‘Else Pay Tax Government Kee Pocket Mai’.
Pocket is the ‘KOSH’ of our motherland ‘BHARATAM’,
Purpose is let our country reach at the highest summit as ‘SUBHARATAM’.
Remittance out of country is attracting tax
There’s an intelligent clutch of RBI in this respect.
Remitter has to take Form 15CB from a chartered Accountant,
& has to upload Form 15CA to e-filing portal of Income Tax Department.
Pre-defined procedure has been laid down for this,
Holding of PAN/TAN, registration &addition of C.A. are pre-requisites for this.
Next Step followed by C.A. through uploading of Form 15CB,
Utility for the same along with DSC management to be downloaded for this.
Just through the process starting from login to e-filing portal,
At last there is a display of acknowledgement number as a pop up.
Then 15CB is downloaded as an XML, pdf or receipt,
& sent to remitter on account of form 15CA for further proceed.
Afterwards the remitter too is to proceed through login at e-filing,
& downloads utility, clicks,navigates & selects requisite part for form 15CA filing.
Same can be withdrawn within seven days if needed,
Thus old 15 CA/CB by newly e-filed CA/CB would be superseded.
A point to be noted here is,
No doubt, there is a need to upgrade utilities from time to time.
In the same way the need of the hour is,
Everyone is to keep themselves always fully fit&fine with the passage of time!
There is a S0190 code as per list specified by RBI i want to know what is meaning of ECD offices in that poin
Clearly its a slow news day
Nice way of explaining the whole procedure…