Vanaja N. Sarna
Dated 16th June, 2017
Dear Colleagues,
This week, I am happy to inform that DoPT has approved relaxation of the eligibility service for promotion of 2008 batch officers to the grade of Joint Commissioners during the vacancy year 2017-18 with effect from 1st July, 2017. This will help the department fill the existing vacancies in this crucial grade. We are proposing to hold the DPC shortly so that the officers are promoted from the effective date.
Member(Budget) vide his letter dated 14th June, 2017 has requested all the Chief Commissioners to ensure better revenue mobilization through continuous administrative measures and hard work in the remaining part of the current fiscal. I would like to re-iterate this request to all the Chief Commissioners to personally ensure an increased revenue growth in the remaining part of the fiscal year.
On the GST front, as on date, 27 States/UTs have passed the SGST laws. The remaining States which are yet to pass the legislation are Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, Kerala and Tamil Nadu.
On 15th June, 2017, I along with Member(GST & IT) and Member(Admin) had a video conference with the Chief Commissioners of Central Excise and Service Tax formations. We discussed the preparedness of the field formations for the roll out of GST, administrative and IT issues. I was happy to receive feedback from the field formations and would like to congratulate each one of you for the efforts being put in by all of you.
I was particularly happy to be informed by the Chief Commissioner, Hyderabad Zone that he has developed a guidance manual for GST Sewa Kendras in English and Hindi which he has shared with me. Since this manual would be useful for all zones, my office will be circulating soft copies of the said manual to all Chief Commissioners to replicate the same taking into account the specifics of their own zones.
The roll out of GST on the 1st of July, 2017 is a reality. This historical day needs to be celebrated with great joy across the country. I am happy to share with you all a proposal given by Chief Commissioner, Hyderabad Zone to publicly celebrate this event by decorating all the buildings and premises of GST Commissionerates/offices of CBEC with lights etc. and the GST slogan “One Nation – One Tax – One Market” prominently displayed. This would go a long way in reinforcing to the tax administrations and the public at large that GST shall forge strong and enduring partnership amongst the centre, state, taxpayers and the common man. A similar suggestion can also be given to State Commercial Tax offices by you in your jurisdiction though they may also be making plans to celebrate the roll out of GST.
In my earlier communication dated 12th May, 2017, I had requested the officers and staff of CBEC to write articles in newspapers and magazines covering various aspects of GST in English, Hindi and other local languages. I had at that time also indicated that such articles should be sent to GST Policy Wing for vetting before being published. However, during the video conference, some concerns of delay was expressed and it was decided that the Chief Commissioners could vet such articles at their own level ensuring correctness of content.
I know all of you must have fully immersed yourselves in sorting out various aspects of GST. Undoubtedly, a lot has been done, but more needs to be attended to during the time we have up to the roll out. In this historical journey, we must ensure that we work closely with the state tax administration so as to ensure a strong partnership which will go a long way in helping us combinedly achieve the objectives of GST.
with warm wishes,
Yours sincerely,
(Vanaja N. Sarna)
All officers and staff of Central Board of Excise and Customs