CBDT Order designating web portal www.incometax.gov.in as the designated portal for the purpose of Income Tax Faceless Assessment Scheme
National Faceless Assessment Centre, Delhi
2nd Floor, E-Romp
Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, Delhi-110003
Phone No 011-24360103
F. No. CIT (NaFAC)-1/2021-22/203
Dated: 29.06.2021
I am directed to hereby designate the web portal www.incometax.gov.in as the “designated portal” for the purpose of Faceless Assessment in terms of Explanation (i) to section144B(I) of the Income-tax Act.
This issues with the approval of the Principal Chief Commissioner of Income-tax (National Faceless Assessment Centre), New Delhi.
(Ashish Abrol)
CIT (NaFAC)-1,
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1. Webmaster, Incometax.gov.in.
2. Webmaster, Incometaxindia.gov.in.
(Ashish Abrol)
CIT (NaFAC)-1,
There are a lot of issues unresolved since almost last 2 years because of new implementation of faceless proceedings
No one like CA, advocates and consutants are come forward to help individual assessee to handle their matter. The tax practitioners are interested to corporate companies as their clients when handling their tax matters before the authorities. Many of individual taxpayers may not be tax experts nor they have time to spend more time except that they file their returns as honest tax payers. When it comes different of view points they’re helpless to understand the issue in legal languages to get their matters argue in faceless forum
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