Central Board of Excise and Customs on 21st December 2017 issued 4 notifications, 4 circulars and 1 order, whereby due date to file return in forms GSTR-05, GSTR-05A, CMP-03 & ITC-01 was again extended further to 31st January 2018.
Some amendments were also made in Form GSTR-01, Form RFD-01 and Form RFD-01A regarding deemed exports and refund on account of inverted tax structure.
Four circulars were issued to clarify the provisions regarding
(a) treatment of supply by an artist in various States and supply of goods by artists from galleries,
(b) maintenance of books of accounts relating to additional place of business by a principal or an auctioneer for the purpose of auction of tea, coffee, rubber etc. meant for supply through an auction,
(c) manual filing and processing of refund claims on account of inverted duty structure, deemed exports and excess balance in electronic cash ledger and
(d) manual filing of applications for Advance Ruling and appeals before Appellate Authority for Advance Ruling.
All these clarifications, amendments and provisions have been discussed in details in tabular format as presented below:
Central Tax Notifications:
Purpose | Notification Number |
Thirteenth amendment to CGST Rules, 2017
1. Changes in GSTR-01
2. Changes in RFD-01
3. Changes in RFD-01A
Notification No. 70/2017–Central Tax Dated: 21/12/2017 |
Date extension GST Returns & Forms
Seeks to extend the time limit for furnishing the return in FORM GSTR-5A for the months of July, 2017, August, 2017, September, 2017, October, 2017, November, 2017 and December, 2017 by a person supplying online information and database access or retrieval services from a place outside India to a non-taxable online recipient, till the 31st day of January, 2018. |
Notification No. 69/2017–Central Tax Dated: 21/12/2017 |
Date extension GST Returns & Forms
Seeks to extend the time limit for furnishing the return by a non-resident taxable person, in FORM GSTR-5, for the months of July, 2017, August, 2017, September, 2017, October, 2017, November, 2017 and December, 2017 till the 31st day of January, 2018. |
Notification No. 68/2017–Central Tax Dated: 21/12/2017 |
Date extension GST Returns & Forms
Seeks to extend the time limit for furnishing FORM GST ITC-01, by the registered persons, who have become eligible during the months of July, 2017, August, 2017, September, 2017, October, 2017 and November, 2017 to the effect that they are eligible to avail the input tax credit under sub-section (1) of section 18 of the said Act, till the 31st day of January, 2018. Note: ITC-01 is required to be filed under section 18(1) to avail Credit of Input Tax on Stock held:
Notification No. 67/2017–Central Tax Dated: 21/12/2017 |
GST Orders
Order No. & Date of Issue | Subject |
Order-11/2017-GST date 21-12-2017 | Extension of time limit for filing intimation of details of stock held on the date preceding the date from which the option to pay tax under composition scheme in FORM GST CMP-03 is extended till 31stJanuary, 2018 |
GST Circulars
Circular No. & Date of Issue | Subject |
Circular No. 25/25/2017 dated 21-12-2017 | Manual filing of applications for Advance Ruling and appeals before Appellate Authority for Advance Ruling
Till the advance ruling module is made available on the common portal, the following conditions and procedure are prescribed for the manual filing and processing of the applications. The application for advance ruling or the appeal before the Appellate Authority shall be filed in the jurisdictional office of the respective State Authority for Advance Ruling or the State Appellate Authority for Advance Ruling respectively. Form and Manner of Application to the Authority for Advance Ruling • An application for obtaining an advance ruling, shall be made in quadruplicate, in FORM GST ARA-01. • The application shall clearly state the question on which the advance ruling is sought. • The application shall be accompanied by a fee of five thousand rupees which is to be deposited online by the applicant. • The applicant has to fill his details using “Generate User ID for Advance Ruling” under “User Services”. After entering the email id and mobile number, a One Time Password (OTP) shall be sent to the email id. Upon submission of OTP, Systems shall generate a temporary ID and send it to the declared email and mobile number of the applicant. On the basis of this ID, the applicant can make the payment of the fee of Rs. 5,000/- each under the CGST and the respective SGST Act. • The applicant is then required to download and take a print of the challan and file the application with the Authority for Advance Ruling. • The application, the verification contained therein and all the relevant documents accompanying such application shall be signed- (a) in the case of an individual, by the individual himself or where he is absent from India, by some other person duly authored by him in this behalf, and where the individual is mentally incapacitated from attending to his affairs, by his guardian or by any other person competent to act on his behalf; (b) in the case of a Hindu Undivided Family, by a Karta and where the Karta is absent from India or is mentally incapacitated from attending to his affairs, by any other adult member of such family or by the authorized signatory of such Karta; (c) in the case of a company, by the Chief Executive Officer or the authorized signatory thereof; (d) in the case of a Government or any Governmental agency or local authority, by an officer authorized in this behalf; (e) in the case of a firm, by any partner thereof, not being a minor or the authorized signatory thereof; (f) in the case of any other association, by any member of the association or persons or the authorized signatory thereof; (g) in the case of a trust, by the trustee or any trustee or the authorized signatory thereof; or (h) in the case of any other person, by some person competent to act on his behalf, or by a person authorized in accordance with the provisions of section 48 of the CGST Act. Form and Manner of Appeal to the Appellate Authority for Advance Ruling • An appeal against the advance ruling shall be made by an applicant in quadruplicate, in FORM GST ARA-02. • It shall be accompanied by a fee of ten thousand rupees to be deposited online. • An appeal made by the concerned officer or the jurisdictional officer shall be filed in quadruplicate, in FORM GST ARA-03 and no fee shall be payable by the said officer for filing the appeal. • The appeal shall be filed within a period of thirty days from the date on which the ruling sought to be appealed against is communicated to the applicant or the concerned officer or the jurisdictional officer, as the case maybe. • The appeal, the verification contained therein and all the relevant documents accompanying such appeal shall be signed- (a) in the case of the concerned officer or jurisdictional officer, by an officer authorized in writing by such officer; and (b) in the case of an applicant, in the manner specified in Para 5 above. |
Circular No. 24/24/2017 dated 21-12-2017 | Manual filing and processing of refund claims on account of inverted duty structure, deemed exports and excess balance in electronic cash ledger.
Eligibility Due to the non-availability of the refund module on the common portal, it has been decided by the competent authority, on the recommendations of the Council, that the applications/ documents/forms pertaining to refund claims on account of inverted duty structure (including supplies in terms of notification Nos. 40/2017-Central Tax (Rate)and 41/2017-Integrated Tax (Rate) both dated 23.10.2017), deemed exports and excess balance in electronic cash ledger shall be filed and processed manually till further orders. In this regard, the Board, in exercise of its powers conferred under section 168 (1) of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 hereby clarifies that the provisions of Circular No. 17/17/2017-GST dated 15.11.2017 shall also be applicable to the following types of refund inasmuch as they pertain to the method of filing of the refund claim and its processing which is consistent with the relevant provisions of the CGST Act, 2017 (hereafter referred to as ‘the CGST Act’) and the CGST Rules, 2017 (hereafter referred to as ‘the CGST Rules’):- (i) refund of unutilized input tax credit where the credit has accumulated on account of rate of tax on inputs being higher than the rate of tax on output supplies (other than nil rated or fully exempt supplies) of goods or services or both except those supplies which are notified by the Government on the recommendations of the Council (section 54(3) of the CGST Act refers); (ii) refund of tax on the supply of goods regarded as deemed exports; and (iii) refund of balance in the electronic cash ledger. Frequency & Timing It is clarified that refund claims in respect of zero-rated supplies and on account of inverted duty structure, deemed exports and excess balance in electronic cash ledger shall be filed for a tax period on a monthly basis in FORM GST RFD-01A.However, in case registered persons having aggregate turnover of up to Rs1.5 crore in the preceding financial year or the current financial year are opting to file FORM GSTR-1 quarterly (notification No. 57/2017-Central Tax dated 15.11.2017 refers), such persons shall apply for refund on a quarterly basis. Further, it is stated that the refund claim for a tax period may be filed only after filing the details in FORM GSTR-1 for the said tax period. It is also to be ensured that a valid return in FORM GSTR-3B has been filed for the last tax period before the one in which the refund application is being filed. Statements, Declarations and Undertakings Since the date of furnishing of FORM GSTR 1 from July, 2017 on wards has been extended while the dates of furnishing of FORM GSTR 2 and FORM GSTR 3 for such period are yet to be notified, it has been decided by the competent authority to sanction refund of provisionally accepted input tax credit at this juncture. So, the registered persons applying for refund must give an undertaking to the effect that the amount of refund sanctioned would be paid back to the Government with interest in case it is found subsequently that the requirements of clause (c) of sub-section (2) of section 16 read with sub-section (2) of sections 42 of the CGST Act have not been complied with in respect of the amount refunded. This undertaking should be submitted manually along with the refund claim in FORM RFD-01A till the same is available on the common portal. So, in case of refund claim arising due to inverted duty structure, Statement 1 and Statement 1Aof FORM GST RFD-01A have to be filled. In case of Deemed Exports, CGST Rules allows the recipient or the supplier to apply for refund of tax paid on such deemed export supplies. In case such refund is sought by the supplier of deemed export supplies, the documentary evidences as specified in notification No. 49/2017-Central Tax dated 18.10.2017 are also required to be furnished which includes an undertaking by the recipient of deemed export supplies that he shall not claim the refund in respect of such supplies and that no input tax credit on such supplies has been availed of by him. The undertaking should be submitted manually along with the refund claim. Similarly, in case the refund is filed by the recipient of deemed export supplies, an undertaking by the supplier of deemed export supplies that he shall not claim the refund in respect of such supplies is also required to be furnished manually. Statement 5B of FORM GST RFD-01A is required to be furnished for claiming refund on supplies declared as deemed exports. It is also clarified that the drawback of all taxes under GST (Central Tax, Integrated Tax, State/Union Territory Tax) should not have been availed while claiming refund of accumulated ITC under section 54(3)(ii) of the CGST Act. A declaration to this effect forms part of FORM GST RFD-01A as well. Authority and Procedure Para 2.5 of Circular No. 17/17/2017-GST dated 15.11.2017 may be referred to in order to ascertain the jurisdictional proper officer to whom the manual application for refund is to be submitted. Where any amount claimed as refund is rejected under rule 92 of the CGST Rules, either fully or partly, the amount debited, to the extent of rejection, shall be re-credited to the electronic credit ledger by an order made in FORM GST RFD-1B until the FORM GST PMT-03 is available on the common portal. Further, the payment of the sanctioned refund amount shall be made only by the respective tax authority of the Central or State Government. Thus, the refund order issued either by the Central tax authority or the State tax/UT tax authority shall be communicated to the concerned counter part tax authority within seven working days for the purpose of payment of the relevant sanctioned refund amount of tax or cess, as the case may be. This time limit of seven working days is also applicable to refund claims in respect of zero-rated supplies being processed as per Circular No. 17/17/2017-GST dated 15.11.2017 as against the time limit of three days prescribed in para 4 of the said Circular. It must be ensured that the timelines specified under section 54(7) and rule 91(2) of the CGST Rules for the sanction of refund are adhered to. In order to facilitate sanction of refund amount of central tax and State tax by the respective tax authorities, it has been decided that both the Central and State Tax authority shall nominate nodal officer(s) for the purpose of liasioning through a dedicated e-mail id. Where the amount of central tax and State tax refund is ordered to be sanctioned provisionally by the Central tax authority and a sanction order is passed in accordance with the provisions of rule 91(2) of the CGST Rules, the Central tax authority shall communicate the same, through the nodal officer, to the State tax authority for making payment of the sanctioned refund amount in relation to State tax and vice versa. The aforesaid communication shall primarily be made through e-mail attaching the scanned copies of the sanction order [FORM GST RFD-04 and FORM GST RFD-06], the application for refund in FORM GST RFD-01A and the Acknowledgement Receipt Number (ARN). Accordingly, the jurisdictional proper officer of Central or State Tax, as the case may be, shall issue FORM GST RFD-05 and send it to the DDO for onward transmission for release of payment. After release of payment by the respective PAO to the applicant’s bank account, the nodal officer of Central tax and State tax authority shall inform each other. The manner of communication as referred earlier shall be followed at the time of final sanctioning of the refund also. In case of refund claim for the balance amount in the electronic cash ledger, upon filing of FORM GST RFD-01A as per the procedure laid down in para 2.4 of Circular No. 17/17/2017-GST dated 15.11.2017, the amount of refund claimed shall get debited in the electronic cash ledger. |
Circular No. 23/23/2017 dated 21-12-2017 | Maintenance of books of accounts relating to additional place of business by a principal or an auctioneer for the purpose of auction of tea, coffee, rubber etc. meant for supply through an auction.
It was clarified that in case of supply of tea, coffee, rubber, etc. where the auctioneer claims ITC in respect of the supply made to him by the principal before the auction of such goods and the said goods are supplied only through auction: • The principal and the auctioneer are required to declare warehouses where such goods are stored as their additional place of business. The buyer is also required to disclose such warehouse as his additional place of business if he wants to store the goods purchased through auction in such warehouses. • Both the principal and the auctioneer are required to maintain the books of accounts relating to each and every place of business in that place itself. However, in case difficulties are faced in maintaining the books of accounts, they may maintain the books of accounts relating to the additional place(s) of business at their principal place of business instead of such additional place(s). • Such principal or auctioneer shall intimate their jurisdictional proper officer in writing about the maintenance of books of accounts relating to additional place(s) of business at their principal place of business. |
Circular No. 22/22/2017 dated 21-12-2017 | Clarification on issues regarding treatment of supply by an artist in various States and supply of goods by artists from galleries.
It was clarified that: • The art work for supply on approval basis can be moved from the place of business of the registered person (artist) to another place within the same State or to a place outside the State on a delivery challan along with the e-way bill wherever applicable and the invoice may be issued at the time of actual supply of art work. • The supplies of the art work from one State to another State will be inter-State supplies and attract integrated tax in terms of section 5 of the Integrated Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017. • In case of supply by artists through galleries, there is no consideration flowing from the gallery to the artist when the art works are sent to the gallery for exhibition and therefore, the same is not a supply. It is only when the buyer selects a particular art work displayed at the gallery, that the actual supply takes place and applicable GST would be payable at the time of such supply. |
12% for above Rs 999
sir plz let me know the the rate of tax on readymade garments abv 1000 ..
Thank u