Income Tax Offices shall remain open till 8:00 p.m on 30th September, 2013 for the convenience of taxpayers, who wish to file Report of Audit manually for assessment year 2013-2014.
Official Notification is as follows :-
F-No. 225/117/2013/ITA.II
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
central Board of Direct Taxes
North-Blocky ITA.11 Division New Delhi, the 30th September, 2013
In order to facilitate assessees to comply with part (a) of CBDTs order in F.No.225/117/2013/ITA.II dated 26.09.2013, all CCsIT /DsGIT are hereby directed that all Income Tax Offices shall remain open till 8:00 p.m on 30th September, 2013 for the convenience of taxpayers, who wish to file Report of Audit manually for assessment year 2013-2014, as per the said order.
(Richa Rastogi)
Under- Secretary to the Government of India
When I filed my ITR , the concerned AO simply returned the ITR without ascribing any reasons.
My residence has been shifted from area of the present IT assessment circle and live in another place in chennai? Is it required it file the return in the new area of ITO which has jurisdiction .
if challan deposited as on 30.09.13 & TAR & ITR was filled as on 01.10.13 due to I.T.Department site failure….. Honble Sir, How it is convenient please think about your honors Tax Payers. –
Dear Sir,
Last Date of uploading of Audit Report for AY -2013-14 was 30/09/2013 till 12 P.M. Mid Night AND
“as per order of CBDTs order in F.No.225/117/2013 /ITA.II dated 26.09.2013, all CCsIT /DsGIT are hereby directed that all Income Tax Offices shall remain open till 8:00 p.m on 30th September, 2013 for the convenience of taxpayers, who wish to file Report of Audit manually for assessment year 2013-2014, as per the said order”
I am quoting the order only for possibility of the above TWO contradiction one is uploading process will end on MID-NIGHT, and WISH TO MANUALLY FILING TILL 8.00 P.M.on 30th September, 2013 for the COVENIENCE OF TAXPAYERS [?]
Honble Sir, How it is convenient please think about your honors Tax Payers.
Thanking You