Due date for filing Form ITC-04 (details of job work challans), in respect of inputs/capital goods sent to a job worker or received from a job worker, during the quarter (October to December 2020) is 25-01-2021
Login to www.gst.gov.in ->Go to Services -> In the drop-down click on Returns -> ITC Forms
Due date for Filing GSTR- 3B Return for December, 2020 for GST Registered dealers Whose Aggregate Annual Turnover is up to Rs. 5 Crore during FY 2019-20 and having principal place of business in State Group 2
State Group 2 includes States of Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Uttarakhand, Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura, Meghalaya, Assam, West Bengal, Jharkhand and Odisha, the Union territories of Jammu and Kashmir, Ladakh, Chandigarh and Delhi
Remember to file your monthly GSTR- 3B Return for December, 2020 on or before 24-01-2021
Late filing of GSTR-3B return will attract late fee and interest
Login to www.gst.gov.in → Go to Services → In this drop-down click on Return → Return Dashboard → Select the correct financial year and return filing period → Look for the file that says, “Monthly Return GSTR-3B,” and select “Prepare Online”