdhar based validation, I receive a message “Something went wrong” and when click on cancel, it does not come to prious window even after hours hours of waiting. New ITR potal is not as user friendly as the previous one.

  26. surjit singh says:

    I am facing the same error. Though OTP is received and validated but when I finally click on Submit, I see an error “something went wrong. Please try later”

  27. Arun Kumar Jha, Advocate says:

    Complete income tax e- filing is non- operational. It’s require either to get it corrected at the earliest or re start the last portal with minor change as govt. thinks fit.

  28. Tirtha Sarkar says:

    India IT Dept has no regard for people’s time. The “something went wrong, please try later” has been going on for a while. No response from the IT department acknowledging the issue and providing an ETA. They treat Indians like cattle. “Oh, they will find a green pasture to graze sometime.”

  29. Murali Shyam G says:

    Using json utility for filing itr2, my filled form is being validated within my computer, but after uploading to the new IT portal, verification is not happening. Obviously there are a number of glitches unresolved.
    One example: in Capital Gains part B1 (LTCG), in the line bi, capital gains with indexation, the figure appearing is for cap-gains WITHOUT indexations.
    Poor terminology example : after completing itr2 form, I get the option “DOWNLOAD json”. This is confusing. After a while I realised this option is meant for saving the filled itr2 in the json utility within my computer. The correct option shoud be “SAVE ITR2” or SAVE ITR2 IN YOUR SYSTEM” There are many such anomalies. Has Infosys failed to put its best brains into such a Project of NATIONAL IMPORTANCE?
    The Finance Minister must intervene now, as this new portal will take a few months to debug. GO BACK TO THE OLD PORTAL.
    My PROBLEM : For AY 2021-22, i am trying to file cap-gains for my daughter’s (nri)property sold in India. TDS of over 17 lakh rupees has been made. I have to pay taxes of about 8 lakhs, and get a REFUND of 9 lakhs. Only after filing the returns l can upload form 15CA and 15CB (also not working), so that I can remit to my daughter abroad the proceeds of the sale of property.This money is urgently needed for her use.
    In the mean time, the dollar is constantly rising. We have already lost over 2 lakhs due to exchange rate. All my carefully planned sale and filing of it returns is wasted, and I can do nothing, except watch helplessly as the rupee falls. Is there any way out for me?
    There must be thousands of other tax payers in various predicaments such as mine. Is it that only the honest tax payer suffers helplessly ?

    1. Sambit Bhattacharya says:

      I’m also sailing in the same boat like you but only difference is I’ll get around Rs. 15,000/- refund which is miscalculated to Rs. 370/- due to STCG calculation error. Yes, we all have to wait helplessly, and possibly get into defaulter list and pay fine for filing at the right time. That will make our government richer, and we should feel proud about the mismanagement by our elected government in collboration with “Make in India” software!!!! I’m not loosing my night’s sleep since my refund amount is low.

  30. Harendra Singh says:

    26AS data is not being fetched automatically even if all details are shown in 26AS. Partial data is comming like Advance tax data is comming but TDS is not comming

  31. krishna shaw says:

    I am facing the error after validation of OTP. when I click Submit button post OTP get validated, I am getting an error “something went wrong. Please try later” …. looking help on this to complete my ITR

  32. ravindra kumar says:

    I am trying to complete ITR for current year but getting error ‘something went wrong please try later’ on the final submission page…worst app deployed by GOV of India. If I will deliver such type of application to our client, he will tell to rectify all error/issue before deliver. how such application can deployed by Gov of India without resolution and testing. Not good in such development country. Requesting the resolution … worst ever experience to file ITR…..

    1. Sambit Bhattacharya says:

      I beg to differ (though sarcastically)!!! These system glitches will put us into defaulter list and pay fine for not filing return by due date. That will make our government richer, and we should feel proud about the mismanagement by our elected government in collboration with “Make in India” software!!!!

  33. Ranga says:

    New portal – I am not able to e-file ITR 2 AY 21-22 … both offline utility and online entry failed. Goes till the last but fails to verify the return – name field in verification form is not editable. Also, bank account details and foreign asset / income create problems – changes in screen not showing in preview…
    Has anybody been able to file successfully at all? If so, any tips or workarounds to do it? Much appreciated… Thanks!

    1. Harsh Wardhan Sharma says:

      I am also facing same issue, repeatedly getting error that enter name in verification page but on verification page name filed is not editable.

  34. Usha says:

    I am facing the same error. Though OTP is received and validated but when I finally click on Submit, I see an error “something went wrong. Please try later”

      1. HC Jain says:

        Unable to validate my HUF ITR as drop down not giving options of self/ Karta. It only displays ‘Representative’.
        Punjab National Bank Not shown as included in list of Banks to E-verify through Net Banking

  35. umesh dhona says:

    Sir how to download e-pan status I have tried more than 4days to check pan status and download. Not able to download or view pan so kindly please tell the new portal site ASAP

  36. Naveen surana says:

    Form 35 is not getting filled and filed .
    Din error ,bsr code error and many more hindrances .time has already lapsed .no response from help desk .CBDT must looking into it

  37. Rohit says:

    i can’t login in e filing portal of the new website. contacted all helpline numbers. but no use. it says “to quote the error number ITD-EXEC2002 when you contact customer care”. Any solutions

  38. N K Saini says:

    I am trying to file an appeal in form 35. However every time the DIN no. of the assessment order provided can not be filled in as this col accepts only 22 characters whereas the DIN of order has 37 character. After filling the first or the last 22 characters it displays an error message. Unable to proceed in filing appeal. All others columns are duly filled and saved. Further BSR code of bank which starts with ZERO is not accepted. You have to fill another number other than zero to make of seven digits. I tried to file appeal with above defects with DSC, but no message of filing of appeal is received.
    How to come out of these problems.

  39. A K Parameswaran says:

    I am facing an issue when I try to File Form 35 (i.e. Appeal). I am able to fill all the data, verify Aadhar OTP too but finally it comes up with “Submission failed. No response received from Server.” If anyone who else has been successful, please send email to akparameswaran@gmail.com. Problem continues until July 5 2021.

  40. chhaya patel says:

    Am really tired now as past almost a month having been trying to upload a response in e proceedings against a demand notice but all in vain
    i can upload all files as per requirement but after that it gets stuck on CONTINUE it just does not move to next level.post the creen shot etc on Greivences but no solutions

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