Board of Studies, being the students interface with the Institute, brings out a variety of educational inputs to assist the students in their learning process. These include Study Materials, Practice Manuals, Supplementary Study Papers, Select Cases in Direct and Indirect Tax Laws and Revision Test Papers. All these publications are also hosted at the BoS Knowledge Portal on the Institute’s website Students are encouraged to make full use of the educational inputs of Board of Studies.
Students may note that any error in the printed BoS publications and the corresponding correction thereto are brought to the notice of students by way of Corrigendum hosted alongside the relevant publication(s) in the BoS Knowledge Portal and/or through Student Journal. Simultaneously, corrections are also incorporated in the webhosted edition of the relevant publication(s).
Students are advised to visit the BoS Knowledge Portal for updates and read the BoS Announcements hosted on the Institute’s website and/or published in the Student Journal for necessary clarifications. Students are advised not to pay heed to information circulated by outside sources.