Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue
NACIN Complex, Sector-29, Faridabad-121008
Telephone : 0129-2504652-54
Fax : 0129-2504632
Archana P Tiwari
Director General
F. No. 11(11)102/2016-17- NACIN
Dated: 08.01.2018
i) Additional Director General, NACIN Zonal Training Institutes, Delhi, Chandigarh, Jaipur, Bhopal, Vadodara, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bengaluru, Kochi, Chennai, Vizag, Bhubneshwar, Kolkata, Shillong, Patna, and Kanpur;
ii) Additional/Joint Director, NACIN Regional Training Institutes, Ranchi and Raipur.
Subject: Training of officers on E-way Bill system – reg.
As per the decision of GST Council, a nation-wide E-way Bill system is to be introduced with effect from 01.02.2018 for all inter-State movement and with effect from 01.06.2018 for all intra-State movement. It is, therefore, important that officers of Central Tax administration are properly trained in handling the new system.
2. In view of above, two Trainings of Trainers (ToTs) are being organized by NACIN, one at ZTI, Bangalore on 12.01.2018, and another at NACIN, Faridabad on 18.01.2018. All CGST Zones and DGGSTI have been requested to nominate at least three officers. These ToTs are expected to deliver Master Trainers, which are required to be roped in for further training of CBEC officers across the country. A list of Master Trainers along with their contact details will be made available as soon as the above said ToTs are over.
3. All ZTIs/RTIs are, therefore, requested to plan well in advance trainings of filed officers of CGST Zones and DGGSTI in consultation with Zonal Pr Chief Commissioners / Chief Commissioners / DGGSTI. These trainings are required to be delivered, to the extent possible, within January 2018.
(Archana P Tiwari)
Director General
Copy to: All Chief Commissioners / Chief Commissioners, CGST Zones and DG, GSTI for information and necessary action